In The USA, The Statue Of The Virgin Mary Cried With Oil With The Scent Of Roses - Alternative View

In The USA, The Statue Of The Virgin Mary Cried With Oil With The Scent Of Roses - Alternative View
In The USA, The Statue Of The Virgin Mary Cried With Oil With The Scent Of Roses - Alternative View

Video: In The USA, The Statue Of The Virgin Mary Cried With Oil With The Scent Of Roses - Alternative View

Video: In The USA, The Statue Of The Virgin Mary Cried With Oil With The Scent Of Roses - Alternative View
Video: the scent of roses 2024, July

In the city of Hobbs (United States, New Mexico), another miracle happened: the statue of the Virgin Mary began to flow myrrh. Tears have an oily texture with a rose scent.

The Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces said a sample of tears was sent to scientists for analysis. After a while, the specialists sent the result. It turned out that the Virgin Mary was "crying" with flavored olive oil. The scent, according to parishioners, is similar to the scent of roses.

The perplexed bishop decided to check the inside of the statue. To everyone's surprise, he saw nothing there, except for the cobweb. Later, the priest contacted the manufacturer of the statue to make sure that there was no production fluid that could theoretically remain. The manufacturers stated that only wax is used in liquid bronze casting, however, it completely disappears under the influence of high temperatures.

Father Cantu is now conducting his own investigation. He does not exclude the possibility that the tears may be mystified. However, the priest has not found evidence of this to this day. If the authenticity of the tears is confirmed, then the church will have to find out if they come from God or demonic forces.