Materialization Of Thought By The Power Of Magic Spells - Alternative View

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Materialization Of Thought By The Power Of Magic Spells - Alternative View
Materialization Of Thought By The Power Of Magic Spells - Alternative View

Video: Materialization Of Thought By The Power Of Magic Spells - Alternative View

Video: Materialization Of Thought By The Power Of Magic Spells - Alternative View
Video: How to Cast Magic Spells 2024, July

Some people, predicting their own future, write down their goals. Others use maps to understand and plan for the future. Magic - and we are now in the world of magic spells - uses everything to create the best result for the ultimate goal, while observing certain rules. You may not believe in the power of magic spells, the world will not lose anything, it will be your loss.

Whatever powers the magic (witches) launches for certain cases, everything comes back, so all intentions should be for the highest good. Based on this statement, never try to change someone else's fate or impose your will on another person.

Magic has existed in our culture since very ancient times, when man lived in unity with nature. In fact, magic is the central forces of our being. When we feel the coming changes around us, we feel it inside ourselves. Those who practice martial arts or are aware of their chakras accept this area as the solar plexus.

If you have ever desired something very strongly, then you felt it first in your solar plexus. Then there is a setting for the materialization of desire:

You desire it in your heart, yes, there is a heart chakra.

You think about it in your head where your coronary chakra is.

You visualize this in your mind using your third eye chakra, which is between your eyebrows.

You share your desire with your loved one by talking about it using your throat chakra, which governs your ears, mouth, and nose.

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Chakras are sources of spiritual energy that run in a straight line through the middle of our body, connected from infinity above to infinity below. They are also associated with the meridians, the central nervous system, and vital organs.

Chakras, like small accumulators, supply our body with energies from birth. But what mighty forces can be acquired when connected to external energy sources, say, space?

When the chakras are active, they rotate and emit bright colors and this manifests itself in our aura and appearance.

You will immediately understand what this is about when you see how someone looks sad and depressed, while the other looks happy and glowing. Keep in mind your chakras and the connection that runs through you from infinity above to infinity below, and you will receive your own magic.

Now, with this light extra knowledge, this little touch of the world of magic can become your reality. You can easily check everything by connecting small magical elements, if, of course, you believe in yourself and your strengths.

This is how you can build the magic of your first spell

Take some candles - ideally you will have five. Tune the candles to east (air), south (fire), west (water), and north (earth), and the one that will be in the center.

Sit comfortably in front of the central candle and focus your attention on the flame (dim the light to a cozy twilight) breathe slowly and calmly (not only with your stomach, but with your chest breathing), let your mind get rid of excess thoughts.

Think about what you want (crown chakra).

Visualize what you want (third eye chakra).

Feel what you want (heart chakra).

Read the appropriate verse (throat chakra). For example,

By the power of Air and Earth, Water and Fire

This is my desire, this is my desire (express your desire here)

I ask that my wish be blessed with the Power of Three (goddess) And that doesn't bother anyone.

Now write your wish on a piece of paper. You use the elements of the earth - paper and pencil. Concentrate on desire as you repeat your verse three times, then touch the paper to the flame of the center candle. Let the paper burn out on a fireproof dish.

You use air elements, smoke from burning paper and fire element from flames. You are an element of the water that runs through the blood in your veins. As you finish your magical formulas with gratitude to the Goddesses, pinch the candles to keep your spell strong and not shattered.