Napoleon - Was He? - Alternative View

Napoleon - Was He? - Alternative View
Napoleon - Was He? - Alternative View

Video: Napoleon - Was He? - Alternative View

Video: Napoleon - Was He? - Alternative View
Video: What If Napoleon Was Never Defeated? 2024, September

In a previous publication, I began to consider the question of the true goals of Napoleon's campaigns. I never had any questions about the existence of Napoleon himself. Even if he carried out someone's will to destroy the true history, then why should he not be a real person, chosen for some reason to implement the intended goals. But recently, in the open spaces of Zen, I came across a publication where it was said about the proofs that Napoleon never existed, put forward, however jokingly, by the French professor of mathematics and physics (hello to Nosovsky and Fomenko) Jean-Batiste Perez.

And even though this was initially perceived as a joke, in the light of my theory, all this gives quite serious reasons to assume that no Napoleon originally existed and only for the implementation of certain goals such a person as Napoleon Bonaparte was invented, and for his real representation in life, rather in all, an actor was hired. From the text below it can be seen that the creators of Napoleon reacted to the creation of a biography of their hero with a certain irony. Or his biography was written taking into account certain mystical, occult rules. And this in turn may indicate that powerful secret occult organizations were behind the figure of Napoleon.

But okay, I will not chat anymore, I will quote further just the text of Jean-Bátiste Perez.

Jean-Baptiste PEREZ


Napoleon Bonaparte, about whom so much has been written and talked about, did not even exist. He is nothing more than an allegorical face - the personification of the sun; and our statement will be proven if we show that everything that is said and written about Napoleon the Great is borrowed from the great luminary.

Let's make a general overview, summarize what they tell us about this wonderful man.

We are told:

- that his name was Napoleon Bonaparte;

- that he was born on an island in the Mediterranean;

- that his mother's name is Letizia;

- that he had three sisters and four brothers, three of whom were kings;

- that he had two wives, one of whom gave him a son;

- that he put an end to the great revolution;

- that he ruled over 16 marshals of his empire, 12 of whom were on active duty;

- that he triumphed in the south and was defeated in the north;

- that, finally, after a 12-year reign, which began upon his return from the East, he retired to disappear into the seas of the West.

It remains, therefore, to find out if these various distinctive features are borrowed from the Sun, and we hope that anyone who reads this essay will be convinced of this.

First, everyone knows that poets call the sun Apollo. But the difference between the words "Apollo" and "Napoleon" is small and will turn out to be much smaller if one examines the meaning of these names and their origins.

It is known that the word "Apollo" means "destroyer". And, apparently, this name was given to the sun by the Greeks because of the calamity that it caused them near Troy, where part of their armies died from excessive heat and the pestilence that appeared behind it due to the insult that Agamemnon inflicted on Chris, the priest of the Sun, as seen at the beginning of Homer's Iliad. The fervent imagination of the Greek poets transformed the rays of the luminary into fiery arrows, which the irritated god threw in all directions, so that they would have exterminated everything if, in order to calm his anger, they had not returned freedom to Chryseis, the daughter of the priest Chris.

Probably, then and for this reason, the Sun was named Apollo. But whatever the circumstances or the reason for which such a name was given to this luminary, it is reliably known that it means "fighter". But Apollo is the same as Apoleon. Both words come from "apoluo" or "apoleo", two Greek verbs, which, in essence, make up only one and mean "to destroy", "to kill", "to destroy". So if the imaginary hero of our century was called "Apoleon", then he would have one name with the Sun and, moreover, would fit all the meaning of this name, because we are depicted as the greatest exterminator of people that ever existed … But this person is called Napoleon, and therefore, in his name there is an initial letter that is not in the name of the Sun. Yes, there is an extra letter and even an extra syllable. Because,according to inscriptions carved throughout the capital, the real name of this putative hero was Napoleon or Neapolion. This is exactly what can be seen on the column of Place Vendome.

But this extra syllable has no meaning. This syllable is without a doubt Greek, like the rest of the name. And in Greek "not" or "ne" is one of the strongest affirmative particles that we can convey with the word "truly." It follows that "Napoleon" means "true fighter", "true Apollo". So this is actually the sun.

