Traces Of The Past. Part 3. The Cone Symbol - Alternative View

Traces Of The Past. Part 3. The Cone Symbol - Alternative View
Traces Of The Past. Part 3. The Cone Symbol - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of The Past. Part 3. The Cone Symbol - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of The Past. Part 3. The Cone Symbol - Alternative View

- Part 1. Accidents or patterns?

- Part 2. Sphinxes

The cone is the fruit of a coniferous tree, since ancient times it has symbolized the image of the Universe, sky, day, Sun, fire, mountain, life, masculinity, phallus, fatherhood, fertility, evolution, health, rebirth, inner balance …

The oldest images of the pine cone are found all over the world. It is one of the most mysterious symbols used in ancient art.


Many ancient traditions say that deep in the center of our brain is a tiny, pea-sized gland in the shape of a pine cone, which is known as the pineal gland or pineal gland (from the Latin pinea).


Pythagoras and Plato wrote about the pineal gland as the receptacle of the soul, Descartes called the pineal gland "the saddle of the soul." In Yoga, the pineal gland is connected to the seventh chakra - Sahasrara, the pituitary gland is connected to the sixth chakra. The pineal gland is a dormant organ that should be "awakened" in order to "turn on" the ability to clairvoyance.

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Referring to the data of embryology, scientists believe that in ancient times people had a "third eye", which we have remained in the form of a rudiment - the pineal gland (pineal gland). As the legends tell, the “third eye” was considered an organ of human bioenergy (telepathy) and could transmit thoughts at a distance, heal diseases, and affect gravity.


The "third eye" of Shiva or Buddha is a shining dot or flaming pearl in the middle of the forehead, symbolizing unity, balance, vision, spiritual consciousness and enlightenment.

Images of the "third eye" - pineal gland in the shape of a pine cone can be found in the art and architecture of ancient cultures:

Buddha statues are depicted with a third eye between the eyebrows. The hair of the Buddha is also stylized in the shape of the pineal gland.


Almost all Hindu gods and goddesses have a bindi or "third eye" between their eyebrows. Many Hindus wear this symbol in our time.

The hair of the Hindu god Shiva also looks like a stylized pineal gland, kundalini snakes twine around his neck.

One of the symbols of the ancient Egyptian god Osiris was two "kundalini snakes" rising to a pine cone.

On a bronze sculpture of the cult of the Mysteries of Dionysus in the Roman Empire, there is a pine cone on the thumb.


The Assyro-Babylonian god Tammuz was depicted with a pine cone in his hand.

The Greek god Dionysus was depicted in frescoes with a staff, the top of which was decorated with a pine cone - a symbol of fertility.

A bronze sculpture from the Dionysian mystery cult shows a pinecone on the thumb, along with other symbols corresponding to the other fingers.

On the golden burial mask of the pharaoh Tutankhamun is depicted ureus - a kundalini snake, which appears from the pineal gland.


In the sculptural images of Quetzalcoatl, the god of the Indians of Mesoamerica, appears from the mouth of a serpent, whose body folds into the shape of the pineal gland. Quetzalcoatl's necklace is made from pine cones.

The Roman god of wine and fun, Bacchus, was portrayed with a pine cone regalia.

The Pope wears a pinecone regalia that expands into a stylized tree trunk.

As a key design element, pine cones are found in many Roman Catholic candlesticks, ornaments, decorations, and architectural structures.


The largest pinecone sculpture surrounded by Egyptian symbols is located in Vatican Square - in the Pinecone Courtyard. In the center of the Courtyard there is a sculpture “a sphere within a sphere” - a stylized eye that complements the idea of a pine cone representing the pineal gland - the “third eye”.


The word "eye" is associated with the concept of "see, look". There are certain techniques aimed at "opening" the inner eye, inner vision or "third eye". According to tantric views, the pineal gland is the "third eye" - the eye of Shiva. The “third eye” is not blind, it is simply closed.


There is a technique of "opening the third eye" in the ninja martial arts. It is a method of focusing attention because this pineal gland is the focus of attention. All intuitive insights occur during the spontaneous opening of this channel. Usually a person is not an observer of his thoughts, he automatically identifies himself with them. Any movement of thoughts is identified by us with ourselves. There is no gap between us and thought. By focusing our attention on the tantei (third eye), we become the observer of our thoughts.

Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya