Reasons For Hiding Information About UFOs - Alternative View

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Reasons For Hiding Information About UFOs - Alternative View
Reasons For Hiding Information About UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Reasons For Hiding Information About UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Reasons For Hiding Information About UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, July

For all official questions about UFOs, there is always the standard evasive answer that the information is classified in the interests of national security. The easiest way to assume is that the most powerful powers are fighting to gain knowledge from aliens in order to become leaders in mastering new technologies. But in fact, the reasons can be much more complicated, especially since mankind does not know about them.

How all the secrets about UFOs appeared

Declassified documents from the British archives say that Winston Churchill, during the Second World War, ordered to classify all information about UFOs for at least 50 years. He motivated this decision by the fear of sowing panic among the population. According to one of the politician's bodyguards, Churchill and Eisenhower agreed to conceal the fact that the RAF aviators returning from combat flight met with UFOs.


Some researchers believe that the reason for the secrecy was Churchill's belief that the fact of the appearance of a UFO would sow panic among the masses and affect religious views.

American Book of Secrets

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Each new president reads The Book of Secrets, which began writing in 1947. It was then that a flying saucer crashed in the US state of New Mexico. They say that the whole truth about this UFO is written there. Many are even sure that the military found dead aliens there, which are being kept in a special "green room" at a classified military base.


American astronaut Edgar Mitchell is confident that the Roswell disaster is not fiction. He himself was born in those places and knows well the farmers who examined the remains of UFOs. These are his friends and neighbors.

An ordinary ranch farmer picked up some parts of an unknown apparatus and kept them for a short time. Then these items were confiscated from him by the military, and everyone was ordered not to disclose information. It was announced to the general public that these were the remains of a weather balloon.

Secrets about UFOs of other states

Many leading powers know about UFOs. All cosmonauts and astronauts think so, and not only them. Test pilot Marina Popovich, the first wife of cosmonaut P. Popovich, knows for certain that all Soviet cosmonauts saw UFOs, but not everyone admitted it.


Both astronauts and cosmonauts wrote reports to their superiors. Only all this information was classified.

Russian archives with information about UFOs are kept at the Central Research Institute near Moscow. There are similar archives in China and in some other states. Edgar Mitchell is sure that the intelligence services of all developed countries have secret data on contacts with UFOs and governments should disclose information for free access. So far, only France and partly Great Britain have gone for this.

The main reasons for hiding information about contacts with aliens

According to the researchers of these phenomena, the visit to the Earth by incomprehensible objects and entities has several reasons.

  1. Governments of states are afraid to appear untenable in maintaining order and protecting their citizens from possible interference of extraterrestrial intelligence.
  2. Scientific circles do not find even elementary scientific evidence about the existence of extraterrestrial life or the existence of life in parallel spaces. In other words, even the very facts about UFOs are in doubt.
  3. Many facts of contacts are hidden by the "contactees" themselves because of misunderstanding and ridicule by other people.
  4. It is believed that knowledge about UFOs can deal a crushing blow to the worldview and consciousness of people, primarily those who believe in God. It is believed that man was created similar to the Creator. And the aliens - in whose image are they created?

Information about UFOs and alien contacts accumulated by many government agencies is scattered.


In addition, it does not explain many things at the level of human consciousness. Scientists cannot find answers to questions about these mysterious objects. Most likely, this is one of the main reasons why the public is not given out all classified facts.