The Legend Of Gil Perez, Who Could Teleport 500 Years Ago - Alternative View

The Legend Of Gil Perez, Who Could Teleport 500 Years Ago - Alternative View
The Legend Of Gil Perez, Who Could Teleport 500 Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: The Legend Of Gil Perez, Who Could Teleport 500 Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: The Legend Of Gil Perez, Who Could Teleport 500 Years Ago - Alternative View
Video: The Teleportation of Gil Pérez: Mexico Unexplained 2024, June

Scientists do not deny that teleportation technology may be created in the future, and research into such a possibility is currently underway. Teleportation is the ability to instantly move something over great distances in a matter of moments. It is interesting that in the history of our civilization, such phenomena are described more than once in various ancient texts, so could our ancestors have such technology, or did these processes occur spontaneously?

One of the legends says that a man named Gil Peres could move in a short time to different parts of the planet, i.e. in fact possessed the technology of instantaneous travel over great distances. Legend has it that Perez was an ordinary guard in Manila, but possessed extraordinary abilities. An interesting case is also described when in October 1593 Gil stood at the post during an attack by Chinese pirates, but suddenly fell asleep at his post, and when he woke up, strangers surrounded him and said that he was in Mexico.

The soldier spoke about the attempt on the life of the governor and the fact that he did not fulfill his duty of protection, falling asleep at the time when he was supposed to defend the palace from the attack of pirates. Perez was dressed in the uniform of a guard, but the Mexican soldiers decided to take him into custody, considering the man a fugitive or possessing some kind of devilish power. Two months later, a ship from the Philippines arrived in Mexico City, the crew members of which were familiar with Perez. They told the Mexican authorities about the death of the governor, and also about the mysterious disappearance of the guard from the post, whom they last saw on October 23, 1593, just as the attack on the palace took place.

The authorities decided to release the man, for whom his compatriots vouched and he returned to his post as a palace guard. Further, the historical data are confused and according to one of the versions, the story of Gil began to be told only after a hundred years, and the other version consists in recognizing the fact of teleportation almost immediately. This story does not have any serious confirmation, but many people believe in such a possibility of teleportation, because there are quite a few such stories in human civilization!