What Is Vedicity - In Modern Language - Alternative View

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What Is Vedicity - In Modern Language - Alternative View
What Is Vedicity - In Modern Language - Alternative View

Video: What Is Vedicity - In Modern Language - Alternative View

Video: What Is Vedicity - In Modern Language - Alternative View
Video: Modern Language and Business Management at The University of Manchester 2024, July

Christianity was brought to the Russian land from the Byzantine Empire just 1000 years ago; somewhat later Islam - from Arabia Saud; Judaism - from Israel; Buddhism is from China. And what did the Russian people have initially, in “What” or in “Whom” did they believe before the appearance of “traditional Russian religions”? Official historical science answers this question unambiguously - the Russian people were pagans and professed paganism, a barbaric cult of ignorant, semi-savage people. Is it so?

Let's look at the word “heathen” from the other side. In Old Church Slavonic, pagans are:


1) strangers, foreigners, foreigners, representatives of a foreign people, with beliefs, traditions and culture alien to the Slavs (Staroslaviansky dictionary. Moscow, 1894) or

2) "tribes hostile to the Slavs, who spoke in other languages and believed in other gods" (Russian Vedas. Appendix. Moscow, 1992). That is, from the point of view of the Slavs, Christians, Buddhists, Jews and other followers of foreign religious teachings that flooded the Russian State were pagans.

If you ask the representatives of the official historical science about what beliefs other peoples of the Earth had before the appearance of traditional world religions, the answer will be the same - paganism. One involuntarily gets the impression that all peoples on Earth, without exception, before the appearance of traditional world religions, professed only one religion - paganism. People worshiped the same Gods, the same forces of Nature, and as a result, everyone without exception was ignorant barbarians and had no history. Or did every nation on Earth have its own history, culture, tradition, had its own Faith, which had its original basis and its own unique name?

Look at the map of modern Russia - this is 1/6 of the planet Earth, turn on the logic, could “wild, illiterate“barbarians, almost beasts”create such a huge empire? Now the truth has begun to "emerge" that this is only a part of an even more huge Slavic empire - Tartaria or Tarkhtaria, as it was originally called.

Promotional video:


The maps posted on the US website confirm the words of Mavro Orbini: Pontifical Abbot Mavro Orbini wrote the "Historiography" as early as 1601. Here is a small excerpt from it: “The Russian people are the most ancient people on earth, from which all other peoples originated. The empire, with the courage of its warriors and the best weapons in the world, kept the entire universe in obedience and submission for thousands of years. Russians have always owned the whole of Asia, Africa, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Macedonia, Illyria, Moravia, the Shlen land, the Czech Republic, Poland, all the shores of the Baltic Sea, Italy and many other countries and lands …”. In Moscow, in the Historical Library in the department of rare books, there are six copies of the book published in St. Petersburg in 1722 by Orbini Mavro (Mauro) “Book of the historiography of the name, glory and expansion of the Slavic people. Collected from many history books,through Mr. Marourbin Archimandrite of Raguga. Translated from Italian into Russian and published … in the St. Petersburg Printing House, 1722, August 20 day. " Mavro Orbini, who lived in Italy, and besides speaking about the Russians exactly 400 years ago, cannot be accused of bias, and therefore his words, especially that “the Russian people are the most ancient people on Earth, from which all other peoples descended,” we must knock out in gold in the most conspicuous place. Orbini's books are especially interesting because he had access to the Vatican's secret library, where the originals of many ancient books are kept, so that no scientist in the world dares to challenge the content of the text, as well as the author's reputation!August 20th day. " Mavro Orbini, who lived in Italy, and besides speaking about the Russians exactly 400 years ago, cannot be accused of bias, and therefore his words, especially that “the Russian people are the most ancient people on Earth, from which all other peoples descended,” we must knock out in gold in the most conspicuous place. Orbini's books are especially interesting because he had access to the Vatican's secret library, where the originals of many ancient books are kept, so that no scientist in the world dares to challenge the content of the text, as well as the author's reputation!August 20th day. " Mavro Orbini, who lived in Italy, and besides speaking about the Russians exactly 400 years ago, cannot be accused of bias, and therefore his words, especially that “the Russian people are the most ancient people on Earth, from which all other peoples descended,” we must knock out in gold in the most conspicuous place. Orbini's books are especially interesting because he had access to the Vatican's secret library, where the originals of many ancient books are kept, so that no scientist in the world dares to challenge the content of the text, as well as the author's reputation!we must emboss in gold in the most conspicuous place. Orbini's books are especially interesting because he had access to the Vatican's secret library, where the originals of many ancient books are kept, so that no scientist in the world dares to challenge the content of the text, as well as the author's reputation!we must emboss in gold in the most conspicuous place. Orbini's books are especially interesting because he had access to the Vatican's secret library, where the originals of many ancient books are kept, so that no scientist in the world dares to challenge the content of the text, as well as the author's reputation!

