The Punishment For The Punisher - Alternative View

The Punishment For The Punisher - Alternative View
The Punishment For The Punisher - Alternative View

Video: The Punishment For The Punisher - Alternative View

Video: The Punishment For The Punisher - Alternative View
Video: The Punisher (2004) - Not Vengeance Punishment 2024, July

On the square in front of the Donskoy Monastery in Moscow, there was a booth - a temporary tavern. On the day of the Don holiday and the procession, there was a fair on this square, where they drank a lot and together. The city guard (in the popular way "guard"), already pretty drunk, again went to the tavern. Coming out of it and stumbling at every step, he ran into a man in the dark, sitting on the ground with a rope in his hands. "What are you doing here?" - asked the guard. “But the rent has been spent on drink, there is only one ruble left, there is nothing to go home with. I want to hang myself, but my hands are not raised. Strangle me and take a ruble for yourself. " - "Perhaps I will serve you," - answered the security man and strangled the bitter drunkard.

The next night, the killer saw in front of him a strangled man with a terrible blue face and sparkling eyes. “I came for you,” he hissed, “take the rope and hang yourself; you and I are inseparable forever. " Such terrible phenomena began to recur every night and drove the unfortunate killer to despair. He was about to commit suicide, but, fortunately, fell ill and ended up in the hospital, which was headed by F. P. Haas. The latter, noticing the despair of the patient, affectionately but firmly brought to his consciousness about the need to repent, that is, to open his crime. The housekeeper followed his advice, and from the day he was put on trial, a terrible night's dream left him. “You should have seen,” said Dr. Haas, “how this unfortunate man rejoiced, with what calmness and fortitude he awaited punishment. Due to the voluntary recognition, it was easier than usual. "The former security officer was exiled to Siberia.

From the memoirs of Count M. Tolstoy. 1888 g.