Perception Of Death And Soul Among Different Nations - Alternative View

Perception Of Death And Soul Among Different Nations - Alternative View
Perception Of Death And Soul Among Different Nations - Alternative View

Video: Perception Of Death And Soul Among Different Nations - Alternative View

Video: Perception Of Death And Soul Among Different Nations - Alternative View
Video: Perspectives on Death: Crash Course Philosophy #17 2024, July

What is the soul and does it exist at all, have you ever asked this question or is it an empty word for you? Since ancient times, many people believe in the soul that is inside each person and it is possible that it is capable of rebirth. For some, this may seem like a real torture if we are reborn from century to century in different incarnations, while for others it may even seem funny.

For example, the population of the Komi Republic has long believed that the soul remains on Earth for another 40 days after the person is gone. The Komi population believed that their ancestors could follow them and help, these concepts persist even in modern times. In Egypt, they also believed in the existence of the soul and it was believed that the soul is a collection of various substances and divided them into: Sakh, Ka, Heart, Ba, Ah, Shu. It is clear that the most important component was the Heart. In the Afterlife, it was the Heart that could become decisive in where the soul would go and everything depended on the actions that a person performed in life.

The ancient Greeks associated the soul with Hades, where you could meet dear people after death, so they were not afraid of the end of life. Various rituals and rituals of purification were carried out, and for various problems they turned to the inner self and asked the soul to help in solving problems.

The Slavs divided the concepts of deceased relatives into clean and unclean, where the soul played the main role. Good people were honored after burial and called their parents. And all those who led the wrong way of life were considered obscene and the Slavs feared them even after they were gone in our world.

Many peoples believed that the main thing is to live according to conscience and not betray oneself, then in the afterlife nothing threatens the soul and it will remain in peace.
