The American Chemist Has Not Washed For 12 Years - Alternative View

The American Chemist Has Not Washed For 12 Years - Alternative View
The American Chemist Has Not Washed For 12 Years - Alternative View

Video: The American Chemist Has Not Washed For 12 Years - Alternative View

Video: The American Chemist Has Not Washed For 12 Years - Alternative View
Video: Awesome Science Experiments YOU Can Try at Home! 2024, July

A group of chemists from MIT, led by a researcher named David Whitlock, argue that the daily use of soap and shampoo is harmful to the human body, instead of traditional water treatments, innovators suggest spraying bacteria extracted from chicken droppings onto the skin.

Research by scientists has shown that specially selected bacteria can neutralize the activity of microorganisms living on the body and oxidize ammonia and urea, which are products of sweat and dirt processing.

The beneficial bacteria that live on the skin produce nitric oxide, which in turn has anti-inflammatory properties and is an antioxidant. This chemical balance has developed evolutionarily, the scientist asks the question why people decided that taking a shower is beneficial if no one has conducted clinical research on this?


David Whitlock hasn't taken a shower in 12 years, instead he sprays himself with special bacteria that will "restore its natural balance to his skin." Together with like-minded scientists, he even created a line of drugs called "Mother Mud", which can be purchased by anyone.


Whitlock noticed that sweaty horses often lay in the mud.

Having studied the behavior of animals carefully, the researcher came to the conclusion that in this way horses apply bacteria to their skins that decompose the smell of sweat, which helps them get rid of blood-sucking insects. The scientist found that the smell of ammonia can be neutralized with the help of nitrifying bacteria that live in sewer pipes. They oxidize ammonia.

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Basically, innovators extract bacteria from the soil around pigsties, as well as from chicken droppings.

The chemist even founded AOBiome and makes a special drug called Mother Dirt based on nitrifying bacteria, the Daily Mail reported.

However, Whitlock prefers to wash his hands with regular soap to prevent bacteria from entering the digestive tract. At the moment, "Mother Mud" is undergoing clinical trials - the authors of the invention intend to try to treat acne and other skin diseases with their drug.

By the way, the widespread introduction of Whitlock's innovation in the long term could contribute to saving fresh water, because it is no secret that the lion's share of the water consumed by people is spent on water procedures.

Many inventors have tried to solve this problem - for example, the US Environmental Protection Agency proposed to establish a system to monitor how much water is consumed by each hotel guest. In addition, Americans are urged to reduce their shower time from 11 minutes to 5 minutes.