The Great Riddle Of The Ark Of The Covenant - Alternative View

The Great Riddle Of The Ark Of The Covenant - Alternative View
The Great Riddle Of The Ark Of The Covenant - Alternative View

Video: The Great Riddle Of The Ark Of The Covenant - Alternative View

Video: The Great Riddle Of The Ark Of The Covenant - Alternative View
Video: Great Riddles in Archaeology: The Ark of the Covenant: Lost, Found, or Forgotten? 2024, July

One of the most sacred artifacts of the three religions of the world - Christianity, Islam and Judaism - the Ark of the Covenant. Legends were formed about him, the greatest archaeologists and adventurers in the world were looking for him. Today, the Ark is the unattainable dream of many scientists, as its exact location has not been known since the 6th century BC. So what is this mysterious artifact that disappeared so suddenly?

According to the Old Testament tradition, on Mount Sinai, the holy prophet Moses received from God 10 commandments, which were to be strictly observed. However, they also received not only an accurate description of where and how the Laws should be kept, but also who should fulfill the will of God. “And the Lord said to Moses: Make the Ark of acacia wood: its length is two cubits and a half, and its width is one and a half cubits, and it is one and a half cubits high (1.25 meters long and 0.75 meters wide and high, respectively (approx. author); and overlay it with pure gold … Make also a lid of pure gold … and make two cherubim out of gold … And put the lid on the Ark from above, and in the Ark put the revelation that I will give you; there I will reveal myself to you and speak with you over the roof, in the midst of the two cherubim that are over the Ark of the testimony. Look, make them after the patternwhich is shown to you on the mountain [Exodus, ch. 25]. And the Lord said to Moses: Look, I am appointing Beseliel, the son of Uri, the son of Orob, from the tribe of Judah; and I filled him with the Spirit of God, wisdom, understanding, knowledge and all art … I give him Aholiab, the son of Achisomachus, from the tribe of Dan as an assistant, and in the heart of every wise man I will put wisdom so that they do everything that I have commanded you [Exodus, ch … 31] ". How important was the Ark to God if he gave such precise instructions on how to make it? What power did the great artifact have?and in the heart of every wise man I will put wisdom so that they do everything that I have commanded you [Exodus, ch. 31] ". How important was the Ark to God if he gave such precise instructions on how to make it? What power did the great artifact have?and in the heart of every wise man I will put wisdom so that they do everything that I have commanded you [Exodus, ch. 31] ". How important was the Ark to God if he gave such precise instructions on how to make it? What power did the great artifact have?


We have only the names of the masters, but all their further actions to create the mysterious Ark are hidden. It is not known who the mystical keeper of the Tablets of Moses really was. But, according to the Old Testament, thanks to the Ark, it was not only possible to communicate with God. It stopped the waters of the Jordan River, and when it was carried it was almost weightless, which is simply unrealistic for an artifact lined with pure gold. The Ark played a decisive role in the capture of the impregnable Jericho. And if necessary, he defeated the enemies of the Jewish people.

Andrey Sklyarov, director of the III Millennium Science Development Fund, notes: “He served as a kind of weapon, once; a source of some, perhaps, ray energy, two; and above all else, he was a means of communication with God. All these events in the Old Testament cannot be considered fiction. It just goes against common sense."


So what really was the Great Ark of the Covenant: the storehouse of the Laws or the most powerful weapon? What are the true reasons for his disappearance?

Unfortunately, without a detailed study of the mysterious artifact, it is impossible to answer these questions. However, today a much greater mystery is the location of the mystically lost Ark of the Covenant.

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In 587 BC. Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem. Jewish temples were destroyed, treasures and ancient relics were plundered. Chaos has come to sacred land. From that moment on, the Great Ark seemed to disappear from the face of the earth.


According to one version, it was taken out long before the invasion of Israel by the Babylonian troops. The shrine, accompanied by twelve high priests, was first transported to Egypt, to the town of Ber ha-Neshamot, which literally means "well of souls", from where it got to the island of Ives (Elephantine) - the Nile River. The Great Ark was kept for about two hundred years in a specially built temple, which was an exact copy of the Jerusalem temple. But then the temple was destroyed, and the Ark was transported to Ethiopia on the island of Tana-Kirkos. For a long time, the sacred artifact was placed in a huge tent and was available to everyone who wants to see a mysterious relic. With the arrival of Christians, the Ark began to be guarded more reliably. And then it was completely transported to Aksum, where it is kept to this day in the Cathedral of the Most Holy Virgin Mary of Zion, hidden from prying eyes.


According to another version, the Ark was transported to the cathedral by the son of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon - Menelik, who was accompanied by 12 high priests. In support of this version, many scientists express themselves, more than once noting the strange fact that before the 4th century A. D. an abandoned country in the heart of Africa practiced Judaism. Many of the Ethiopian Jews to this day claim that they are the descendants of those 12 priests.

David Flynn, an archaeological scientist, claims that the Ark was simply poorly searched, and it is kept today in one of the countless dungeons of the Temple Mount. The permission of the authorities is enough to find him.


Meanwhile, Ron Wyatt, the celebrated antiquities seeker, and his sons notified the Israeli authorities that they had managed to find the Greatest Shrine of the Three Religions. According to them, the Ark is located in a cave covered with stones on Calvary. However, the authorities advised the overly curious treasure hunter to keep quiet and not trumpet about the find. Whether this is so is unknown. But the press did not receive accurate information fully confirming the sensational discovery from reliable sources.


When will the Great Ark be found, or was it never lost, but, according to one version, is kept in the Ethiopian temple today? It remains an insoluble mystery. But, if you follow the prophecies of all three Divine religions, then the Ark of the Covenant was hidden in its place. It will open only with the arrival of the new Messiah, who will present the Greatest Shrine as a gift to those who honor the name of God.