The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Four - Alternative View

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The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Four - Alternative View
The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Four - Alternative View

Video: The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Four - Alternative View

Video: The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Four - Alternative View
Video: What if Anyone Won the War of 1812? 2024, October

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 -

We continue to consider the events in a different interpretation of the main events from the canonical history.


- the combined French army had 135,000 soldiers, the Russian army was dug in prepared fortifications of 155,000 soldiers;

- Kutuzov conducted a reconnaissance of the location of the enemy's troops without leaving the cart, of course where and how he was able to drive (along our bumps), and Napoleon on horseback, approaching the distance of a rifle shot (he was fired twice);

- as a result, the right flank of the Russian troops (with a greater number and number of guns) was located against a bare field (!), respectively, all the power of the attack of Napoleon's army fell on the center and left flank of Kutuzov's army;

- already at 9 am Bagration's flashes (covering the left flank) were taken, the French were in the very center of our positions and the second Russian army was practically crushed and destroyed;

Promotional video:

- in the meantime, our right flank, seeing this state of affairs, but not receiving any orders from Kutuzov, begins to independently advance to the aid of the dying comrades (the columns go under the through aimed fire of the French guns);

- by the end of the day, all the positions and fortifications of our troops were taken by the enemy … while Kutuzov brought all the reserves into battle, and Napoleon's old guard (20,000 soldiers) never entered the battle;

- the loss of the defending Russian army of 53,000 soldiers, the loss of the advancing French army of 28,000 soldiers;

- after retreating from Borodino, Kutuzov writes a report (message) to Alexander about the victory, in St. Petersburg festivities, thanksgiving prayers and jubilation, Kutuzov is immediately promoted to field marshal general and is given a bonus of 100,000 rubles (!).


Delivery of Moscow

- in Tarutino (the headquarters of the Russian army after the abandonment of Moscow), 52,000 soldiers reached, plus replenishment of the militia and Cossacks (recall that about 100,000 soldiers left the battle at Borodino);

- since Moscow was not going to surrender, they did not carry out evacuations (unlike St. Petersburg, which is far from the theater of military operations), left the French the entire arsenal, treasury, civilians with children and 30,000 wounded soldiers in hospitals, though they took everything with them fire pipes … after which they set fire to Moscow with all of the above;

- Napoleon, who continued to ask Alexander to make peace, stood in Moscow, no one bothered him there, but the scorched earth tactics (our land: with peasants, fields and houses) made itself felt - the soldiers were starving;

- Kutuzov, meanwhile, sent troops from Tarutino to suppress the uprisings of the peasants and the militia around Moscow (he had no time for the French);

- Napoleon, without waiting for an answer from Alexander, starving, stealing gold (unlike people, it did not burn), taking the arsenal and smashing along the way part of Kutuzov's troops near Maloyaroslavets, decided that chasing the defenders across the expanses of Russia was not very promising, he was nothing to win I was not going to (in Europe I would have kept what is) and turned back to the border, though along the old road - I did not want to fight again (although, as the further course of events shows, it was still possible).


Back to the border

- As we know, no one else attacked Napoleon until the very river Berezina, his army was dying of hunger and froze to death itself; walking in a "parallel march", the Russian army (not prepared for the cold by the Kutuzovs (for which officers and soldiers hated him), starved to death and froze;

- 130,000 Russian soldiers and militias left Tarutino following the French, 27,000 people reached Vilna;

- Denis Davydov wrote in his memoirs that “partisans” shot at him and his people, in connection with which the Russian uniforms were changed to peasant Armenians;

- almost the entire European part of Russia was destroyed and burned by its own retreating troops or rebellious peasants (and then also by punitive expeditions), fields and reserves were burned and plundered, everywhere hunger, cold and death;

- the captive French were paid big money from the treasury of the devastated country (the image was then above all);

- Alexander could not calm down and insisted on the pursuit of Napoleon's army and after crossing the border, and only after two more defeats in 1813 (these are all newly killed Russian soldiers), he nevertheless signed this peace.


- Napoleon Bonaparte won ALL battles in the war of 1812 - the military victory remained with him;

- the Russian economy was collapsed by unbearable military expenditures and the consequences of the war, society was divided by the mediocrity of the ruling and military elite (as a result - the uprising of the "Decembrists");

- Europe still did not respect Russia, this soon manifested itself in the war with Turkey, where England was again the instigator - she received the most political benefits;

- if everything is so, and judging by the documents it is, then hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians of Russia, who died at the whim of mindless rulers, are worthy of the honest truth, for a lie insults their memory.

Isn't that so, the picture bears little resemblance to the official version? I don’t want to believe it, but the documents leave no choice …

Why did I have to get involved in these European showdowns that do not concern us? What kind of senseless, destructive persistence for your people (to become your own in Europe)? So he did not (Alexander was despised). What was it? What for? Or do we not know something important about these events that will finally put everything in its place?

PS For the celebration of the bicentennial of the victory in the war of 1812, according to some sources, 2 billion 400 million rubles were spent (image above all!)

Continued: Part 5