But what about his middle name? What does the word "Bonaparte" have to do with the daylight? This is not immediately apparent. But at least one can understand that since "bona parte" means "good part", then we are talking here, without a doubt, about something that has two parts: one good, the other bad, about something then, in addition, related to the Sun, Napoleon. But nothing has more direct relation to the sun as a consequence of its daily circulation, and these effects are day and night, light and darkness, the light produced by its presence and the darkness prevailing in its absence. This is an allegory borrowed from the Persians. This is the kingdom of Ormuzd and the kingdom of Ahriman - the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness, the kingdom of the good and the kingdom of evil spirits. As for the latter, it was the spirits of evil and darkness who were once conjured with this phrase: Abiinmalaparte (go to a bad, evil country). And if by malaparte ("mala parte") we mean darkness, there is no doubt that under bonaparte ("bona parte") we should mean light. This is "day" as opposed to "night". Thus, there can be no doubt that this name has a connection with the sun, especially when it is combined with the name "Napoleon", which is the Sun itself, as we have just proved.

Secondly, Apollo, according to Greek mythology, was born on one of the Mediterranean islands (Delos Island). Therefore, Napoleon was forced to be born on an island in the Mediterranean Sea and chose Corsica for this, because its position in relation to France, of which they wanted to make him sovereign, is most consistent with the position of Delos regarding Greece, where Apollo had his main temples and oracles.

Pausanias (Greek geographer and historian of the 2nd century AD - Ed.), However, gives Apollo the title of Egyptian deity. But to be an Egyptian deity, he did not need to be born in Egypt. It was enough that they looked at him there as a god, and this is what Pausanias wanted to tell us. He wanted to tell us that the Egyptians revere him, and this further establishes the connection between Napoleon and the Sun, because, they say, in Egypt Napoleon was endowed with supernatural features, was considered a friend of Mohammed, and worship there before him was like deification.

Promotional video:

Thirdly, they claim that his mother was called Legacy. But by the name of Legacy (which means "joy") they wanted to designate the Dawn, whose sunrise spreads joy throughout nature, the Dawn, which gives birth to the Sun for the world, as the poets say, opening the gates of the East for him with their pink fingers.

It is also very noteworthy that, according to Greek mythology, Apollo's mother was called Leto. But if the Romans from Leto made Latona, the mother of Apollo, in our century they preferred to make Legacy out of her, because “letizia” (“joy”) is a noun from the verb “lator” (“I rejoice”) or from the uncommon “leto”, which means "I inspire joy").

So, this Legation, like her son, is undoubtedly borrowed from Greek mythology.

Fourthly, this son of Legacy is said to have had three sisters, and no doubt these three sisters are the three Graces, who, together with their companions the Muses, are the adornment and beauty of the court of Apollo, their brother.

Fifth, this modern Apollo is said to have had four brothers. But these four brothers, as we shall now prove, are four seasons. ' Above all, do not be embarrassed by the fact that the seasons are represented by men and not women.

This should not even seem to be anything new, because in French there is only one feminine gender out of the four seasons - "autumn", and even then there is little agreement between our grammarians on this score. But in Latin, "autumn" is also masculine, as are the names of the other three seasons. Thus, the difficulty in this respect is also removed. The four brothers of Napoleon can represent the four seasons, and what follows will prove that they truly represent them.

Of Napoleon's four brothers, three are said to have been kings, and these three are Spring reigning over flowers, Summer reigning over harvest, and Autumn reigning over fruits. And similarly, the three brothers of Napoleon received their royal power from him and reigned only thanks to him. And when it is added that out of the four brothers of Napoleon one was not a king, we note that in the same way out of the four seasons one does not reign over anything - winter. And if, in order to weaken our comparison, they will assert that winter is not devoid of power and that it is desirable for it to take the sad reign over frost and snows to its inheritance, then we already have the answer. An empty and ridiculous princely title, we could say, which, they say, this brother of Napoleon was granted after the fall of his whole family, has the closest connection with the village of Kaninb, because only,that "Kaninb" comes from "kani", which means gray hair of cold old age, that is, winter. Indeed, in the eyes of the poets, the forests that crown our hills are their hair, and when winter covers them with its frost, it is the gray hair of a withering nature, an aging year.

