Tartary - A Country That Occupied Almost The Entire Territory Of Eurasia And The Western Part Of North America - Alternative View

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Tartary - A Country That Occupied Almost The Entire Territory Of Eurasia And The Western Part Of North America - Alternative View
Tartary - A Country That Occupied Almost The Entire Territory Of Eurasia And The Western Part Of North America - Alternative View

Video: Tartary - A Country That Occupied Almost The Entire Territory Of Eurasia And The Western Part Of North America - Alternative View

Video: Tartary - A Country That Occupied Almost The Entire Territory Of Eurasia And The Western Part Of North America - Alternative View
Video: Alternate History: What If Every Continent Was A Country? 2024, September


TARTARIA is a country that relatively recently occupied almost the entire territory of Eurasia and the western part of North America! (look to the left - everything highlighted in orange on this map is Tartary)

This information exposes history and lifts the veil of the planned genocide of the Great country and its population, to which we all belong.

The real past of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and many other countries is hiding from us by all means. This makes it possible for manipulators to push together peoples and countries in confrontation in order to get their own benefit and prevent the peoples from uniting again and becoming an irresistible power, both spiritually and economically.

Until recently, the word Tartary was unknown to the vast majority of the inhabitants of our countries. The most that a Slavic person, who first heard him, had an association with, was the Greek mythological Tartarus, the well-known proverb “fall into the tartarars”, and, possibly, the notorious Mongol-Tatar yoke. In scientific works of past centuries, the largest country in the world is mentioned until the end of the 18th century, after which it was erased by falsifiers from world history.

Only a few sources have survived to this day where you can find mention of Tartary. Maps, encyclopedias, images of the inhabitants of the great Tartary, the genealogy of its rulers, writing - this is where the mention of the great country remained.

The history of RUSSIA is a history much more ancient than the officially recognized history asserted for a long time, and this, at last, is officially recognized in Russia !!! Consequently, it is recognized at the official level that the Tatar-Mongol yoke is a LIE from beginning to end.

From September 11 to October 20, 2013, an exhibition of old maps of the Russian Geographical Society was held at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts. 70 of more than 500 cards were presented. Maps of Scythia, Sarmatia, Tartaria, by which you can understand the entire vastness of Russian territories.

Promotional video:

Have you ever heard of such a country?

But even in the 19th century, both in Russia and in Europe, the memory of her was alive, many knew about her. The following fact serves as an indirect confirmation of this. In the middle of the 19th century, European capitals were fascinated by the brilliant Russian aristocrat Varvara Dmitrievna Rimskaya-Korsakova, whose beauty and wit made the wife of Napoleon III, Empress Eugenia, turn green with envy. The brilliant Russian was called "Venus from Tartarus".

In the British Encyclopedia of 1771, the Russian Empire, better known as the Great Tartary, is called the territory east of the Don, at the latitude of Samara to the Ural mountains and the entire territory east of the Ural mountains to the Pacific Ocean in the Asian:

As follows from the Encyclopedia Britannica of 1771, there was a huge country of Tartary, whose provinces were of different sizes. The largest province of this empire was called Great Tartary and covered the lands of Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia and the Far East. In the southeast, it was adjoined by Chinese Tartary [please do not confuse it with China]. In the south of Great Tartary there was the so-called Independent Tartary [Central Asia]. Tibetan Tartary (Tibet) was located northwest of China and southwest of Chinese Tartary. In the north of India there was Mongolian Tartary (Mogul Empire) (modern Pakistan). Uzbek Tartary (Bukaria) was sandwiched between Independent Tartary in the north; Chinese Tartary in the northeast; Tibetan Tartary in the southeast;Mongolian Tartary in the south and Persia in the southwest. There were also several Tartaries in Europe: Muscovite or Moscow Tartary, Kuban Tartars and Little Tartary.

What does Tartary mean and, as follows from the meaning of this word, it has nothing to do with modern Tatars, just as the Mongol Empire has nothing to do with modern Mongolia. Mongolian Tartary (Mogul Empire) is located on the site of modern Pakistan, while modern Mongolia is located in the north of modern China or between Great Tartary and Chinese Tartary."

Information about Great Tartary is also preserved in the 6-volume Spanish encyclopedia "Diccionario Geografico Universal" published in 1795, and, already in a slightly modified form, in later editions of Spanish encyclopedias. For example, back in 1928 in the Spanish encyclopedia "Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada Europeo-Americana" there is a rather extensive article about Tartary, which starts from page 790 and takes about 14 pages. This article contains a lot of true information about the Motherland of our ancestors - Great Tartary, but at the end the "spirit of the times" is already felt, and inventions appear that are familiar to us even now.

Here is a translation of a small fragment of the text of an article about Tartary from this Encyclopedia of 1928:

“Tartaria - for centuries this name has been applied to the entire territory of inner Asia, inhabited by hordes of Tartar-Mughals (tartaromogolas). The length of the territories bearing this name is distinguished by the area (distance) and the relief features of the 6 countries that bear this name.

Tartaria stretched from the Strait of Tartaria (the strait separating Sakhalin Island from the Asian continent) and the Tartaria mountain range (also known as the Sikhota Alin - coastal mountain range), which separates the sea from Japan and the already mentioned Strait of Tartaria on one side, and to the modern Tartar Republic, which extends to the Volga (both banks) and its tributary Kama in Russia; to the south are Mongolia and Turkestan. On the territory of this vast country lived tartars, nomads, rude, persistent and restrained, who in ancient times were called Scythians (escitas).

