Inhabited Moon - Alternative View

Inhabited Moon - Alternative View
Inhabited Moon - Alternative View

Video: Inhabited Moon - Alternative View

Video: Inhabited Moon - Alternative View
Video: What if the Moon Was Habitable? 2024, July

The observations of American astronomer Stephen James O'Miar have re-energized the debate over whether there is "someone else" on the moon. This is what was said in one of the most shocking publications of George Leonard, which was called - "There is someone else on the moon." Leonard then analyzed thousands of photographs of the lunar (surface and then stated that in the photographs one can see colossal (up to five miles in diameter) earth-moving machines, other mechanical equipment, as well as all kinds of structures that are clearly not of natural origin. In his opinion, the moon is inhabited by a certain race of living creatures, whose signal lights we have clearly seen for a long time, and because of them, they say, the space race to the Moon began in the 60s of the XX century.

In general, there have been many such publications and oral statements. Some said that the Moon could well “dock” to our planet at someone's will, and from there it was (or is it being?) Observing the Earth. And Nikolai Grechanik, if you remember, suggested that "several alien races live and work on the Moon." This explains the presumptive presence of a metal "shell" inside the planet - at a depth of 70 kilometers, and a high-frequency signal repeated every half hour, and the presence of about 580 lunar anomalies, which are difficult or impossible to explain. Therefore, apparently, not all craters can be considered natural geological! formations or meteorite "wounds". There are, probably, traces of the technogenic activity of some intelligent beings. For example,near the Copernicus crater, a transparent oblong dome was once seen, towering over the edge of the rampart. And, as reported, the dome has a strange feature - it shines from the inside with a blue-white light. And not far from this crater there is a perfectly regular rectangular platform measuring 300x400 m. And now a fresh sensation! And it is also associated with Copernicus crater. In the February (2003) issue of Sky & Telescope, Stephen James O'Miara said that several years ago he noticed something more than strange on the Moon - a deep hole in the vertical wall of the crater. He writes that for the first time all sorts of "non-standard" thoughts and questions appeared to him on December 19, 1996, when one day at dusk - just by a whim - he turned his four-inch refractor telescope to the Moon. It was the third day of the first lunar quarter, and,Despite the visual confusion that the alternation of day and night brings, the astronomer's eye immediately caught a tiny shadow inside the Copernicus crater. At 23x magnification, the northern inner wall of the crater looked like someone painted a spiral on its surface with a spray gun, as do graffiti lovers.

“When I magnified five times more,” writes O'Miara, “the spiral image seemed to shrink towards a darker center, which, as far as I could tell, was a hole in the crater wall, and it seemed completely black, like liquid produced by cuttlefish."

For some reason, this caused the astronomer to associate with the cave of the ancient troglodytes who once lived in the southwestern United States and made their homes high in the wall of cliffs. “I immediately began to sketch,” continues O'Miara, “I marked it, and when finished, I made the inscription next to the drawing: 'Peter in Copernicus Crater.' By 9.30 pm the shadow had already moved from the "cave", so that it became more blurred, and then completely disappeared.

Intrigued, O'Miara decided to check if this phenomenon would happen again the next time the Moon was seen from a suitable angle. However, he did not see anything special that evening. And then it turned out that an unfavorable coincidence of circumstances did not allow him to see the "cave" again for more than a year - until January 7, 1998. Alas, even

and that night he was late for about an hour and could not see everything properly. And although some part of the spiral structure was still visible on the north wall of the crater, he hoped for more. “And the black hole of the cave, at the sight of which in 1996 my eyes widened in amazement, was now just a fuzzy rectangular patch of deep penumbra,” laments O'Miara.

A month later, on February 6, 1998, the observation brought another disappointment. This time we managed to see the outer and inner turns of the spiral, but instead of the central depression, there was only one more darkening.

It became clear that it would not be as easy to catch that “cave” through the lens as it was thought at first. And then O'Miara decided to publish the results of his observations and appeal to astronomers with an appeal - let's, they say, look for everything together. In his February article, O'Miara provided a list of favorable dates for observing the "cave." He, however, fully admits that this very "cave" may be just a natural formation of the lunar landscape. But maybe in 1996 he saw something like the entrance to the tunnel leading to the underground (sublunary) base, if so, whose? And maybe it was at that moment that the entrance to the tunnel was opened, and then it was closed?..

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Such a call to colleagues to join the search is by no means a trifle, since Stephen O'Miara is far from a beginner in astronomy. His telescope is in Hawaii, and this telescope has seen a lot.

But there is also something else interesting in the archives related to the observations of Stephen O'Miar. On November 24, 1966, the Lunar Orbiter 2 spacecraft was 46 kilometers from the lunar surface and was "looking" northward when a curious view of Copernicus crater was captured at a certain angle. The central peaks of the crater were below the center of the image, and above them (on the north wall) - just the area that O'Miara talks about in connection with the "cave". And there really was something strange. Joseph Traynor, editor of the UFO ROUNDUP, has done this experiment. He took two copies of the February (2003) Sky & Telescope magazine, laid them next to each other on the table, opened them on the page where O'Miar's article is, and then based on those taken at an angle,Using special binoculars, he created a three-dimensional image of Copernicus crater using images from the lunar Orbiter-2. “It looks like there is one or more dark spots on the north wall just where O'Miara is pointing,” writes Traynor. “The spot on the right, east, is almost rectangular in shape. This could be the entrance to a typical lava tube similar to those found in Hawaii. But, on the other hand, do not exclude the artificial origin of this rectangle, that is, someone could have gouged a hole on the vertical wall of the crater.similar to those found in Hawaii. But, on the other hand, do not exclude the artificial origin of this rectangle, that is, someone could have gouged a hole on the vertical wall of the crater.similar to those found in Hawaii. But, on the other hand, do not exclude the artificial origin of this rectangle, that is, someone could have gouged a hole on the vertical wall of the crater.

