Bacteria Unknown To Science Have Been Found In The Permafrost, Extending Life - Alternative View

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Bacteria Unknown To Science Have Been Found In The Permafrost, Extending Life - Alternative View
Bacteria Unknown To Science Have Been Found In The Permafrost, Extending Life - Alternative View

Scientists have discovered a previously unknown species of bacteria in the permafrost of Mammoth Mountain in Yakutia. Laboratory mice injected with these organisms were healthier and lived longer than their counterparts

The discovered bacterium, called Bacillius F, is activated and divides at a temperature of +5 degrees Celsius. According to the characteristics of proteins and some other factors, it "lagged behind" the modern by 3 million years.

Scientists have suggested that these bacteria have a special mechanism of preservation of viability, which made it possible to survive in the thickness of dead rocks.

The animals that received the "inoculation" with the bacteria were in all respects safer than the control rodents - according to preliminary data, which, however, requires further research, the lifespan of mice from the first group was significantly longer.

“It has already been confirmed that Bacillius F injections have a beneficial effect on some quality of life indicators in elderly animals. First of all, this concerns immunity and the speed of its activation,”the scientists said.

In addition, scientists studied mice that received Bacillius F injections using magnetic resonance imaging and found that there are two types of mediators that are significantly increased: glutamate and taurine, which have immune-regulating properties and affect cell life.

In this case, the first, among its other tasks, is "responsible" for psychostimulation, and the second - for energy processes.

Accordingly, the metabolism in vaccinated mice is also accelerated, and if calculated according to age, then in animals that were injected with bacteria, it is higher by 20-30%.