Look - these cards sell for a lot of money:



What do you see? Well? RUSSIA! RUSSIA! And there are maps of Tartary.

Could these old maps be fake? Despite the fact that the United States is our strategic enemy, we must admit that if these cards were fakes, buyers could sue and win multimillion-dollar lawsuits against the seller. Forgery is excluded.

Could the first persons of Russia be photographed against the background of the map of Tartary, which, according to skeptics, “did not exist”?


So, what kind of faith did the Slavs have, since they could build such a state for half the world?


What is Vedicity in modern terms?


What does it mean?

The fact that the word VERA in Vedicism in the pre-religious period of time in Russia had a completely different meaning - not blind, unsubstantiated confidence, very often reaching fanaticism, but this is life according to the RULES according to VEDA (knowledge gained), the observance of which ensured continuous evolutionary development. Therefore, the Vedic rules of evolution were called ORTHODOXY, then this word was transformed into "ORTHODOXY", Faith means VEDA (KNOWLEDGE! Teaching - LIGHT (RA - sun, light), not teaching - DARKNESS), FAITH is a constant movement to the source from which life appeared, through enlightenment with knowledge (VEDAMI). This is the comprehension of the world in which we live, and which the Creator created, this is evolution to the stage of a new creator of his new world.

Our human evolution goes from a lump of energy - then gaining experience in the kingdom of crystals - then in the kingdom of plants - then in the kingdom of animals - then in the human stage, and the next stage of evolution after human is GODHANEAN.

There are many stages of evolution, but the final stage of evolution seen in the subtle worlds for man is the CREATOR of the NEW WORLD.

That's where the Slavic symbols come from, look - it's light under a microscope:

And what are Slavic amulets?

Vedic Orthodoxy is the experience of ancestors, comprehension of the experience of ancestors and improvement. In Belarus (Belaya Rus), and now on September 1, they celebrate the Veda day, and the word "knowledge" is translated as "VEDA".

The authorities, along with the comprehension of sciences, the experience of ancestors, did not deny

the presence of a reasonable CREATOR, but this was not a religion and an object of blind worship, but only a logical conclusion based on facts and the subject of study, comprehension. Aren't modern scientists looking for a “particle of God” now? Our ancestors recognized and studied multidimensionality, which is reflected in the knowledge that has come down to us for children and textbooks on arithmetic, see:

xx'Aryan arithmetic






Harmonious figure of one-dimensional space.

Harmonious figure of two-dimensional space.

Harmonious figure of three-dimensional space.

Harmonious figure of four-dimensional space.

Harmonious figure of five-dimensional space.

The harmonious figure of six-dimensional space.

Correspondence table of harmonious figures of different-dimensional spaces with the number of their anchor points.


Structures of different dimensions with base three.

Multiplications in a triad system

Calculation rules in x'Aryan arithmetic


Harmonious multiplication system

Triadic multiplication system

Equal multiplication system

Pyramidal Multiplication System

Prism multiplication system




Examples of pages:


The theory of multidimensionality in the spiritual sense is reflected in the names of these worlds - the world of RULE - where our ancestors live, who have reached the divine-human stage of evolution, where prototypes of everything are created that then appears in the world of REVIEW and the world of NAV, GLORY - intermediate worlds with their specific functions.

As one of the manifestations of Vedicism, there was a KIND faith, which was practiced by ordinary people, workers. I suppose that it was RODnoverie that was later called “paganism”. It is the native faith that are now trying to revive the so-called. "Pagans", and for this they are criticized and ridiculed, and sometimes persecuted, sometimes quite rightly. I also see that some so-called. “Pagans” profane Rodnoverie, Vedicism and try to create some new religion - intentionally or out of ignorance.