There is something else interesting in the pictures taken by the Lunar Obiter 2. At a magnification of 10-15 times, directly under the "cave" you can see something that resembles a country road approximately 1.7 kilometers long. It is possible that this road leads from the bottom of the crater to the "cave". Why can't this be said with certainty? Because in this place the view is obscured by a pile of rocks, and we cannot see whether the road reaches the very entrance of the "cave"

“To test this,” writes John Traynor, “I created the same“stereoscopic”version of Copernicus crater based on a photograph in David Hatcher Childress's book, Alien Archeology.” Both of the “spirals” mentioned in O'Miar's article on north wall of the crater ". In general, Copernicus crater is one of the most famous. And not only because it can be seen from the Earth even without a telescope (quite noticeable "rays" depart from it), but also because it is a kind of typical example of the lunar surface. If someone wants to show to what extent the Moon is disfigured by the impacts of cosmic bodies, then they will certainly remember this crater. It is located in the northern hemisphere of the planet, near the lunar Carpathian mountains. nearby is the Sea of Rains, over which some moving unidentified objects were most often seen.

The crater is considered relatively young (approximately 810 million years old) and in fact is a rounded mountain system that rises about 900 meters above the surrounding landscape. In many images, Copernicus crater looks flat, and sometimes convex, but all this is an illusion explained by the specifics of the shooting In fact, the crater is three to four kilometers deep. Can you imagine this looking at all these faceless, as if flat reliefs? Hardly.

The crater diameter is about a hundred kilometers. Its walls are almost vertical (which is also difficult to imagine), although they rise as if by "steps", and on the inner side of these walls traces of landslides are visible, as well as some mysterious gaps, one of which we are talking about here. In terms of its outlines, the crater is not entirely round, but rather a hexagon. It was photographed many times by the Apollo spacecraft, the Lunar Orbiter orbiter, the Clementine probe, etc. Small and strikingly light (only 147 kilograms) "Clementine" (flew in 1994-1995), created by order of the military, took 2.5 million (!) Images of the lunar surface in two and a half months. It was then that the fuss flared up - in the pictures they just did not notice! And bridges, and towers, and the ruins of ancient cities."Clementine" then received more than 80 images of Copernicus crater. However, he became famous back in 1966, when Lunar Orbiter-2 made a “photograph of the century” - for that time it was a sensation. Later, Apollo 17, the Hubble telescope and others took more spectacular pictures.

This crater continues to attract the attention of terrestrial observers. What are the secrets of the notorious "cave"? And if this is the entrance to the tunnel, where does it lead to? Maybe into that inner cavity that is covered with a metal shell? So the moon may well be an artificial satellite? Or was it natural, and then it was rebuilt, re-equipped? For what? Some do not doubt the existence of alien bases on the Moon. There are rumors about clashes between earthlings and extraterrestrial beings that took place there. There is even a chilling story about how the Soviet landing on the moon allegedly ended in tragedy, when one of the cosmonauts tried to shoot at some mechanical lunar device. And Brad Tiger in his book Mysteries of Time and Space mentionsthat on February 14, 1973, the Soviet Lunokhod stumbled upon an unusually smooth stone slab - something like the slabs from which we build panel houses. And this slab was strikingly reminiscent of the monolith that Arthur Clarke described in his book 2001: A Space Odyssey. What happened or is happening there? And why did both leading space powers suddenly lose interest in further expeditions to Selena? Really, as they said, the earthlings really received a warning that on the moon they are perceived as invaders. and it would be better for them not to open their mouths to other people's possessions? And weren't UFOs killing our probes there?What happened or is happening there? And why did both leading space powers suddenly lose interest in further expeditions to Selena? Really, as they said, the earthlings really received a warning that on the moon they are perceived as invaders. and it would be better for them not to open their mouths to other people's possessions? And weren't UFOs killing our probes there?What happened or is happening there? And why did both leading space powers suddenly lose interest in further expeditions to Selena? Really, as they said, the earthlings really received a warning that on the moon they are perceived as invaders. and it would be better for them not to open their mouths to other people's possessions? And weren't UFOs killing our probes there?

All this is said to the fact that there are a lot of mysteries associated with the Moon, which is why it is so important to study the available images and continue observations from the Earth, especially for craters. In some of them, as early as the 18th century, astronomers were intrigued by clearly visible lights. During the 20th century, the Aristarchus crater has repeatedly attracted attention with white flickering lights, which observers considered an optical illusion until they noticed that the lights sometimes break off the surface and take off. Back in the 60s of the XX century, this crater remained a source of strange light phenomena.

However, Aristarchus was not the only place where something incomprehensible was happening. Lights also appeared in Plato crater, which can be observed, for example, when vehicles move, as in a parade. The Apollo 8 astronauts noticed rays of light coming from one of the mountains there. It remained to assume one of two things: either everything told and written about the supposedly lifeless Moon is a lie, or its “tenants” have long been developing vigorous activity there and are busy doing something up to their throats.