The Appearance Of A UFO During A Tank Battle And Other Wonders Of The Kursk Region - Alternative View

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The Appearance Of A UFO During A Tank Battle And Other Wonders Of The Kursk Region - Alternative View
The Appearance Of A UFO During A Tank Battle And Other Wonders Of The Kursk Region - Alternative View

Video: The Appearance Of A UFO During A Tank Battle And Other Wonders Of The Kursk Region - Alternative View

Video: The Appearance Of A UFO During A Tank Battle And Other Wonders Of The Kursk Region - Alternative View
Video: Secretive program tracked UFOs for 5 years 2024, July

For many years, a resident of Kursk, Nikolai Pakhomov, has been collecting information about the miracles taking place in our region.

He is mainly interested in ufology, mysterious natural phenomena, unexplained cases and even dreams.


Recently, his book "Miracles of the Nightingale's Land" was published, which contains all kinds of stories told by eyewitnesses of strange events, local historians, historians … The author of the publication himself was a witness of some anomalies.

- I have repeatedly met what is usually called UFOs, - says Nikolai Alexandrovich. - Of course, I treat this with a certain degree of skepticism. I will finally believe that "plates" come to us only if I ride them. But I don’t presume to say that anomalous phenomena do not occur on the territory of our region.

So, in Kursk on the night of June 23-24, 1993, I noticed an object flying silently at a low altitude. At first I decided that it was a helicopter, since its blades rotated very quickly. Position lights were placed at their ends, and due to the rapid rotation, the illusion was created that a saucer was flying. A bright star burned at the bottom of the object. After flying over the city for some time, the object suddenly disappeared …

In October 2003, I wandered around the village of Shuklinka near Kursk. I had a camera with me and decided to take a picture of a nearby church. When I later printed the picture, I was surprised to find a strange formation in its upper left corner, similar to an unidentified flying object.


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And in July 2008, at about midnight, I accidentally looked out the window and saw a rhombus five meters long quickly flashing in the sky.

It was absolutely transparent, like a soap bubble, and from within it emanated a slight reddish glow. He moved in a straight line from the side of the Eagle …

Another case. On November 7, 2011 in Kursk at about seven in the morning, going to work, I saw a blinking red light flying across the sky. Soon another appeared - white and green. They moved so synchronously that it seemed as if they were the side lights of one object, only with an invisible body.

Something invisible flew slowly and rather low. At the same time, engine noise was not heard. Was it an airplane, a drone, an airship, or a UFO? And since local newspapers periodically publish eyewitness accounts of strange phenomena, it can be argued that something is flying above us. The only question is: what?

With the permission of Nikolai Pakhomov, we are publishing fragments of his book "Miracles of the Nightingale's Land".

"The object emitted a beam at the fascist" tigers"

“1851. Timsky district, Pakhonok village, Kursk province. Here is the estate of the well-known Tim's merchants Chernyshov-Mukhortovs, who even in St. Petersburg kept the largest store "Broken Bird". In the estate from early morning until dark, 17-year-old Karp worked on a poultry farm.

And suddenly the boy was gone. A rumor spread throughout the village: someone saw a fireball appear on the outskirts of the village. Someone came out of it, took Karp with him - supposedly, evil spirits carried the teenager to heaven. This legend is still alive in the village”.

“The former platoon commander, senior lieutenant Gennady Zhalaginov recalls:“On August 26, 1943, on the Kursk Bulge sector in the front sector - Romanovka, Trety Khutor, Polyana and Khomutovka - I had to observe a rare phenomenon. Artillery preparation began after 9 am. About 30-40 minutes later, when our battery transferred the fire to the depths of the enemy defense, I left the observation post.

After examining the German front line, my gaze involuntarily fell on a sickle-shaped object, rushing at a very high speed in the south-west direction - it soon disappeared from sight. The color of the object in front and behind was bluish-dark with tints, turning into light orange in the middle. One got the impression that it was a giant dolphin breathing, as the middle part of the object either decreased or increased …"

The book mentions the appearance of a UFO during a tank battle on the Prokhorov field


“Message from engineer-geophysicist L. N. Shevchenko:“On August 8, 1982, at 19.50 Moscow time, the passengers of the bus traveling from Voronezh to Kursk witnessed an unusual phenomenon. Five kilometers from the turn to the Tim village, on the right side, 500-700 meters from the road, a pillar of fire was slowly descending onto the plowed area of the field … The outlines of the “pillar” were quite clear. Its height, according to visual estimates of observers, was 15–20 meters, and its thickness was 2 meters.

