The Truth About The Great Tartary And The Russian Empire Which The Romanovs Hid From Us - Alternative View

The Truth About The Great Tartary And The Russian Empire Which The Romanovs Hid From Us - Alternative View
The Truth About The Great Tartary And The Russian Empire Which The Romanovs Hid From Us - Alternative View

Video: The Truth About The Great Tartary And The Russian Empire Which The Romanovs Hid From Us - Alternative View

Video: The Truth About The Great Tartary And The Russian Empire Which The Romanovs Hid From Us - Alternative View
Video: Who Would Be Tsar of Russia Today? | Romanov Family Tree 2024, July

The amount of information about Tartary is becoming more and more and soon the time will come when it will be impossible to spread the lies of the official history of Russia as before. This review is yet another nail in the coffin of lies about our ancestors.

There are less and less geographic maps of Great Tartary in the world. And especially those in Russian.


From Russian maps you can download the following on the Internet: "Drawing book of Siberia, compiled by Semyon Remezov in 1701", "Kipriyanov's map of 1707", "Russian map of Tartary, 1745". All of them directly point to the existence of a country whose name cannot be found in any modern textbook on the history of our country. How impossible there is to find any information about the people who inhabited it.

I will say at least about the tartars, which are now called Tatars by all and sundry and are referred to as Mongoloids. It is interesting to look at the images of these "Tatars". In this case, the well-known book "The Travels of Marco Polo" is very indicative, as it was called in England. In France it was called “The Book of the Great Khan”, in other countries “The Book of the World's Diversity” or simply “The Book”. The Italian merchant and traveler himself entitled his manuscript - "Description of the World." Written in Old French rather than Latin, it became popular throughout Europe.

In it, Marco Polo (1254-1324) describes in detail the history of his travels across Asia and his 17-year stay at the court of the "Mongol" Khan Kublai. Leaving aside the question of the reliability of this book, we turn our attention to the fact how Europeans portrayed the "Mongols" in the Middle Ages.


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As you can see, there is nothing "Mongolian" in the appearance of the Mongol Great Khan Kublai. On the contrary, he and his entourage look quite Russian. Moreover, with the rules of reverse perspective, used only in ancient Slavic painting!

The fact that the Europeans were very well aware of the existence of Russian Tartary is evidenced by numerous medieval geographical atlases and encyclopedias. For example, information about Great Tartary was preserved in the 6-volume Spanish encyclopedia “Diccionario Geografico Universal” published in 1795, although in a slightly modified form.

From the first edition of the British Encyclopedia, it follows that at the end of the 18th century, there were several countries on our planet that had the word Tartary in their name. In Europe, numerous engravings of the 16th-18th and even the beginning of the 19th century have survived, which depict the citizens of this country - the Tartars.

Let's take a look at the appearance of the Tartar and Mughal prince and princess in engravings from the early 19th century.

Remarkable is the fact that medieval European travelers call the peoples who lived in a vast territory that occupied most of the Eurasian continent as Tartars. If we look at the images of oriental tartars, Chinese tartars, Tibetan tartars, Nogai tartars, Kazan tartars, small tartars, white tartars, Chuvash tartars, Kalmyk tartars, Cherkasy tartars, Tomsk, Kuznetsk, Achinsk tartars, etc., it will cause some surprise in the light of the current understanding of who the Mongol-Tatars are. Tartary had nothing to do with the modern Tatars, just like the Mogul Empire, located on the territory of modern Pakistan, had nothing to do with modern Mongolia. Indeed, even in the very name "Mogul" the Russian word power sounds!


Having carefully looked at the clothes of the Mughal rulers, one cannot fail to notice their striking resemblance to the ceremonial clothes of the Russian tsars and boyars, and the appearance of the Mughals themselves has all the signs of the White Race.


For example, the ancestor of Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire, is the great warrior and outstanding commander Tamerlane (1336-1405). Look below at two of his images: in one engraving he is depicted as a young man, in the other in more mature years. There are many images of Tamerlane. One of the engravings reads: Tamerlan, empereur des Tartares - Tamerlane - Emperor Tartarus, and in the book "Histoire de Timur-Bec, connu sous le nom du grand Tamerlan, empereur des Mogols & Tartares", written by Sharaf al Din Ali Yazdi in 1454 year and published in Paris in 1722, it is named Emperor of Mughal and Tartarus.

