Coastal Base Devil 375 - Alternative View

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Coastal Base Devil 375 - Alternative View
Coastal Base Devil 375 - Alternative View

Video: Coastal Base Devil 375 - Alternative View

Video: Coastal Base Devil 375 - Alternative View
Video: Campaign and battle of Delium (424 BC) 2024, July

The most active anomalous zone in the Far East is hardly known to anyone. It is not even in the 530-page "Encyclopedia of Anomalous Zones of Russia" compiled by Vadim Chernobrov. The reason is simple: its borders completely coincide with the territory of one of the classified parts of the Pacific Fleet.

Visits of the "white grandfather"

Cape Maydel is difficult to find on the map. Even on the Internet. Almost all services with electronic maps pretend that such a place does not exist. But, if you enter "Sysoev's bay" into the search box, the cape will be to the right of the entrance to the bay. If you switch to the satellite imagery mode, you can see a high fence with a control strip, buildings, various structures and access roads.


Behind the barbed wire lies the "coastal technical base 375" - the largest repository of radioactive waste in the Primorsky Territory. Spent fuel assemblies of reactors were brought here for decades in a row and contaminated water was dumped. When a nuclear reactor exploded on the K-431 submarine in 1985, hundreds of tons of waste brought from there fell into the storage facility.

Since then, another threat has been added to the old threat, which cannot be detected by a dosimeter. On the territory of the base, as the servicemen said, some kind of devilry appeared.

It all started with rumors. Conscript sailors said that the "white grandfather" was wandering around the unit - an old man less than one and a half meters tall. He is dressed in something like a gray quilted jacket, the same gray pants, a hat and felt boots, and his face is framed by a gray beard. Seeing people, grandfather fled to the most radiation-contaminated corners of the base, where one could not enter without special clothing. Those who saw my grandfather were not afraid. Only then did the sailors break through with cold sweat: the little man, just for the sake of showing his legs, easily glided above the ground and disappeared from any dead end.

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Workshop without exit

In 1987, at about half past one in the morning, sentries from two towers reported to the chief of the guard that "a small stranger" had entered the workshop for processing radioactive waste. There were no other exits from there, except for a large, tightly sealed window made of extra strong plastic. An alarmed platoon crowded around the armored door, awaiting orders. The chief of the guard pulled on protective clothing and went inside. Through the translucent window, only the beam of his lantern could be seen, scouring the walls and ceiling of the huge workshop. The head of the medical service, Anatoly Lukyanets, heard that the footsteps of two people were heard in the echoing emptiness!


The military doctor and the commander of the guard company tried to point the brave chief to the right place, but the intruder never got caught in the beam of the lantern. Finally, someone suggested just turning on the light. The shop lit up brightly. This was the end of the chase. The chief of the guard saw that he was standing all alone with a useless lantern in his hands. Grandpa disappeared from an airtight workshop without pipes and ventilation! They left the cordon until the morning and searched the shop once again, looking into the farthest corners. No trace of the mysterious man could be found.

In the summer of 1993, Lieutenant Commander Mikhail Kenkishvili sent a sailor to work in the underground corridor leading to the liquid radioactive waste storage facility. The sailor returned quickly, muttering in horror about devilry. Kenkishvili decided to go himself in order to encourage the guy by example. Going down into the corridor, he saw the "white grandfather" five meters away. The dwarf stared at the officer in silence, then turned around, and soon his figure disappeared into the depths of the corridor. The lieutenant commander followed to the very dead end that ended the corridor. The grandfather disappeared without a trace, although a second earlier Mikhail had heard his steps. There was nowhere to hide or hide.

Returning, Kenkishvili examined the puddle of spilled fuel oil. Only his traces remained on it.

Three-toed footprints

On the morning of September 21, 1993, warrant officer Lyudmila Vedernikova opened the door to the medical unit and was dumbfounded. On the floor of the pharmacy there were three-toed footprints 19 centimeters long. The impression was that a certain creature came out of one wall, passed under the table without touching it, and went into another wall.

Sailor jokes were ruled out: the pharmacy, where poisons and drugs were kept, was carefully guarded, and the door was sealed at night. The locks and seals remained intact, the alarm did not work.