On old maps, Tartaria was the name for the northern part of the Asian continent. For example, on the Portuguese map of 1501-04, Tartaria was called a large territory that stretches between Isartus (Yaxartus) to Okcardo (Ob), to the Ural Mountains. On the map of Ortelius (1570), Tartary is the entire vast area from Catayo (China) to Muscovy (Russia).

On the map of J. B. Homman (1716), Tartary has an even greater extent: Great Tartaria (Tartaria Magna) stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Volga, including all of Mogolia, Kyrgyzstan and Turkestan. The last three countries were also called the Independent Nomadic Tartaria (Tartaria Vagabundomni Independent), which stretched from the Amur to the Caspian Sea. Finally, on the world map la Carte Generals de toutes les Cosies du Blonde et les pavs nouvellement decouveris, published in Amsterdam in 1710 by Juan Covens and Cornelio Mortier, Tartaria is also mentioned under the name of the Great Tartary (Grande Tartarie) from the Amur Sea, which is located in the Amur delta to the Volga.


On all maps published before the end of the 18th century, Tartary is a huge area that covers the center and north of the Asian continent …”(Translation by Elena Lyubimova).

It follows from this a completely logical conclusion that everyone (if not all, then many) knew well about Great Tartary even in the first quarter of the 20th century. This is evidenced by the almost universal use of Vedic symbols (various swastikas and others), which in the USA and Europe continued until the end of the 30s, and continues to this day in Asia.

After the Second World War, organized, financed and skillfully carried out by world puppeteers, truthful information about the Great Tartary began to disappear catastrophically. And after the assassination of Joseph Dzhugashvili (Stalin), no one bothered the world's puppeteers to control all the media and dictate to the whole world only what they wanted.

So, in a relatively short period of time (during the life of only a few generations), it was possible to almost completely remove from everyday life all information about our truly Great Motherland, about our truly heroic ancestors who have resisted Evil for many hundreds of thousands of years. And instead, we were taught that the Rus (Slavic peoples) were wild people, and only the civilization of the West helped them get off the trees on which they supposedly lived and happily follow the enlightened world into a brighter future. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite!

When puppeteers began to bite off small pieces from the western part of Great Tartary and create separate states from them in Europe, everything there quickly began to decline. It is simply inappropriate to talk about any enlightened and civilized West. At first, there was no "West" itself in our today's understanding of this term, and when it appeared, it could not be, and was not enlightened and civilized due to quite objective reasons!

However, back to Tartary. The fact that the Europeans were very well aware of the existence of various Tartarii is also evidenced by numerous medieval geographical maps. One of the first such maps is the map of Russia, Muscovy and Tartary, compiled by the English diplomat Anthony Jenkinson, who was the first plenipotentiary ambassador of England to Muscovy from 1557 to 1571, and concurrently the representative of the Muscovy Company - the English a trading company founded by London merchants in 1555. Jenkinson was the first Western European traveler to describe the Caspian coast and Central Asia during his expedition to Bukhara in 1558-1560. The result of these observations was not only official reports, but also the most detailed map of the regions at that time,practically inaccessible until that moment for Europeans.

Tartary is also in the solid world Atlas of Mercator-Hondius of the early 17th century. Jodokus Hondius (1563-1612) - Flemish engraver, cartographer and publisher of atlases and maps in 1604 bought printed forms of the world atlas of Mercator, added about forty of his own maps to the atlas and published an expanded edition in 1606 under the authorship of Mercator, and indicated himself as a publisher.

As we now know, in addition to Great Tartary, which, according to Western cartographers, occupied Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East, there were several other Tartaries in Asia: Chinese Tartary (this is not China), Independent Tartary (modern Central Asia), Tibetan Tartary (modern Tibet), Uzbek Tartary and Mughal Tartary (Mughal Empire). Testimonies of the representatives of these Tartarii have also been preserved in historical European documents.

Some of the names of the peoples were unknown to us. For example, who are Taguris tartars or Kohonor tartars? The aforementioned "Travel Collection" by Antoine Prévost helped us to solve the riddle of the name of the first tartares. It turned out that these are Turkestan tartars.

Presumably, geographical names helped to identify the second tartare. In the west of the central part of China is the province of Qinhai, bordering Tibet.

This province is rich in drainless lakes, the largest of which is called Qinghai (Blue Sea), which gave the name to the province. However, we are interested in another name for this lake - Kuku Nor or Koko Nor. The Chinese captured this province from Tibet in 1724. So the Kohonor tartars may well be Tibetan tartars.

It was also unclear to us who Tartares de Naun Koton ou Tsitsikar were. It turned out that the city of Qiqihar still exists today and is now located in China northwest of Harbin, which, as you know, was founded by the Russians. Regarding the founding of Tsitsikara, traditional history tells us that it was founded by the Mongols. However, it is not clear only where the tartars could come from there?

Most likely, the founders of the city were the same Mongols who founded the Mughal Empire in northern India, on the territory of which modern Pakistan is now located, and which has nothing to do with the modern state of Mongolia. These two countries are located thousands of kilometers from each other, separated by the Himalayas and were inhabited by different peoples.

There are many more facts about Tartary, maps, images of the inhabitants of Tartary and descriptions of Tartary by travelers. In the article that you read, only a part of the facts is stated, see the continuation in the video below, and by THIS LINK you can download 294 maps of Tartary in one archive, by which you can understand the entire vastness of the Russian territories.
