Choice Or Destiny? - Alternative View

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Choice Or Destiny? - Alternative View
Choice Or Destiny? - Alternative View

Video: Choice Or Destiny? - Alternative View

Video: Choice Or Destiny? - Alternative View
Video: THE CHOICE (Short Animated Movie) 2024, July

Is everything predetermined by fate or is there a choice?

The Bulgarian prophetess Vanga spoke of fate: “What I see, no matter how terrible it may be, cannot be changed. No one can escape fate."

These words of Vanga, frankly, are not encouraging. Who among us would not want to improve his life, and who among us does not dream of happiness … Is it really impossible for a person to change anything in his life?

It depends on what is the meaning of the word change! Vanga, speaking of the fact that fate cannot be changed, clearly did not mean everything to a number of events in our life, but only its most basic circumstances. It was not in vain that she said that God gave people a powerful weapon in the form of free will.

Fate for a person is destined precisely in the main, key moments of life. In what family we appear on earth, how many years of life we have, what abilities nature will give us, what kind of health we will have - these most important features of life, in reality, cannot be changed, we are born with them and they do not depend on our will. But there are many things in life that depend on our personal choices and that we can change. This means that, nevertheless, in many ways, a person is not a toy of fate, but a free creature that is able to shape his life at his will.

It is on human abilities to actively influence one's own destiny and change it for the better that the Teaching of Life focuses on. According to the Fiery Bible, the inevitability of karmic consequences does not mean that we are absolutely incapable of changing anything in our destiny. We have the opportunity to improve our destiny by recycling the karma of the past and, most importantly, without making new mistakes that will create negative karma for us for our new incarnation.

E. Roerich said about the processing of past karma and the attitude to its lessons:

“In each life, a person can extinguish that part of the old karma that will overtake him in this incarnation, and, of course, he will immediately begin a new karma, but with an expanded consciousness he can quickly get rid of the karma accumulated by him, while the new karma generated by him will be already of the highest quality. In addition, the old karma will no longer be so scary to him, because the purified thinking and, therefore, the purified aura reacts absolutely differently to the back blows. And in this way a person can get out of the seemingly vicious circle of karma."

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Moreover, helping other people and a sincere desire for self-improvement will help a person to a certain extent alleviate the negative consequences of the karma that is already being implemented in his current incarnation. For example: a childless woman, who for a long time dreamed of having a child, is already resigned to her fate - not to have a child - and adopts one or two orphans. And after some time, fate suddenly presents her with her own child! Such cases even happen to celebrities. What does this mean? This is hardly an accident.

Infertility is usually a karmic punishment for not wanting to have children or to take care of your children in the past. But, having adopted someone else's child, parents who do not have their own, thereby "extinguish" negative karma with good deeds. And karmic negativity, extinguished by the energy of new, positive karma, leaves their auras. And at the same time, new opportunities come even at the physical level - the female body freed from the energy of negative karma is able to give birth to its child. Of course, this is not always the case. If the karma of the past was very heavy, then the woman's body will already have deviations from the norm from birth, preventing her from giving birth to a child. It all depends on the type of karma.

The Fiery Bible says that karma is of various types, of which only one cannot be corrected. Other types of karma can be changed, and this will significantly improve your destiny.

But what if karma and the fate associated with it cannot be changed?

In such cases, it is possible to help oneself by the right attitude to what is happening to us - as in the case of people who are unpleasant for us, who are brought into our lives by the karma of past incarnations. If a person begins to accept negative circumstances in his life with curses and despair, cursing at the same time everyone and everything and every time to react to what interferes with him, extremely emotionally - he will not only not help himself by this, but will significantly aggravate the situation wasting precious life energy on unnecessary experiences. Salvation from negative karma, which is not subject to change in this incarnation, is in the calm acceptance of it.

Firstly, a person should not blame everyone and everything for his problems, but should think about what is happening in his life contrary to his will and expectations - and draw conclusions about the true cause of his unhappiness or unwanted circumstances.

Secondly, the difficult circumstances of your personal life must be accepted without unnecessary emotional outbursts. When a person suffers, meeting unworthy people or, suppose, having a health problem, he should not be embittered, seeking to take revenge on the offender or envy others, believing that the Lord God or blind Fortune unjustly deprived him of their attention. He does not need to envy others and all the time torment himself with the thought that someone has everything that is necessary for happiness, but he is not given this, although others are worse than him. This kind of reasoning and feelings will not lead to good. We should accept our karma with dignity, without complaining, without grumbling and realizing that in the next life the circumstances of our fate will be much better if in this incarnation we do not create new negative karma with bad actions and thoughts.

The teachings of the Fiery Bible say that suffering is an involuntary teacher of every person on the path of his spiritual development and processing of negative karmic accumulations.

“Salvation is not at all about freeing a person from suffering, sickness and paying a karmic debt, but about awakening the spirit to the realization of the Truth and in this way lead it to the Gates of the New World. Therefore, all attempts to change someone's or their own karma cannot give the desired results. Therefore, we are not in a hurry with help when karma does not allow. To enter the New World building, the old calculations must be completed."

“My friend, if karma puts in certain and inevitable conditions, then wouldn't it be the best solution, instead of complaints and discontent, to extract from them all that they can give. (…) After all, life is the best Teacher. Why not take advantage of the lessons she gives for free. And hardships can be met calmly, they develop stability and strength to withstand waves from the outside. After all, everything that happens to us is only learning and gaining experience. (…) ". "Facets of Agni Yoga".

“The consequences cannot be avoided, but it is possible to change the attitude towards them and the nature of their influence on consciousness. This is how the ignorant cries for material losses, but the sage rejoices, seeing liberation in every loss. So, what is sown is reaped, that is, it is corrected and neutralized by consciousness here or there, for karma acts immutably in the plane of generated causes. But in spirit, a person can overcome the effect of lower causes in himself by a different, new, modified attitude towards the effects they generate. And in this aspect, man's power over karma is unlimited.

It would be more accurate to say that the lower karma is replaced by the higher, spiritual, which concerns not the chain of external karmic phenomena, but the attitude towards them in the spirit. The ignorant grieves, but the wise rejoice when he sees that he can pay off old debts. All debtors, only do not know how to pay the bills with dignity. Hence the grief, and mourning, and discontent with fate. Meanwhile, the payment of karmic debts is nothing more than the process of liberation from karma itself. Paying and not making new debts is the challenge. Therefore, it is better to give than to take. For he who takes will always give. Therefore, it is better to think good and create good than evil, for cause and effect are different ends of one thing. (…) ". "Facets of Agni Yoga".

Wang said the same:

“Do not grumble while experiencing suffering! Suffering purifies. To make a thing clean, it is washed."

“Nobody is born just for happiness. One is a great worker, but there is no harmony in his family. The other has everything, but health problems. The third is healthy, but his children are sick, and the like. In the life of every person, good is adjacent to evil. This is how man is made, and this is the world itself. Everyone needs patience."

Anna Marianis