After carefully examining the tracks, the chief of medical service concluded that the legs of the creature that had left them were covered with some strange substance. Anatoly scraped off the substance, examined it under a microscope and found that it consists of translucent pinkish crystals. It was not possible to determine their composition.

Soon, the creature again reminded of itself. On October 10 of the same year, Senior Lieutenant Viktor Podsvirov, the new head of the security service, decided to explore the uninhabited part of Cape Maydel and went there with several sailors. Its high shores drop right into the ocean from three sides, and on the fourth side there is a base. You can get there only through two checkpoints.

There were no signs of living creatures in the small forest. Nothing broke the deathly silence, even the birds did not sing. Victor saw no sign of life anywhere. But the radiation had nothing to do with it. On the other side of the base, you can only walk in high boots, so as not to be bitten by a snake, birds flocked around. But the level of infection on both sides was the same, just above the natural background.

Among the dead forest, the senior lieutenant and his companions saw a chain of three-toed footprints about 30 centimeters long and 25 centimeters wide, pressed into the soil by about five centimeters. Traces began suddenly, as if the creature that had left them descended from the sky, and walked at a distance of four meters from each other, and when leaving the forest they again broke off.

Interestingly, a person of average weight did not push the soil enough to leave his marks on it. What walked through the forest weighed more than an adult. And it passed quite recently, since the tracks had not yet been covered with leaves.

Sailors with machine guns combed the cape, but did not find anything alive among the bushes and trees. The sentries on this side have not seen or heard anything suspicious in the past week.

UFO sight

The already difficult life of the military unit was aggravated by the fact that UFOs appeared over the storage of radioactive waste. They flew over the base at an altitude of 100-150 meters in a zigzag path. Once the sentries saw a pearl-colored ball about eight meters in diameter hovering over Sysoev Bay, 300 meters from the pier. A ray of light stretched from it to the water. The sailors swore that the beam gradually began to fill with water. At the same time, the outer part of the beam remained light, while the inner part darkened. A few minutes later, the beam "turned off", and the UFO went up sharply.

On December 30, 1990 at 01:25 am the sentry heard the shouts of the sailor Abdulaev at a nearby checkpoint and rushed there. Trembling all over, the sentry shouted:

- There are black people! Black people!

Soon other sentries arrived and took the unfortunate man to the medical unit. The shock was not in vain - Abdulaev recovered after more than two months. Lukyanets believes that his comrade is not a fake. The sailor was an old man and had no reason to hide in the medical unit. He said that he saw a group of "menacing black people", but, frightened, could not remove the machine from the fuse.


On June 9, 1992 at 22:35, the paramedic of the medical unit, foreman Vladimir Moiseev, saw a slowly floating glowing ball through the window. First, he thought of ball lightning: an object half a meter in diameter erupted violet-blue prominences. But such a lightning does not live long, and the ball was not going to disappear. Moiseyev called other sailors, and for several minutes they watched the ball floating by the wall. It then flared up to the brightness of an electric weld and slowly soared upward. At the same time, the light went out in the unit.

At the same time, the sentries reported on a mysterious glow near the medical unit. Lieutenant Commander Yevgeny Korolyov went out into the street. Although the medical unit was closed from him by a hill, the duty officer and two other sailors saw "a purple-pinkish domed glow with a diameter of 100 meters." Soon the dome lifted off the ground, began to shimmer and darken.

In the morning, we found out that a UFO had burned an underground cable, having “dug” a neat well with a diameter of 20 centimeters before it. Emergency diesel generators that night could not start immediately. Fuses burned out on them, although they were not connected to each other and were located 700 meters from each other. Then the sailors more than once found wells in the most unexpected places. One of them went through a boulder lying on the ground, and the other appeared in the middle of the road.

Needless to say, the unit is equipped with all types of dosimeters. One of them sounds the alarm when the level of gamma radiation exceeds the permissible norm. It worked several times that night. Measurements showed that the radiation comes from the sky.

At the end of the 1990s, some of them were transferred from the military to Rosatom. Since then, the secrecy around the base has become an order of magnitude more serious, and ordinary conscripts have been replaced by professionals. Local ufologists believe that scientists are trying to open passages to a parallel world behind the barbed wire. Maybe they are not far from the truth.