Possessed By The Imp - Alternative View

Possessed By The Imp - Alternative View
Possessed By The Imp - Alternative View

Video: Possessed By The Imp - Alternative View

Video: Possessed By The Imp - Alternative View
Video: Witcher 3 OST - Hym (Rare Combat-Song) 2024, July

A terrible story happened literally a stone's throw from me, next to the house in which I live. And although she has not yet reached her eerie ending, this no longer matters: those around them can only watch in horror as a completely young, 32-year-old man dies before their eyes …

Today he is a typical homeless person who feeds on garbage dumps during the winter months and earns quite good money in the summer by stealing. Sasha steals not from his neighbors, but from the state: he trades in non-ferrous metals, which he then surrenders to the same state. He frankly shares his experience of "mining". For example, if telephones suddenly "flew" in your entire house and even in the district, it is possible that another craftsman simply removed a piece of telephone cable from the bowels of the earth, in which there are more than enough of these non-ferrous metals …

Of course, Sasha was not always homeless. His "orientation" towards non-ferrous metals is not at all accidental. At one time, he was a very promising student of a jewelry technical school: one of Sasha's author's term papers - a gold bracelet - came to an exhibition abroad. In general, according to him, they, the students, were trusted a little of gold and strictly controlled its issuance. But Sasha was not naturally offended by his intellect, ingenuity, and at the same time the desire to break the commandment “do not steal”. And together with his friend, he found a way to get the coveted metal in an unaccounted amount. Create decorations out of it and drive it to the left. Of course, all this - for the time being.

But one day she and a friend did not share the income. The relationship was sorted out in the hostel for a bottle of vodka, a fight broke out. Sasha got a bottle on the head from his accomplice, and the witnesses, who had listened attentively to the quarrel and had long envied Sasha's international success, rushed to inform the management about all the "arts" of the excellent student … street, not in the zone. Sasha, who got to the hospital after the fight, of course, did not initiate a criminal case against his former friend either. But the horror that entered his life began precisely from the moment he was hit on the head. He himself thinks so, although there may be completely different opinions on this matter …

Sasha returned home after treatment by commuter train, since the hospital in which he was lying was located in the Moscow region. The carriage turned out to be almost empty, there were only two silent and clearly unfamiliar men opposite, sitting at opposite ends of the same bench. At some point, accidentally raising his eyes at them, Sasha, thinking about how to live on, mentally looking for ways to repent and return to school, was stunned. His random companions are both! - suddenly, right before his eyes, split in two. One "couple" continued to sit quietly, not paying attention to each other. But the second one began to communicate violently right off the bat. "What do you mean - there is not enough space in an empty carriage, that you sat down here, goat?" one of the men asked. “What do you care? Wherever I want - I sit there! " - “That's it!Now I will clean my face like that …”Following this, a real angry fight began at the“communicating”couple, and a pentagram clearly appeared over the heads of all four.

Regarding the fact that this is a pentagram, Sasha found out from nowhere, because until the described moment he had never been interested in mysticism, religion, or even more so Satanism. I didn't believe in the supernatural at all. He never referred himself to any particular religion. He knew that his unknown father was Russian, his mother, by that time a heavy drinker, was half-Tatar.

It was because of her drunkenness that Sasha preferred to live in a hostel, and not in a communal apartment, craped by his mother and her drinking companions, where he was registered. In general, it is easy to imagine the feelings of a person of such a worldview as Sasha, who saw (and just as clearly and clearly as he saw both the carriage and the landscapes that flashed outside its windows) the entire picture described.

Of course, Sasha immediately decided that because of the blow to the head, he had "glitches". And he was completely convinced of this when next to the fighting phantoms (the real companions continued to sit silently) arose, as he later said, an absolutely disgusting face, rather rubbing his hands, as if floating in the air and sticking out "nowhere". Erysipelas winked conspiratorially at Sasha and disappeared again … The phantom couple of fighters also disappeared with her.

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Our hero came to himself when the train was approaching the platform of the Moscow station. In any case, I found the strength to rise from my bench and trudge into the vestibule. One of his companions overtook Sasha, hurrying to the exit. Before leaving, he turned around and glanced at his neighbor on the bench: such anger blazed in the eyes of the peasant that frost went through Sasha's skin. It turned out that his incomprehensible vision somehow influenced the real world outlook of a man … The situation was not developing for the faint of heart. Moreover, for Sasha she had and has a continuation.

From that day on, he began, in his own words, "to see demons and how they push people to all kinds of villainy and outright evil." Never thinking about such things, having never read a single esoteric or religious book in his life, Sasha, during our conversation with him, expounded in great detail the doctrine of Good and Evil, which is available in all religions, in all occult systems. But mainly in the part devoted to evil … Those whom he defines as demons, Sasha began to see constantly very soon. Constantly communicate with them. In the same way as then in the train, he sees the true spiritual aspirations of the people around him. Just as then, he sees figuratively: a person splits in two, and his double behaves in a completely different way than in real life. If Sasha was a different person by nature, he probablycould pass himself off as a clairvoyant, and without deceiving anyone. The trouble is that very soon - and he realizes this himself! - the guy fell into a heavy dependence on the forces of evil.

At first, when Sasha believed that “all these are glitches,” he rushed to the psychiatrists and openly shared his visions with them. The result was a neuropsychiatric clinic, where he was injected with some drugs for a long time. Of course, it didn't help. "Glitches" not only intensified, became more frequent, but many terrible faces began to threaten Sasha, surrounding him from all sides, assuring him that he belongs to "them" and is obliged to obey "their" orders. At such moments he began to have seizures resembling epileptic ones.