For example, the ancestor of Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire, is the great warrior and outstanding commander Tamerlane (1336-1405). Look below at two of his images: in one engraving he is depicted as a young man, in the other in more mature years. There are many images of Tamerlane. One of the engravings reads: Tamerlan, empereur des Tartares - Tamerlan - Emperor Tartarus, and in the book “Histoire de Timur-Bec, connu sous le nom du grand Tamerlan, empereur des Mogols & Tartares”, written by Sharaf al-Din Ali Yazdi in 1454 and published in Paris in 1722, he is named Emperor of Mughal and Tartarus
For example, the ancestor of Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire, is the great warrior and outstanding commander Tamerlane (1336-1405). Look below at two of his images: in one engraving he is depicted as a young man, in the other in more mature years. There are many images of Tamerlane. One of the engravings reads: Tamerlan, empereur des Tartares - Tamerlan - Emperor Tartarus, and in the book “Histoire de Timur-Bec, connu sous le nom du grand Tamerlan, empereur des Mogols & Tartares”, written by Sharaf al-Din Ali Yazdi in 1454 and published in Paris in 1722, he is named Emperor of Mughal and Tartarus

For example, the ancestor of Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire, is the great warrior and outstanding commander Tamerlane (1336-1405). Look below at two of his images: in one engraving he is depicted as a young man, in the other in more mature years. There are many images of Tamerlane. One of the engravings reads: Tamerlan, empereur des Tartares - Tamerlan - Emperor Tartarus, and in the book “Histoire de Timur-Bec, connu sous le nom du grand Tamerlan, empereur des Mogols & Tartares”, written by Sharaf al-Din Ali Yazdi in 1454 and published in Paris in 1722, he is named Emperor of Mughal and Tartarus.

Image of Tamerlane of the 15th century
Image of Tamerlane of the 15th century

Image of Tamerlane of the 15th century.

Hence, it follows a completely logical conclusion that Great Tartary was well known even in the first quarter of the 20th century. This is evidenced by the almost universal use of Vedic symbols, which in the USA and Europe continued until the end of the 30s, and continues to this day in Asia.

After the power in Russia passed to the "learned Germans" of the era of Peter the Great, information about Great Tartary began to disappear catastrophically, and recently, especially after the Second World War, no one stopped the world media from dictating to the world only that they pleases. And so it happened that the descendants of the mighty Mughals, now called the "Kalash tribe", with the light hand of "scientists" are ranked among the descendants of the "warriors of Alexander the Great" who, for some reason, remained in these places …

Pakistani Kalash & hellip
Pakistani Kalash & hellip

Pakistani Kalash & hellip;

The information given here is only a small part of the truth, which is hidden by the so-called "Academy of Sciences" with its Norman theory of ditching the great Russian culture in favor of the newly appeared "Germans" in the ancient history of the world.

The works of Russian scientists will tell you much more, for example, about the Afanasyev culture of white people in the prehistoric times of the Bronze Age in Kazakhstan, southern Siberia, Mongolia and northern China. Also interesting is the work of LN Gumilev "Dinlin problem" about the still widespread and numerous white peoples of China, the work of AA Tyunyaev "China - the younger brother of Russia" about deciphering the notches on the "ancient Chinese" ceramics, which turned out to be identical to the ancient Slavic ones. Information about the mummies of white people in China is very interesting. Yes, there is a lot of evidence that the whole of Asia was just Russian!

The point is that in the Great World War, which in the false history textbooks written by the Germans is called the "Pugachev revolt", we did not win … But OUR victory is yet to come! Russians harness for a long time, but they drive fast. Where then will you start running, ZHYDOLUBY? We will remember you all so that we can ask you for the full program later. Not because we are rancorous. But because you have not been able to shake off our memory.

PS: Our Soviet historians of the times of the USSR wrote that the Scythians had developed agriculture as early as 6-3 thousand years before the birth of Christ!

And here is this fresh news:

“The burial belongs to the Neolithic period, namely to the 4th millennium BC. It is more than six thousand years old,”TASS quotes the scientific supervisor of the excavations, Professor Boris Konikov. - "Together with artistically processed objects for worship made of bone, it confirms the hypothesis that simultaneously with the civilization of Ancient Egypt, a complex system of religious beliefs existed in the distant Irtysh region."

Without the restoration of a single tree of the true history of Russia, theories of the Great Ukrov or Kazakhs - the only heirs of the Horde …
