The Agony Of The Russian School - Alternative View

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The Agony Of The Russian School - Alternative View
The Agony Of The Russian School - Alternative View

Video: The Agony Of The Russian School - Alternative View

Video: The Agony Of The Russian School - Alternative View
Video: ТАТУ: 20 лет спустя! Главная российская группа в мире 2024, July

The strength of the government rests on the ignorance of the people, and it knows this and therefore will always fight against enlightenment.

L. N. Tolstoy

For a quarter of a century, Russian education has been killed in Russia. Obviously, the "reforms" have achieved their goal - the Russian school is in agony. The commercialization of society and culture (the complete victory of the Western society of the "golden calf"), plus the imposed Western "democratization" and "liberalization" of the school led to a total degradation of the education system.

Schoolchildren of the USSR, 1954
Schoolchildren of the USSR, 1954

Schoolchildren of the USSR, 1954

It is enough to read the most resounding news from school life in one day, September 24, 2019: massacre at school was prevented in Kirov; in the Leningrad Region, a schoolchild has been systematically beating up classmates for several years in a row, and the school administration and parents cannot do anything about it.

Hitler and the Russian school

The Nazis tried to destroy the Soviet school as the basis of the Soviet state and people. The military-political elite of the Third Reich perfectly understood the importance of the Russian school. Without the destruction of education, it was impossible to destroy the Russian (Soviet) statehood and turn the people into Untermensch subhumans.

Promotional video:

Let us take excerpts from the stenographic record of Hitler's statements based on V. I. Dashichev "Bankruptcy of the Strategy of German Fascism: Historical Essays, Documents, Materials" (Moscow: Nauka, 1973). Adolf Hitler, March 1942:

Hitler, April 1942:

Thus, the German invaders wanted to leave the Soviet people only music without any restrictions, dancing and entertainment. Mental work, political, scientific and other knowledge, mathematics and history were excluded.

Breaking the foundations

In the 1920s, after the revolution of 1917 and the fall of the Russian Empire, Soviet Russia also “experimented” and “rebuilt” the school a lot, looking for its new face, different from the tsarist period. It came to the abolition of traditional history, geography and literature; Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan the Terrible and Alexander III, Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy were removed from the course of education. However, in the 30s, during the Stalinist "reaction", when the task arose of industrialization in an agrarian-peasant country, the creation of advanced science and education, ensuring the defense capability and a breakthrough into the future of the USSR, they immediately recalled the experience of tsarist grammar schools, the classical education of the Russian Empire. They began to use programs and textbooks of a class alien regime. Only the school has become mass, education - universal.

The result was great! The Soviet school has become the best in the world! In the 1960s, D. Kennedy said:

The conclusions of the NATO Policy Brief on Education in the USSR (1959) include the following thoughts:

During Khrushchev's "perestroika" and later, the Soviet school lost a lot. In particular, the responsibility of the student for learning was removed and the teachers were obliged to positively evaluate the "work" of idlers and parasites. However, despite all the mistakes, the Soviet school still remained one of the best in the world (or even the best, depending on how you evaluate). She created a powerful creative, scientific and educational foundation in the country and the people. So, according to UNESCO, in 1991 (the year of the collapse of the Soviet empire) Russia ranked third in the world ranking in terms of education.

Then “reformers” and “optimizers” - destroyers - reached the Russian school. The "reform" of education began. They introduced the Bologna system, the Unified State Examination, the Basic State Exam, the All-Russian Testing Work (VPR), “game” elements, etc. The hours of basic subjects were sharply reduced, while a bunch of unnecessary, auxiliary, breaking, crippling general system appeared. In particular, the strengthening of ethnocultural components in the national republics (language, history, culture), the teaching of religion at school, sex education, psychology, family studies, etc. At the same time, the erosion of the basic program is constantly increasing. Now we are in the third ten by the level of education and the degradation continues!

By raising the status of the final exam at school to the level of the entrance exam to a higher educational institution, the "reformers" dealt two powerful blows at once. First, the teacher was denied confidence. Now the half-poor teachers, it turns out, have become the "main corrupt officials" in the country (they have already banned sweets and flowers). The teachers were broken, the program began to be carried out formally, and now they simply "train" students to pass the state exam, VLF, since much depends on the results not only for students, but also for teachers. Secondly, for students and their parents now the main thing in the education process is what will be on the final exam, and not a systematic study of the basics of basic subjects. Not the acquisition of fundamental knowledge by students, not the formation of conceptual thinking in them, not the development of students and their accustoming to systematic mental work. The results are devastatingthe level of basic knowledge of applicants fell dramatically. The level of universities automatically dropped to the bulk of poorly prepared students in secondary schools.

Thus, at the will of the liberal pro-Western "elite", "reformers", there was a sharp degradation and moronization of the younger generations. Very soon the last remnants of the Soviet school will be completely killed, and in terms of the level of education and development of the mass school (the "elite" has its own schools and abroad) we will sink to the level of the former colonies of the West in Africa. And the collapse of education is the collapse of the nation. The collapse of science, training systems for industry and defense. Very soon the country will face the task of eliminating illiteracy, like the Bolsheviks after the revolution and turmoil.

