A Little About Space And The Disabled Ant - Alternative View

A Little About Space And The Disabled Ant - Alternative View
A Little About Space And The Disabled Ant - Alternative View

Video: A Little About Space And The Disabled Ant - Alternative View

Video: A Little About Space And The Disabled Ant - Alternative View
Video: Few people know about this function DRILLS !!! 2024, July

According to science, our universe is space, time, matter and energy in any form. Our space is three-dimensional, i.e. has a length, width and height. Two-dimensional space is a plane, for example, a sheet of paper, respectively, one-dimensional space is a line, zero is a point. In mathematics, 3-dimensional space contains an infinite number of both 2-dimensional spaces, as well as an infinite number of one-dimensional and zero spaces. To put it simply, we can draw as many lines as we like and in any directions, even a plane, or even a point. Also from 4-dimensional space it is easy to distinguish a lot of such spaces as ours. And neither mathematics nor physics exclude the possibility of the existence of not only 4-dimensional, but also multi-dimensional spaces. Hence the talk about parallel universes that can intersect, and from which aliens can fly to us,since they do not appear in our universe yet.

Even the possibility of almost instantaneous flights to any point in our universe is demonstrated by analogy with a sheet of paper. There is a Soviet cartoon about an ant that needs to get home, while he repeats all the time: “I am disabled, my leg hurts, the sun will disappear, the anthill will close. Help! . If we wanted to help him, we would place him on a 2-dimensional plane. And if we bend the leaf in half, connect the ends and pierce it in the place where the goosebump began its run, then it will immediately go to the opposite edge, where its anthill is located. Somehow to twist and do the same with our space, and now, formally, we overcome the speed of light, instantly move a distance of millions of light years (in physics, such transitions and quantum states are sometimes called wormholes). This means that the lightwhich has the maximum possible speed will fly there for a million years. The distance, whether in kilometers or in parsecs, is prohibitive.

And by the way, since our ant was on the plane, then he cannot raise his head and look around, and he sees only what is on this sheet. We can bend a leaf, roll it into a tube, crumple it, but for an ant it will still remain flat. If you sprinkle iron filings on a sheet and bring a magnet, then they will curiously round out. There is such an experience at school. For the inhabitants of the plane, for some unknown reason, these sawdust will suddenly circle and somehow install, although the most ingenious ant scientists will not be able to understand or calculate how this happened, because for them the forces that produce this will be inaccessible, like the dark matter and energy in our universe. This darkest energy and matter, it turns out, make up 95% of all matter and energy in our country. It is very tempting to explain their origin as the influence of more arrogant space on our universe. Then the emergence of our Universe would simply be described by the fact that from 4-dimensional space they made a puncture into 3-dimensional space and began to pump into our Universe an excess of their hydrogen, in order to then pump out more structured matter and energy through black holes. Such a mini-plant: you throw in grapes you don't need, and you get alcohol at the exit. Then many miracles and anomalies could be fully interpreted from a material standpoint. In the end, such an assumption correlates quite well with the law of conservation of energy and explains where a breakthrough of matter appeared in our Universe after the Big Bang. At least until thenuntil string theory gets it right and someone can explain it clearly.

But alas. Our space is closed precisely on 3 dimensions. Because we can never fold a two-dimensional sheet and help the poor ant get to the anthill until the sun has disappeared and the anthill is closed. Because we will in no way be able to see, touch, measure, or pick up this leaf, not with our fingers with sausages, or with any cleverly measured devices. As well as with the line the same story, not to mention the point, in its full physical meaning, about which nothing can be said at all.

Of course, all these theories are being dealt with by great scientists with the involvement of a huge mathematical apparatus, this article does not set itself the goal of giving out any hypotheses, all the more so on the fly and on fingers.