The trinity of the world is reflected even in the generic primer, according to which the Slavs taught children to read and write:

Generic Primer of Old Slovenian Initial Caps



Want a small example? In order to understand what quantities our Ancestors operated on, it is enough to give one simple example: one of the smallest particles of time among the Slavic-Aryan peoples was called “sig”. She was portrayed by the Rune in the form of lightning. The fastest movement from one place to another was estimated in whitefish. Hence the old Russian expressions such as "sigat", "saganut".

What is 1 sig, in modern time units? The answer makes anyone think about it: one second contains 300244992 whitefish, and 1 sig is approximately equal to 30 oscillations of the electromagnetic wave of the cesium atom, taken as the basis for modern atomic clocks (or about 1/300 billion of a second). Why did our Ancestors need such small values? The answer is simple - for ultrafast process measurements. Thus, the ancient expressions “to jump”, “to jump” in modern language can only mean “to teleport”. And modern science is just looking for the Higgs Boson and comes up with theories of multidimensionality


Ancient units of measurement of length and time:

Our Ancestors had sacred numbers: 3, 4, 7, 9, 16, 33, 40, 108, 144, 369. We still use these numbers: at the age of 16 we received a passport, on the 9th and 40th day we commemorate the dead, etc. Our Ancestors had 9 cardinal points. If we divide each of them into 40 parts, we get a circle of 360 degrees, which we still use now.

Each day was divided into 16 hours, each hour contained 144 parts, each part had 1296 beats, each beat 72 moments, each instant 760 seconds, each instant 160 whitefish.

And the longest distance "far distance" is about 1.4 light years. Obviously, such units of length were needed only for describing distances to other star systems. Similarly, the longest period of time “Svarog Circle” was equal to the period of precession of the Earth's axis of 25,920 years, which for some reason remains unnoticed by contemporaries who are accustomed to living on the scale of one human life, and not on the time scales of the existence of Mankind and ice ages.

And representatives of full Vedicism and Rodnovers were called by a common word - Slavs. Now the word "Slav" has lost its original meaning.

"SLAVS - A CONCEPT NOT GENETIC, BUT LINGUISTIC" - Genogeographer Oleg Balanovsky. But even this is not the whole truth about the word "Slav." What is the original meaning of this word?

SLAVIAN - SLAV (b) - YAN (b) - IN (b) is a person who lives in LADA (harmoniously) with his conscience, nature and is balanced in the energies YAN (b) + and IN (b) - centrifugal and centripetal energies, + and -. The Slavs believed that the Vyshny (Creator), SVARGAN, had set the WORLD with these two main energies and supported the WORLD with them.

Glory is a world that connects or "intermediate", balancing the interaction of worlds - the realization from dimension to dimension (death is a CHANGE of the dimension of being). To glorify means to create balance, LAD, harmony (remember who Harmony is? This is the goddess of love and beauty, we have her other hypostasis - the goddess LADa. That's where the erroneous "Beauty will save the world" Not beauty, but Harmony - balance - in energies, in LADu + and -, Yin and Yang, male and female …).


Therefore, the Slavs had one main commandment - to live according to CONSCIENCE and in harmony with nature.

The Slavs believed that there are the unshakable KONs of the Creator - it was he who determined here what will be good and what will be evil. Therefore, a person has a conscience. CONSCIENCE - CO (joint with the Creator) - NEWS (quick information), that is, this is the “default option” - communication with the Creator - what is good and what is bad according to his understanding. There is no conscience - there is no connection with the Creator (to lead) - it means that the person is DISCONNECTED from the Creator, does not UNDERSTAND what is good and what is bad - he can be instilled in him anything to be considered right or wrong, good or evil. If a person has no conscience, this is no longer a path to evolution (development), but to involution (degradation), so you can reach the level of a destroyer … here, at the level of destroyers, the Creator will still give a person a little existence, just as he also needs destroyers, well … and then to culling … Complete destruction, annihilation … to the original energy.

It is the UNDERSTANDING of the structure of the universe and KNOWLEDGE (VEDA) that were the basis of Vedicism. There was no division into science and spirituality, because everything in our world is interconnected and this is RIGHT.

I would like to see Vedicism revived - even for the reasons that it would be a unifying factor for all Slavs of different worldviews.

Author: Svetlana Lisichkina

On the subject: "Day of Svarog - to get up the luminous people!"