The Negative Impact Of Foul Language - Alternative View

The Negative Impact Of Foul Language - Alternative View
The Negative Impact Of Foul Language - Alternative View

Video: The Negative Impact Of Foul Language - Alternative View

Video: The Negative Impact Of Foul Language - Alternative View
Video: Using Swear Words, What's the Big Deal? - Sadhguru - Spiritual Life 2024, June

At present, the culture of communication in our society leaves much to be desired. It is not uncommon to use profanity, and the overwhelming majority of our fellow citizens use it. Swearing can be heard almost everywhere: in public places, in the family, in educational institutions. It is used to express a person's evil, which manifests itself as anger or defilement. And all would be fine, but the negative impact of the mat has a detrimental effect on us all. Its use immediately affects health, and not only those who utter swear words, but also those who are forced to listen to them. After all, even among the ancient Slavs, mate was a terrible spell or curse. That is why, until the middle of the 19th century, foul language in Russia was prohibited and subject to criminal punishment. And in the republics of the former USSR, for using obscene language in a public place, they were threatened with arrest for 15 days or an impressive fine.

Mats are "rotten" words that destroy a person's aura. According to old beliefs, it is generally accepted that if a woman uses obscene expressions, then “the earth is burning under her feet”. The meaning of this phrase is that cursing not only negatively affects the energy of the woman herself, but to some extent also destroys the biofield of the Earth.

In Christianity, it is generally accepted that evil spirits communicate in an obscene language.

Each of us clearly understands that mat clogs the tongue. It destroys the beauty of the language. The influence of the mat on the process of personality degradation is also great. A person who uses swear words is not able to express his thought in full, and with bad words fills in the gaps formed by his own feeble mind. Over the past 20 years, the number of children with developmental delays has increased tenfold, about 80% of newborns are not completely healthy, and the number of young people with chronic diseases has increased. There are many reasons explaining these rates, and the impact of mate on the health of the nation is one of them. The word, like a person, is a source of energy that spreads in space. A good word saturates it with positive energy, verbal negativity clogs up the space. If a person comes into contact with such energy,then this negatively affects his condition, often leads to illness.

Today it is an indisputable fact that diseases originate on the spiritual plane, in words, in thoughts, in emotions, in feelings, in human actions. High spiritual and moral qualities can stop the development of diseases. What is spirituality? What qualities do you need to develop in yourself? Of course, love, kindness, striving for knowledge, a sense of responsibility, understanding of beauty. Thus, everyone who uses foul language has two ways: to continue to express themselves in obscene language, knowing how great and dangerous is the influence of the mat on his life, or to grow spiritually, to improve himself, to look for ways of creation. Try for at least a month to do without foul language, and you will see what changes will occur in your life, your destiny, your health. Perhaps you will understand that by giving up the obscene dirty language, you will find the love of loved ones,clarity of thoughts, happiness and, of course, health.