Faith In God And Faith In Modern Religions - Alternative View

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Faith In God And Faith In Modern Religions - Alternative View
Faith In God And Faith In Modern Religions - Alternative View

Video: Faith In God And Faith In Modern Religions - Alternative View

Video: Faith In God And Faith In Modern Religions - Alternative View
Video: Christian Testimony Video | "Is Faith in the Bible the Same as Faith in God?" (English Dubbed) 2024, July

In this article I will tell you about my attitude towards God and modern religions. This is a painful topic for many, so I ask you to treat my opinion with understanding.

Since I know a lot of information about alternative versions of history, my perception of the world is very different from ordinary people. Religion is no exception.

First, I will express my position, and then I will try to explain it to you. I believe that our world or universe was created by "god". Also, I do not deny the possibility of existence in other worlds or dimensions of beings that surpass us in all plans of development.

To some extent, such creatures can also be called gods, but let us give this name to the only creature that created everything.

About the ancient gods

Belief in mysterious and powerful gods is rooted in the deep past. The very first civilizations known to us (Egyptian, Sumerian, Indian) believed in various ancient gods, which can be called the beginning of the birth of religions.

This is where the whole catch lies. Alternative versions of history have collected enough facts to assert the reality of the existence of an entire civilization of ancient gods.

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Thus, we get two possible options.

1) We were originally created by these same 'gods', who are in fact an extraterrestrial highly developed civilization.

2) We learned about the gods with their arrival on Earth, but appeared before the appearance of extraterrestrial guests.

Given the difference in understanding of the world and technology, it was not difficult for the aliens to create the image of the gods in primitive people. Yes, even our remaining primitive Indians consider the modern American soldiers who sometimes drop in to them as gods.

Since then, I believe, the worship and service of the gods began to emerge. Perhaps the gods used people for their needs for a while. I can’t prove it, but I don’t dare rule it out.

After a certain period of time, the gods decided to help people in development, helped them to deal with agriculture and metallurgy, helped with the sciences (for example, astronomy) and control systems.

In short, they decided to help people develop, and after a while they left our Earth for unknown reasons. Perhaps they just decided to see how it would end, and after leaving, they left behind some religion or even a representative.

About modern religions

So I just don't see the point in modern religions. Whom to pray and worship? Representatives of the same civilization?

All the more, I am greatly confused by how religions showed themselves at the beginning of their appearance. As an example, Christianity was forcibly instilled in the population, and with those who disagree, the conversation was short.

How in the Middle Ages they deliberately destroyed priceless artifacts of antiquity and hindered technological progress. Is this the correct path to which divine will leads?

Well, the most important question - what is the Vatican hiding in its libraries? If they have no secrets, then why hide and protect this very library so carefully? But if something is protected at this level, then there is clearly something more valuable than flabby papyri.

This means that there is such information that no one can find out under any circumstances. It can be the truth about the past, the parting words of the ancient gods, or the truth about Christianity.

I also find religion to be a great way to manipulate people. By touching people's innermost desires and instilling in them faith in a miraculous solution to all problems, religion becomes a powerful weapon.

However, I do not consider religion to be something bad and evil. I respect every religion and person, because everyone has their own choice.

But if I wanted to believe in something miraculous, then this would be faith in the person himself, his strength of spirit and will, the desire for self-development and knowledge of the world. This path can lead to success in my opinion.

I tried very hard to write quality text and not offend anyone.
