How Did The "fighters Against Pseudoscience" Help The CIA Destroy Soviet Cybernetics? - Alternative View

How Did The "fighters Against Pseudoscience" Help The CIA Destroy Soviet Cybernetics? - Alternative View
How Did The "fighters Against Pseudoscience" Help The CIA Destroy Soviet Cybernetics? - Alternative View

Video: How Did The "fighters Against Pseudoscience" Help The CIA Destroy Soviet Cybernetics? - Alternative View

Video: How Did The
Video: Propaganda in the Soviet Union | Wikipedia audio article 2024, July

How “fighters against pseudoscience” love to tell various myths about how much they “saved” budget money from “useless” expenses on various kinds of “pseudoscientific” developments and technologies.”It was not for nothing that the now deceased academician Kruglyakov boasted that the several thousand different inventions and discoveries were "hacked", which were unfoundedly labeled "pseudoscience" only because they allegedly "violate the laws of physics."

They especially love one myth that the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was either spyana or in a "delirium" boasted to Academician Aleksandrov that he had allocated 50 million rubles for the technology of "obtaining energy from stone." Yes, it looks like it’s absurd, because when the word “stone”, for some reason, a kind of cobblestone from the pavement immediately appears.

But knowing the tendency of many "fighters against pseudoscience" to lie and reverse phrases, bringing their meaning to the point of absurdity, we can say with confidence that in fact, if such studies existed in reality, they were called completely differently. But if they were financed quite officially, then there should have been an article on them. Nevertheless, none of the "fighters against pseudoscience" could (or did not want to) explain the actual name of the technologies that Boris Yeltsin allegedly mentioned.

But the use of B. Yeltsin himself as a "scientific authority" on such technology, to put it mildly, is not correct. He could understand what he was told anyway. only at its "presidential", but not scientific level. And the absence of any mention of specific authors of such technology by "fighters against pseudoscience" clearly indicates that this bike is from the category of anecdotes. Moreover, Boris Yeltsin can no longer refute it.

And now let's say that there really is no smoke without fire, and some such research could be funded, although this is not a proven fact, but only speculations of some representatives of the pseudoscientific commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences. But let's replace the word "stone" with the word "crystal". And then the phrase “getting energy from a crystal” does not look so absurd and “pseudoscientific”.

Crystals are known to have unique properties. They are able to grow as living beings and are able to accumulate and store information. This last quality is actively used in electronics. Well, if they are able to accumulate and store information, then why not assume that they are able to accumulate and store energy. For example, solar. After all, solar panels are capable of this? Initially, they are charged with the energy of the Sun, and then this energy is converted into electrical energy. And thus no "physical laws of conservation" are violated. So why can't you do the same with crystals?

Yes, we do not know what was the essence of the technology that B. Yeltsin allegedly mentioned. But we do not know whether these projects of "getting energy from stone" actually existed. After all, the "fighters against pseudoscience" have not provided any concrete evidence of their presence. But let us assume that they are right, and the 50 million rubles that Boris Yeltsin allocated for these studies were really wasted. But has anyone ever tried to calculate the damage from the activities of the "fighters against pseudoscience"? For example, at least real economic damage from the defeat back in Soviet times of genetics and cybernetics?

But the country has really lost its priority in these industries, lagging behind its closest competitors for decades. The economic damage, not even counting the country's prestige, was enormous. And who actually benefited from it? Obviously not to our country and not to our people, but to those countries whose developments we are still forced to use to the detriment of our own national security and economic benefit.

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Do you know who actually planned this entire action to destroy promising developments in the field of Soviet cybernetics and even the Soviet Internet? It turns out that all this was carefully planned and implemented with the help of our "fighters against pseudoscience" by the CIA plan. For example, what you can read about this in the book of the teacher of the Academy of Information Systems E. Larina “Multiplying grief. How to survive in the era of war of elites ":

So, who did the action of our "fighters against pseudoscience" help to defend their interests, who branded cybernetics as "pseudoscience" and staged a real persecution of our cybernetics? It turns out that at least the "fighters against pseudoscience" turned out to be "agents of influence" of the CIA. But was it really just the stupidity and limitations of the "fighters against pseudoscience" who were unable to discern the "catch" of the US intelligence department? And although there really are such people in their ranks, this does not prevent them from making unfounded their "authoritative" verdicts on what is "science" and what is "pseudoscience."

Or maybe all this was a malicious intent aimed at undermining the prestige and economic independence of the USSR? After all, the case with genetics and cybernetics could be declared an "accidental oversight" if it were the only one. But it turns out that none of this story has drawn any conclusions? Isn't it because. that no one bore any responsibility for deliberate or unconscious betrayal of the interests of their state and their people? But aren't the current attempts of "fighters against pseudoscience" to prohibit homeopathy and impose GMOs that are dangerous for the health of the people on Russia are not all the same attempts to protect the interests of not their own state and people? Draw your own conclusion.

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