So the alleged prince Caninb (Lucien Bonaparte - Ed.). - nothing more than the personification of winter, which begins when nothing remains of the sin of the beautiful seasons, when the sun is most distant from our country, which is subject to the stormy attack of the children of the North - this is the name the poets give to the winds, which, being from these countries, discolor our fields and cover them with hateful white. This was the plot of the story about the fabulous invasion of the peoples of the North into France, where they destroyed the banner of different colors with which it was decorated to replace it with a white banner, which covered the whole of France after the removal of the legendary Napoleon …

Sixth, according to the same fiction, Napoleon had two wives. In the same way, two wives and the sun were attributed. These two wives of the Sun are the Moon and the Earth: the Moon - according to the belief of the Greeks (as Plutarch testifies) and the Earth - according to the belief of the Egyptians, with the very remarkable difference that from one (that is, from the Moon) the Sun did not have offspring, and from the other it had a son, one and only son. This is little Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, that is, the Sun and the Earth … This Egyptian allegory, according to which the little Horus, born from the Earth, fertilized by the Sun, represents the fruits of agriculture. And the birthday of Napoleon's son was placed exactly on March 20, the day of the spring equinox, because in the spring the products of agriculture are developing strongly.

Seventh, it is said that Napoleon put an end to the devastating scourge that terrorized all of France, which was called the hydra of the revolution. But a hydra is a snake, no matter what kind, especially when it comes to fiction. This is the Python snake (Python), a huge reptile that inspired the Greeks with extreme fear. Apollo dispelled this fear by killing the monster, which was his first feat. Therefore, we are told that Napoleon began his reign by strangling the French Revolution. The latter represents the same chimera as everything else. After all, it is clear that the word "revolution" comes from the Latin word "revolutus", which means a snake coiled in rings. This is Python (Python) and nothing


Eighth, the famous warrior of the 19th century had, they say, 12 marshals of his empire at the head of his armies and four not on active service. But the first 12, of course, are 12 signs of the zodiac, marching at the command of the Sun - Napoleon and each commanding one division in an endless army of stars, which is called the "heavenly army" in the Bible, and turns out to be divided into 12 parts, corresponding to 12 zodiac signs. These are the twelve marshals who, according to our fabulous chronicles, were in active service under Napoleon. And the other four are probably the 4 main points of the firmament. They, being motionless among the general movement, are well characterized precisely by their inaction.

Thus, all these marshals, both active and inactive, are purely symbolic beings who have no more reality than their leader.

Ninthly, we are told that the leader of so many brilliant armies came from the glorious side of the South, but having penetrated far to the North, he could not hold out there. All this fully characterizes the movement of the sun. The sun, as is well known, is an unrestricted sovereign in the South, as was said about the Emperor Napoleon. However, it is very remarkable that after the vernal equinox, the Sun tends to the north, moving away from the equator, but by the end of the three-month movement it meets the northern tropic, which forces it to move back and return back to the south … north, towards Moscow, and the humiliating retreat that, they say, then followed.

So, everything that we are told about the successes or failures of this terrible warrior is nothing more than various allegories related to the movement of the Sun.

Tenth, finally, and this does not require any explanation, the sun, as everyone knows, rises in the east and sets in the west. But for spectators at the ends of the earth, the sun seems to emerge from the eastern seas in the morning and sink into the western seas in the evening. In addition, in this way, all poets paint us his sunrise and sunset. This is all we need to understand when we are told that Napoleon came from the eastern sea (from Egypt) to reign over France, and that he disappeared into the western seas (the death of Napoleon on St. Ed.) After reigning for 12 years, which is nothing but 12 noon, during which the sun shines over the earth.

“He reigned for only one day,” says the author of the New Messenian Songs about Napoleon (Casimir Delavin, 19th century French poet - Ed.). And the way he describes his rise, decline and decline, proves that this beautiful poet saw, like us, in Napoleon only the image of the Sun. And he does not represent anything else. This is proved by his name, the name of his mother, his three sisters, four brothers, two wives, his son, marshals and his exploits. This is proved by the place of his birth, the country where, as they say, he came …

So, it has been proven that the imaginary hero of our century is nothing more than an allegorical face, all the attributes of which are borrowed from the Sun. And, therefore, Napoleon Bonaparte, about whom so much talked and wrote, did not even exist. And the mistake that so many people have fallen into comes from the "qui pro quo" (confusion of concepts), that is, they took the mythology of the 19th century for history

In the next publication I will consider in more detail Napoleon's Egyptian campaign.