However, the doctors did not find any physiological grounds, no organic changes in his brain that could cause epilepsy. “I, - says Sasha, - began to drink, because without vodka I could not and cannot sleep. Twice I threw myself under the car: everything was on “their” orders, - I don’t want to, I can’t, I just die from fear, but my legs seem to be not mine, without my will and quite sober they are carried to the highway … Both times I was saved only by a miracle. And I know for sure that I will die as a result. Sooner or later I will be forced to do it … Look at me. Five years ago I was a normal person; “they” brought me to this state. I have a kind of raw horror in my soul all the time, even when I see neither "them" themselves, nor "their" tricks with people. Longing, longing, only vodka helps. I cannot live at home - I hate my mother. Nowhere I find a place for myself and most often I drink alone, so as not to know what kind of drinking companions really are … I'm a complete man!"

On my proposal to turn to the help of religion - after all, not only Orthodox priests expel demons, every religious denomination has its own exorcists - Sasha waved his hands in horror: “What are you! “They” will kill me right away! I know too much about "them". No, I want to live at least a little more. Even as scary as it is now, but just a little bit. “They” themselves say that later, when they kill me, it will be even worse than here and now … And where will I go? I'm not attracted to Islam, but to an Orthodox church - so I'm not baptized. “They” will not let me be baptized either.

Our conversation ended on this note. Leaving, Sasha, throwing a strange look at me, said: “And you, it turns out, smoke… In vain. If you quit, you will be better than now”…

That I really smoke, he could not know. During the conversation, I never took a cigarette out of my purse, I saw Sasha for the only time, the first and probably the last: he was brought "for advice" by Sasha's compassionate neighbor in a communal apartment. The woman is a believer, she herself, with absolute accuracy, “diagnosed” what was happening: the classic demonic possession, requiring immediate spiritual healing - exhortations.

It is difficult for me to convey the feeling left after talking with Sasha. In addition to pity for the guy, this is also a completely indescribable fear, real horror - some kind of cold, damp, as if blowing upon you with grave cold and darkness. The feeling is so heavy that after he left, I sincerely regretted that I had agreed to talk to this unfortunate man, by the way, who did not in any way give the impression of a madman: he is quite reasonable, logical, fully aware of what was happening. But with all this, Sasha is also completely deprived of his own will, and this is the worst thing.

Why does all this horror befall people, what is it in general - possession by the forces of evil or, as Christianity calls it, possession by demons? After a short acquaintance with Sasha, I was able to ask both of these questions to a priest engaged in exorcism - in other words, an exorcist. According to him, in recent years, the number of people in need of this service has increased dramatically, and this is an extremely alarming symptom. According to the Holy Scriptures, such an increase in obsession was observed in the world only once - before the First Coming …

Why does this misfortune befall a person? And the fact that she comprehends many is beyond doubt. It is enough to go to any temple where the service "On the Sick" is held, and you can see and hear what is happening to people during the lecture: convulsions knocking down large and strong men, who at the same time scream in children's voices, swearing coming from different the corners of the temple, finally, threats to the scolding priest and cries about his own sins, which he concealed from the bishop in his confession. The screams that come from the mouths of people who are completely unaware of this, do not realize what they are saying, is just a small part of what an exorcist encounters during a lecture.

To the question "For what?" - if the essay was successful, it was possible to expel from a person his uninvited "roommate" who took possession of the mind and body, - the demons themselves answer. At the moment of leaving the human body and brain, according to the laws of the Universe, they are forced to answer the truth to the question of the clergyman … Father Seraphim, with whom I talked about this almost incredible topic from the point of view of a chronic atheist, has a whole notebook dedicated to obsession. And the most common reason for this terrible state is, of course, people's violation of the laws of good, given in the form of commandments to people by God himself at the dawn of human civilization.

Father Seraphim, to whom I told about Sasha, said with confidence that the root cause of his misfortune was not injury, but the theft of gold. Trauma is only a consequence, although it was she who made it possible for him to master the demons.

“But practically every person,” I objected, “is guilty of violating one or another commandment to one degree or another. Aren't we all possessed?"

The priest sighed and shook his head: “You yourself said - to one degree or another … To this I will answer: there are much more people who are possessed than it seems, since here there are degrees of illness.

It is easy to verify this by attending the most ordinary temple service. How many people stand in the church, not only the entire service, but at least half an hour or an hour? Talk to them, and they will explain to you: your head is spinning, your legs hurt, something is not feeling well today … Only a few will say that they are in a hurry to work, and even then half of them will lie … In fact, you have the primary signs of obsession. They are easily diagnosed: to one degree or another, intolerance of the proximity of religious shrines …"

Surprisingly enough, I heard about the same from two other clergy: from a Catholic priest and from a rabbi of a small synagogue. But most of all I was struck by my friend, a truly devout Muslim: it turns out that Muslims also have such a rite. But when exorcising demons, Muslims, even fully recognizing Jesus Christ, recommend that the victims go to an Orthodox church and light a candle for the Savior, warmly asking him mentally for deliverance.

As for Father Seraphim, he added to what was said before that it is atheists, people who do not believe in God at all, who most often find themselves victims of obsession. Not only in extreme forms, but also in the form of diseases, which doctors cannot diagnose, in the form of excruciating and causeless weakness, drowsiness, nightmares that haunt at night, finally, in the form of a very real susceptibility of such people to all sorts of witchcraft influences up to damage to death…

In all that has been said, one can believe or not believe, especially if it was not possible, as happened to me, to come face to face with the victim of obsession. But to think in this regard about how we live and what we get as a result, even without giving ourselves often the trouble to compare our attitude to people and the world with our own destiny, in any case it is worth …

Anna AFONINA, parapsychologist