Mosques Testify To A Single World Of The Past - Alternative View

Mosques Testify To A Single World Of The Past - Alternative View
Mosques Testify To A Single World Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: Mosques Testify To A Single World Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: Mosques Testify To A Single World Of The Past - Alternative View
Video: A Question No Muslim Can Answer (Prove Me Wrong!) 2024, July

Greetings, friends. The voice of Pavlusha Lobanivius is again in touch, distributing shalbans to scientific stereotyped children and words from the Pulirebus Snowfall, from which seizures are ready to break their own records in curious hysterics with fits. With you again, two experts in kindness. Craftsmen of long smiles, souls descending into the cellars without fear or loss to fix plumbing there. Let's study everything there by bolt. On a screw. In these souls, we will again arrange logic according to Fanshi. As the great masters of verbal boxing, striking ten beats per second in a jump, we will again hammer opponents into the ring with punches of words, like a hammer nails into a board. We will again send our rival to the knockout. And not out of malice, but out of love and out of humane considerations and according to the system, without unnecessary warnings, by the master of verbal Kung Fu Alexander Eremenko. So that everything is more effective and voluminous. So that, for those who spread their ears into the ring, like Leonardo in a picturesque tackle, the picture in the head surfaced, like a workhorse passed along a hard road, and so that they could hear how in it, when it went up the hill, the horsepower rotated like a chainsaw.

How does the guise of the mosque plow the minds with a clear outline of a single architecture. Take an old publication for 2016 "The Cosmically Incredible Geometry of the Ancient Mosques of Iran" and simply marvel at this music of forms of sacred geometry. This incredible precision of frozen forms of resonating clusters of sounds.


Promotional video:

In some places it is clear that something is missing.


Most likely, judging by these patrons made of tiles, a crystal-glass chandelier in the form of an organ with mirror elements was inserted there. And this is not an empty assumption. Firstly, Azamat Migranov prepared a chapter for a future film about the mirror energy storage devices of the past and will consider this moment there. Secondly, Marina Mymrina gave a tip to such an ancient mosque as a mirror one, built, according to the annals, in the 14th century:

According to official sources, in the Iranian city of Shiraz there is a mausoleum with a unique finish with pieces of mirror, glass of green shades and gems. Its walls and dome are adorned with glass fragments, precious stones, silver plates and shards of mirrors. The rays of the sun, refracting through the decoration, create a unique atmosphere of this place. Mirror mosaic finish. The inside of the dome is entirely lined with fragments of a mirror, greenish beryl and turquoise glass and precious stones, and the rays of light are refracted in precious chandeliers.

Keep this mosque in mind, it will come in handy for the film based on the materials of Azomat, that mosques carry not only a spiritual essence, but also a technological one. The fact that before the World was one and multifaceted, that they were not divided into Muslims, peasants, Vedists, they say this is industry, this is magic, and this is art and supposedly separate and disconnected sects, it is enough to look at those mosques that are not called mosques. For example, the old Dresden tobacco factory:


Does it look like a factory or a factory?


Here everything converges into one picture - and Islam, and antiquity, and art, and industry, and even some similarity to steam mill power plants. The puzzle goes to the puzzle.

And here is the blue mosque in Constantinople:


Does it remind you of anything? If in Europe - then destroy the inside, put the Kremlin walls on the sides of the shooting towers - and now we have a medieval castle. In our country, if it is badly destroyed, then it will be either a chapel, or an old lighthouse, or an old water tower, and the adjacent buildings will be a theater or a library. But nowhere will it affect that it is all the same, and the World used to be one and fragmented into all sorts of cults and sects, as it is today.

Here's an old mosque in Kazan:


Catch associations with what there is a similarity. And here is another photo, also from Kazan:


It is very similar to the castle, and to the church, and we see antiquity, and we see the crosses on the building. But, it is called a mosque.

The Mukhtarov Mosque is a symbol of Vladikavkaz:


What does it look like? To organ halls like Notre Dame. But it is called a mosque.

There are also a lot in St. Petersburg.


Here is another one in Tsarskoe Selo:


But, it is not called a mosque, but a Turkish bath.

Ulu-Jami Mosque in Bursa:


We see two Ostankino shooting towers in the embrace of the Kremlin walls. This was found in the publication "Muslim Architecture". Further there are such photographs of Islam:


Water-pressure shooting chapels loom straight.


As for me, antiquity is more reminiscent of the Anto-Slavs:


Minaret of the Seville Mosque:


But as for me, it looks more like Gothic.

The minaret of Qutub-minar in Delhi is also called the complex of the Muslim mosque Kuvwat al-Islam:


And you thought such unsurpassed masterpieces of the past, near which modern masters stand with open mouths, are Slavic Gothic only referred to Buddhism? No, for the annals this single World of the past, according to some criteria, is different, they say it will be called Islam, this is Buddhism, this is Christianity, this is a tobacco factory, this is a bathhouse, this is a library, this is a church, this is a mosque, this is a beer factory.

Here is another building shared by Marina Mymrina:


Does it look like a mosque? Looks like. But, as they say, we quote “The Jal Mahal Palace in India amazes with its unusual architectural design - it stands right in the middle of a small lake a few kilometers from the city of Jaipur. Looking at him, it seems that he is hanging in the air, barely touching the water's edge. In other places, such structures are called not palaces, but fortifications, which in the past, wild people did not understand how they erected on the water.

There is another secret of the Tibetan towers, called the ancient "miracle" of engineering.


The guys who researched them write:

This is how the whole World is being altered and forged, dividing the once united into sects and opposing different points of view. But the couple already stop being ignorant fanatics and broaden their horizons. We are all partly right in some way and not all the way.

Author: Snowfall Bullets