Victory for "democracy" and "tolerance" at school

I remember that earlier, when we watched Western films about the school, we were surprised at the level of violence and licentiousness there. Drug trafficking, theft, robbery, sex and fights are what students do instead of studying. An excellent film on this topic is “The Director” with D. Belushi in the title role (1987), where the hero fights against a youth gang. Or "Only the Strongest" (1993) with M. Dacascos in the title role. Here, a former soldier becomes a teacher at his former school and tries to save troubled children from violence and drugs through the study of martial arts (Brazilian capoeira). He also faces a drug mafia with positions at school.

Previously, massacres and massacres in American schools caused surprise. However, not much time has passed, and these same phenomena are becoming commonplace in our schools. In January 2018, in the capital of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, a 9th grade student burst into an educational institution with an ax and a Molotov cocktail, wounding several people. In the same month, two teenagers with knives attacked a school in Perm, 15 people were injured. In October 2018, there was a massacre at the Kerch Polytechnic College (21 people died, 67 were injured). In May 2019, a schoolboy with an ax attacked a school in Volsk (Saratov region). And such emergencies are already becoming the norm. Licentiousness and permissiveness prevail. There are attacks by pupils on pupils, pupils on teachers. Even murder, not to mention rape and beatings. Students,taking advantage of the helplessness and powerlessness of teachers, the school leadership in the new "democratic" conditions, the victory of complete "tolerance" and humanity, "they use foul language and mock adults and weaker students.

In the 1990s-2000s, the “democratizers” introduced the cult of “children's rights” and turned the old established notions of justice and rights upside down. Then the "digital world" was connected, when people who consider themselves offended were able to shoot videos taken out of context and launch them on social networks. And then "human rights activists" and "bloggers" will pour kerosene into the fire, make an elephant out of a fly. Previously, a teacher or director could quickly put in place a novice bully (possibly a criminal) with a simple shout, placing in a corner, hitting the head or pointing, and then the dirty trick would also get at home. Behind the scenes, this was the norm in traditional society and protected it from greater evils. There were also a number of sophisticated and proven tools to combat such phenomena as calling parents to school,sending letters to the place of work of parents, expulsion from school, children's rooms of the police, special schools for the difficult, etc.

Now the opposite is true. Under pressure from Western human rights organizations in the post-Soviet space, a total "liberalization" was carried out. Literally totalitarian methods of protecting the rights of the child have been created. For an attempt to stop a bully, teachers will be slandered and kicked out of school, otherwise they will start a criminal case, and juvenile justice will be set against a parent who tries to exercise his right to be raised at home, and the child will be taken away.

As a result, school leaders, teachers, chief physicians and chiefs of district police departments and many parents moved away from the primary measures to prevent promiscuity, dirty tricks and hooliganism, which very often lead to serious criminal offenses, theft, and violence. Teachers, principals and other officials began to unsubscribe. Avoid any ambiguous, potentially dangerous situation. Now teachers are taught according to Western methods to "look for an approach to the child." The positions of social educators and psychologists were created to “find an approach”. However, it is impossible to re-educate already spoiled people only with goodness. Ordinary pedagogy, in principle, cannot solve this problem. It's impossible.

With the rise of violence in society, schools are already reminiscent of prisons. Fences, cameras, security and access control. But this is of little use. Just a reminder of a sharp drop in the quality of life and security in Russia compared to the Soviet civilization.

What did we get on the way out? Complete scrapping of discipline and order at school. Licentiousness, permissiveness and the ability to shirk from school. Swearing, smoking and drinking teenagers. Older children beat younger children, swear, send teachers to "go through the forest." Constant stories in the media about beatings, violence, and even murders in schools. Taking into account the general degradation of society, there are more and more mentally ill children in schools. And they have no control. There is no effective legal protection against “difficult teenagers”. Police under 14 (most often under 16) can do nothing at all. The psychiatrists will recognize them as sane and send them back to school. The teachers close their eyes. School leaders cannot expel the "black sheep" from school. Parents blame the school, they say, they are paid for it, let them educate.

There is no order at school, and there is no normal learning process. The result is a total moronization and degradation of schoolchildren, and then of society.

What to do

The fundamental reason for the destruction of the Russian school is the dominance of a liberal, pro-Western ideology in Russia. Total commercialization of Russian society and culture. Our country has become a part of the Western world of the "golden calf" - a consumer society that leads to self-destruction and death of the entire planet and humanity. To stop this process, it is necessary to return to the original path of development of Russian civilization. With the dominance of ethics of conscience and social justice.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel, it is necessary to return to the classical Russian (Soviet) school. Take Soviet methods, programs and textbooks, adapt them to modern times. The Soviet school was the best in the world. Use this foundation to create a society of creators and creators, and not the slaves of the "digital concentration camp" as it is now. It is also necessary to restore order and discipline in schools, to end “tolerance” for idlers, hooligans and juvenile delinquents.


Author: Samsonov Alexander