When approaching the ground, a rotating corkscrew-shaped tip appeared at the lower end of the strange object, with the help of which the "pole" was "drilled" into the ground. Moreover, its speed from the moment it emerged from the cloud to its complete disappearance was constant. After the upper end of the “pillar” disappeared into the ground, a light plume of smoke appeared in the air. All of the above phenomenon lasted from three to five minutes - the bus passengers did not have a unanimous opinion: what they saw seemed too incredible …

On November 5, 1982, a working group consisting of B. Kudryavtsev, A. Kopeikin, A. Mosolov, V. Uglina, together with eyewitnesses, left, in the language of a detective, to the scene … looseness resembled tooth powder.

We also noted another unusual detail: within the "ellipse" vegetation was completely absent, although shoots were visible around. From geophysicists, the researchers learned that in the area of the alleged impact of an unknown object on the soil is one of the powerful branches of the Kursk magnetic anomaly. Was this mysterious pillar a kind of electrical discharge between the atmosphere and a giant ore body? But in this case, what is this "drill" at the lower end of the "pillar", which is also rotating?"

The signal rocket seemed to hit an invisible obstacle

“On a May evening in 2000, a policeman of the patrol and checkpoint service of the Kurchatovskiy ROVD took over duty in the central part of the city. The sun was rolling towards the horizon. Dusk was falling. A message was received over the radio that an incomprehensible object hovered in the sky near the nuclear power plant. A group of employees immediately drove to the site. They also noticed from a distance: at a low height, an elliptical crimson disc, divided in half by a vertical gray stripe, hangs motionlessly.

Upon arrival at the UFO hovering place, everyone had the impression that there was a huge material body in the sky, possessing unusual lightness and even weightlessness. One of the policemen took out a flare gun and fired a shot at the motionless object. The signal rocket, having gained half the height, suddenly changed direction to the opposite, as if hitting an invisible obstacle, which caused bewilderment among everyone. After the shot, the UFO slowly moved from its place and swam towards the Seim River …"

“The unidentified flying object was observed by residents of the Kursk microdistrict Volokno. The uniqueness of the case is that if usually one or two people become eyewitnesses of the appearance of "alien ships" in the sky, then this "plate" of clearly unearthly origin was simultaneously seen by more than ten witnesses.

“My son and I went out for a walk with the dog,” said Leonid Snegovoy. “Two days before that, the boy asked my brother for a large pair of binoculars. We took our optics to admire the night sky. In the evenings, local youth gathered on the benches at the site behind school # 33. The guys were the first to notice a luminous object in the sky. “One guy said something like 'fuck yourself, UFO'. And after a few seconds everyone jumped to their feet. A ball was hanging in the sky - a luminous spot a little smaller than the Moon,”recalls Leonid.

The object moved in short jerks - constantly in different directions. Absolutely silent. Kuryanin remembered about binoculars: “He turned around, and my son Andrey was already examining the ball through optics. If earlier I tried to come up with some "reasonable" explanation for what was happening: a meteorological balloon, a satellite or just an atmospheric phenomenon, then, having seen a UFO through binoculars, all doubts about its unearthly origin disappeared.

It was a ball of metallic color, "flattened" at the top and bottom. Slightly higher than in the middle, separated by a strip, where there was something very similar to portholes. But only the light in them was unusual, dull blue, like in quartz lamps. " After 2 minutes, the object disappeared. So fast that the observers did not even have time to trace the direction of the flight. And again, soundless …"

“September 2008. Late Saturday evening, strange lights appeared in the sky over the North-West microdistrict of Kursk. First three orange dots, then four. According to some, they moved along a strange trajectory, constantly changing their location. Others argue that the luminous points belonged to the same object, were static, forming geometric shapes - either a triangle or a rhombus.

Kursk regional historian Yuri Ozerov also filmed a strange phenomenon. “I went out into the courtyard and accidentally noticed 4 orange objects in the dark sky, and immediately rushed for the camera,” he says. - The glowing dots floated silently towards the northwest from the south. An airplane cannot fly like that. It was cloudy that evening, so the version that these are stars has disappeared. I noticed that the lights were changing places, they were constantly in motion."

It is not the first time that Ozerov has observed mysterious phenomena in the sky. “This happens quite often over Kursk,” explains Yuri. - About 10 years ago I saw five glowing balls at once hovering over the city. When celebrating the anniversary of Seraphim of Sarov, I also saw the appearance of a disk in the sky. Late at night, a silvery object flew in a strange trajectory over the city center."

Indeed, the appearance of unidentified objects in the sky over Kursk occurs with enviable regularity. For example, in April 2002, at about 8 pm, a resident of the North-West microdistrict noticed an unusual white crescent-shaped object in the sky. Behind him was a train of golden particles. According to an eyewitness, the object gained height and at some point disappeared from the field of view."

Mikhail KHROMOV, newspaper "Each other" (Kursk)
