A Strange Alternative. Bible - True, Or Fiction? - Alternative View

A Strange Alternative. Bible - True, Or Fiction? - Alternative View
A Strange Alternative. Bible - True, Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Alternative. Bible - True, Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Alternative. Bible - True, Or Fiction? - Alternative View
Video: The Most Bizarre Bible Story 2024, July

Strange, because it does not fit in any way with other amazing facts about the history of the peoples of the planet.

I would like to believe that Biblical truths are aimed at bringing humanity closer to God. And what the Bible says happened in reality. Perhaps it was. The only thing you can be sure of is that these texts do not describe the entire history of mankind.

In the texts, nowhere is it mentioned that many peoples who inhabited the planet had knowledge and technologies, about which modern mankind does not even have a remote idea.

I'll start with the simplest. From school, everyone is familiar with the multiplication table. Probably not mistaken that the overwhelming majority of people are sure that 2 × 2 = 4. And they say this: twice two is four. There is even a children's song about it. Or maybe she appeared for a reason, which, most likely. I wrote about accidents of this kind in the last article.

Correctly you need to say not two times two four, but two times two, equals four.

It turns out there is a difference in the meanings of these words. Our ancestors, if they said to multiply by HA, then it turned out four. And if ZHDY, then after the equal sign the number sixteen was obtained.

This arithmetic is called x'Aryan, and it has a multilevel multiplication table.


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The question is: What should be the people who use such computing systems? Obviously, the need for such calculations was in no way determined by a plow, a shovel, and animal-drawn transport.

Here's an example of an 1883 handout:


And everyone is sure that in those days people used candles and lanterns, like a bat. There is also evidence that they knew about electricity in Russia and 100 years earlier:


And this is an icon of the 17th century:


It is difficult to say what the icon painter wanted to reflect with this icon. One thing can be assumed - there is a space rocket on the icon. According to the version of modern history and the history of Christian Orthodoxy, "This cannot be because it can never be!" However, the icon exists, and a delivery vehicle into space is drawn on it. And the person who painted this icon was familiar with its structure in detail. Let me remind you that this is the 17th century.

Then there is nothing surprising that at that time there were maps of the planet's surface, which were compiled from photographs from the height of the satellite's orbit. I wrote about this in this article.

It is worth remembering the works of Jonathan Swift and wondering - how did he know about the presence of two satellites on Mars? They were discovered 156 years later.

A huge number of objects, documents, high-tech structures are found all over the world, which indicate that quite recently a very developed civilization lived on the planet, which had space and atmospheric aircraft, possessed technologies that our scientists are still very far from.

One example: a runway in Africa. Yundum airport.


It is located in the smallest country in Africa, in the Gambia, which has never needed such an airfield.


The runway is built on an ancient strip, from which representatives of that civilization flew. It was slightly updated by placing concrete slabs over the old strip. This airfield accepts any aircraft that exist on the planet. I can say that the AN 124 Ruslan plane in Russia can land only at 3 or 4 airfields. All others are not coated to withstand the pressure of its chassis bogies. But, this is not the largest plane in the world.

And here's another interesting document:


These are illustrations from the book "Properties of Things" written by the Englishman Bartholomew in 1230-1240. As an observer, he was rolled into the orbit of the planet, and was shown what the earth looks like from space. A similar case is described in the Bible by the prophet Ezekiel. And the prophet Ilya left our planet in a spaceship. Only, most likely, it was not in the Old Testament times, but quite recently, 500 - 700 years ago.

This is a small list of a huge number of facts testifying to a completely different history of life on our planet.

Interesting paintings by the Italian artist Robert Hubert (1733 - 1808) are kept in museums in Europe.


In these paintings, among the ruins, a priest is depicted with a huge book. This book was printed for people of appropriate height.

It is often said that the ruinist artists invented their plots, and in reality nothing of the kind existed. This is not true, they painted pictures from nature. There are many such paintings and many artists.

These books have also survived:


A priest in white robes, and the ruins of this cyclopean building were adapted for a temple. Christian? Perhaps the first picture shows a cross.

When Napoleon occupied Moscow, a commemorative medal was issued in honor of this event.


If you look closely, the crosses on the domes are completely different. Their shape rather corresponds to a modern antenna for receiving a digital signal.

And here is an interesting medal, which was awarded to Russian priests who took an active part in the battles of the Patriotic War of 1812.


Looking at this cross, for some reason I remembered an anecdote:


- Grandfather, and you really fought with the French in 812?

- True, - answered the grandfather.

- Is it true that you shot down five planes? -The grandson is trying.

- Well, I didn't knock it down, - the grandfather answered embarrassedly, - but didn't refuel.


How tangled the story is! Question one: For what purpose?

It turns out that the previous civilization had knowledge of the feat of Jesus Christ. The civilization that plowed the vastness of space knew about the feat of Christ!

When and where did the Bible record actually happen?

One gets the idea that modern mankind has only adopted what was left to him as a legacy from a vanished highly developed civilization

And the Bible is also silent about this. Maybe she is silent only because it was written much earlier than these events? But the representatives of the churches do not mention anything about these events either.

And here's the question: how to link reality with the description of human history reflected in the biblical texts? On all pages of this document, a person is drawn who, apart from cattle breeding and agriculture, knew nothing. And nothing is mentioned about technical achievements, for example, the Sumerian civilization, the civilizations of Central America. I'd better keep silent about the Slavic civilization.