Life - This Is A Dream, Death - Awakening - Alternative View

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Life - This Is A Dream, Death - Awakening - Alternative View
Life - This Is A Dream, Death - Awakening - Alternative View

Video: Life - This Is A Dream, Death - Awakening - Alternative View

Video: Life - This Is A Dream, Death - Awakening - Alternative View
Video: Zivert - Life | Премьера клипа 2024, July

“What if you fell asleep and had a dream, and what if in this dream you flew to heaven and there you picked a beautiful unearthly flower, and when you woke up, this flower was in your hand? What then?”- Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

Dream space

The reality is not quite what we imagine it to be. It is layered, like an onion. We are familiar with only two layers: the material reality in which we live, and the space of dreams that we dream about every night.

The space of dreams is not our fantasies, it really exists in the form of an archive of films, where everything that was, what will be and what could have been is kept. When we have a dream, we watch one of these films. In this sense, our dream is an illusion and reality at the same time. The movie we watch is virtual, but the film is material.


As Vadim Zeland (“Priestess Itfat”) writes: “Reality is something that never was and never will be, but only is - once and now. Reality exists for only one moment, like a frame on a film strip that moves from the past to the future. This means that only a snapshot of reality is real - a highlighted frame. Everything else is virtual - both past and future. And all this is stored forever in the archive of films, where everything that was, what will be and what could have been recorded."


In a dream, we see what could have happened in the past or in the future. But what happened and will happen is not a fact. The options are countless. What can happen in a dream could be in reality, and vice versa. In this sense, the space of dreams is a single archive of films. We can view it, or we can exist in it - in a dream or in reality. But we exist only once in each frame. Each subsequent frame is a new realization - an upgrade of all living and nonliving, up to atoms. Our I is one and the same that was in the past, flew in a dream and will appear in the future.

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When we try to describe what we saw in a dream, we must take into account that ultimately different laws of physics are at work there. The world of dreams is a multitude of interpenetrating parallel worlds - another space and time, where everything that is impossible in the material world becomes possible. Dreaming is the perception of what is beyond the possible. Some believe that dreams are illusions, others argue that our life itself is nothing more than a dream.


As Vadim Zeland says: “Reality is a dream in reality, and an ordinary dream is a dream in a dream. A dream can be either lucid or unconscious. Dream and reality are about the same thing, only in different dimensions.

The world of dreams is as real as this one - it exists, but in a different space. Falling asleep and waking up, we move from one space to another. Sleep and the ensuing awakening are things of the same plane as life and death.

Life is a dream, death is awakening, and not vice versa.

Time is forever. And from Eternity you can come anywhere and anytime. In the archive of Eternity, the films are arranged in parallel, - Vadim Zeland.

The quantum world of dreams

The behavior of matter, described by quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity, includes two points of view - the world of everyday reality and the world of dreams. In the quantum world, as in Alice's Wonderland, there are no definite meanings for concepts such as past and future. Instead, the rules for events in the quantum world are described by mathematical formulas.


Dreams are the sum of all our parallel worlds, which in some respects are closer to parallel worlds in quantum physics. Every material object has quantum states and parallel worlds. Likewise, every movement we make is filled with parallel worlds. A dream is actually a door to another reality.

Scientists believe that our visible world is not the only one in the universe. Time is not linear, layers of time are superimposed on each other, and we live in them simultaneously thousands of lives, in thousands of different eras of the past and future.

We live in more than one world at any given time

Hugh Everett created the concept that our world exists in an infinite number of equal copies, and we observe only one of them. Our consciousness chooses one scenario of the world from the variety of other worlds. Any cardinal event forms a quantum transition, in which the world is again split into many identical copies (with the exception of one detail), of which consciousness again chooses only one. We cannot fix the splitting of the world, because consciousness, following the rigid streams of cause-and-effect relationships, each time finds itself in one of the possible branches. Thus, the world can be interpreted as a transition of consciousness from one branch of the world to another.

Everything is predetermined

The famous Dutch theoretical cosmologist Gerard 't Hooft put forward a new idea, which drew criticism from many scientists, that all events in our Universe can be completely predetermined, there is no free will, no possibility of divine intervention. Gerard 't Hooft believes that it is possible to reconcile quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity without introducing additional dimensions and parallel worlds - both theories will coexist with each other if absolutely all events in the Universe were predetermined from the very beginning of its existence. And accordingly, all the results of quantum events, as well as the actions of people, will also be predetermined, obeying such laws of the universe and the initial conditions for the birth of the Universe, which we do not yet know about.


As Vadim Zeland says: “It may seem to you that you are your own masters and act consciously. In fact, you are aware of yourself only at the moment when you ask such a question. The rest of the time your consciousness sleeps and obeys an external script."

Death is an illusion

Biocentrists argue that everything is orderly and predictable, that the world around us is a fantasy set in motion by the mind. Robert Lanza is convinced that life creates the Universe, and not vice versa. Space and time are not tangible objects, we just think that they really are. Everything that we see is a whirlwind of information passing through consciousness, reality is a process that requires the participation of our consciousness. According to the theory of biocentrism, death, as we understand it, is an illusion created by our consciousness.


Buddha said that when a person dies, all his desires, memories, and karmas of his entire life accumulated throughout his life "jump" like energy waves into a new life. This is a jump. In physics there is a precise definition for this - "quantum leap" - "a leap of pure energy, in which there is no substance."

The article uses paintings by Vladimir Kush.

Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya