Wand (gloves) Of Svarog. Analogue Of The Wand Of Moses, And The Magic Wands Of Harry Potter - Alternative View

Wand (gloves) Of Svarog. Analogue Of The Wand Of Moses, And The Magic Wands Of Harry Potter - Alternative View
Wand (gloves) Of Svarog. Analogue Of The Wand Of Moses, And The Magic Wands Of Harry Potter - Alternative View

Video: Wand (gloves) Of Svarog. Analogue Of The Wand Of Moses, And The Magic Wands Of Harry Potter - Alternative View

Video: Wand (gloves) Of Svarog. Analogue Of The Wand Of Moses, And The Magic Wands Of Harry Potter - Alternative View
Video: REVIEW - Harry Potter Wizard Training Wands 2024, July



17.3. The use of wands, sticks and staves

Staves, wands and magic wands are part of the cultural, magical and historical heritage of many peoples and millennia. In particular, the Bible says that God himself gave Moses a magic rod with which he performed many miracles. For example: I hit them on a rock and water came out of the rock, opened the water for people and many other miracles to pass. It turns out that wands are a necessary attribute of magic. And why are magic wands, wands and staves made? In order to strengthen and concentrate energy directed to an object or living object.

17.3.1. Wood, metals and stones are used to make wands, staves and wands according to your zodiac sign.




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17.3.4. Making a wand (gloves) of Svarog.

But the inconvenience of this application is that you have to carry this thing with you, which is not always convenient. Moreover, in order to use the wand, it is necessary to raise and direct it to the enemy or object, and this takes time and then still takes time to concentrate and launch. That is, it is not very convenient, fast and not efficient. And the gain is not enough! Therefore, the author suggests using Svarog gloves. This is a tool and an analogue of the ancient builders of the City of the Gods (stone mirrors, pyramids, mountains processed in the form of pyramids) in Tibet, this is all described in detail in a series of books by Professor Muldashev. Of course, gloves are several orders of magnitude weaker than the ancient machines with which they processed and cut mountains, but the author thinks that for people they have sufficient and necessary strength. With the help of Svarog gloves, you can crush and cut stones and trees, burn garbage,create a strong and directed air flow. Roughly we can say that by the effect of the action, this is an analogue of the Jedi sword and Harry Potter's wand, connected together.

And much more. And secondly, it is very convenient. At the same time, these are real gloves (ordinary from the cold), they are simply used as ordinary gloves, but when the need arises for their magical use, the person uses the magic wands of Svarog built into the gloves.

The advantages of these gloves:

1. Quickness of use.

2. A significant increase in strength and energy with the wands of Svarog.

3. Moreover, the hands are always free, they are not busy with anything and full efficiency in case of need for actions and influences, and neutralization of harmful radiation.

An analogue of such gloves, only of large sizes, and slightly differently constructed, were used by the ancestors of the Russians (Aryans) to process mountains. A warning for those who try to use these Svarog gloves for other purposes, or to cause harm to another person, higher powers will take action! They can be used for protection, but only by disarming the attacker, for example: by pushing him away with an air stream or by sending a small but powerful electric charge into him, but everything is within reasonable limits. And best of all, by causing him to incontinence, both small and large, for about 30-40 minutes, the author thinks that this will be enough to cool his (their) ardor and desire, and if this intruder again tries to cross your road, then incontinence will be (continuous) for a very long time, he is unlikely to dare to repeat this experience again. Gaining additional strength and capabilities imposes a strong and inevitable responsibility! Now let's get down to business.

Svarog gloves. Spring, autumn and winter.

You can take the gloves, remove the inner part from them, and attach the prepared device materials to it. Or you can take two pairs of thin and elastic gloves, so that the second can be worn on the first, this is of course the easiest way, especially for Ladies. And on the first one, apply and attach everything. Embroider the signs of Svarog and a short prayer to the honest cross. Attach three signs of Svarog

of different colors, one (on the outside of the palm) slightly below the fingers, the second on the wrist and the third a little further, just where the beginning of the wires begins. It would also be very good to apply a few RUN sets on three sides of the gloves. You need to take a few strips of flexible copper or brass, earlier this could be taken in old powerful transformers. They need to be flexible, like foil. Here is a copper strip of foil from a transformer. The shortened prayer of the Holy Cross must be engraved on the inner side. Engrave three signs of Svarog on the outside. And also need 8 m copper stranded wires 2-3 mm in diameter. The ends of the wires must be tinned (and then covered with silver, you can cover the whole with silver). For women, you can make everything silver. Men are better off with copper plated silver. Conducting power is better and more reliable. From sheet foil, make a kind of flexible bracelet (with a variable diameter), into which you could always stick your hand. And make a separate piece of foil a strip, like straps, which fixes the end of the strap, it must be soldered to the end of the plate. And then be sure to connect both ends of the copper plate with a separate wire.


This is a sample for one glove, a strip of foil on the wrist. The bottom should be like this. The upper part is on the fingers, and the round heels are in the center of the palm. The red wire must be soldered to the other end of the plate.

Then solder these eight wires to this bracelet (you need to solder the wires from the outer side of the plate), and polyethylene will thermo join the inner side of the plate. The location of the wires from the outside of the palm, extending over each end of the palm, not reaching 4-5 millimeters to the end of the nail. The little finger wire should run from the side. Positioned from the palm side there are four wires. Under the large, middle and forefinger. The last wire with a small less than a penny is in the center of the palm. All wires are securely fixed and sewn on. The ends of the wire that run from the bracelet to the elbow should be slightly curved from the bracelet to the right. External energy will travel along these curved wires with acceleration, and will exit from the ends of the wires of the palms. And the internal energy will go to the bracelet and add up with the external energy and exit at the ends of the wires of the palms. Energy collection.

In order to use these gloves (PS), you need to develop your energy, in particular the finger. If the channels are dirty and not able to pass huge energy through your body, then at best you will not succeed, or there will be plugs throughout the body, in the form of painful bumps. There are many exercises for this, you can easily download them on the Internet. And you need to do this for a rather long time, the duration of the necessary classes depends on the purity of your energy channels and your thoughts.

What prevents this first of all: Alcohol, any energy drinks, any psychotropic substances, smoking tobacco and other substances, vegetarianism.

What negative psychological traits of character will interfere with this: Anger, hatred, envy, pride, chatter and boasting, narcissism, greed. And also the selfish use of these gloves.

How to take and from whom to take, there are several techniques and methods.

The set of external energies is very diverse, you just have to try everything and choose which ones are most suitable for you. You need to choose at least three sets (from each type of energy), but the more sets are available and convenient for you, the better. It is necessary to record a riot of elements on a smartphone. Three minutes each, a very heavy downpour (rain), thunderstorms with a large number of strong lightning, snow storms, and it is necessary to shoot directly, without protective glasses. Make Recording of documentary footage from the Internet: Tornado, it was the tornado itself, until it began to destroy. Solar flare, prominence. Hurricane and typhoon, violent storm. Volcanic eruption and earthquakes. When you start working with gloves, then call up an image (from the ones listed) and translate it from memories and images, into reality in the left glove,and then throw all that energy out through your right glove. For lefties, of course, the opposite is true.

Pre-training before using gloves.

Before you put on the gloves of Svarog, you need to train intensively, and there is no such thing as a royal path, a freebie plis too. After you have pumped your energy channels well, with the help of finger exercises. You put on a coffee table (stool) a few dry leaves or feathers or a few pieces of cotton wool that have been fluffed up beforehand. Then step back 7-10 meters and try to throw them off as if you were already wearing gloves. When you cope with this, you need to repeat all this, but with empty plastic bottles. Well, at the end of the workout, already with the filled 5 liter bottles, and only then (only then) can you move on to real workouts with gloves. At all. Using Svarog gloves.

Two types of use of the wand of Svarog. The first way is that from both wands (right and left hand) energy will go out in the right direction. The second way is to choose the energy with the left rod (left hand) and direct it through yourself to the right rod (right hand), from which energy flows in the desired direction. It is best, of course, to take energy with a passive glove, and then transform it to be fed into an active glove.

Energy release methods:

1. The kiss of Kali.

We connect two fingers of the right hand (two fingers), and through the fingers of our left hand we begin to draw in lightning thunderstorms (or electricity from a 6.3 kilovolt transformer station) and strike with lightning through the fingers of our right hand. Bursts, or impulses.

2. Palm of Buddha.

With the fingers of our left hand, we begin to pump energy from a hurricane, typhoon, storm, and we set the palm of our right hand vertically, and from the center (palm) of the heel of the ninth wire we direct a powerful hurricane air flow.

3. Eye of Shiva (third).

We connect three fingers together, through the fingers of the left hand we draw in the energy of the prominence of the Sun, and direct through the three fingers of the right hand. A fiery beam (such as a laser) of different thickness (the narrower the more powerful), depending on the desired need: burn or cut.

4. Hand of Shiva.

Through the left hand we draw in the prominence of the Sun, the fingers of the right palm (flat palm), we begin to cut steps in the rock or dismantle and repair our stone fence.

5. Dance of Shiva.

We draw in the tornado through the palm of our left hand and transfer it through the palm (flat), twist it with our palm, something inside that small tornado. But not necessarily higher (not in any case) 50 meters.

6. Embrace Kali.

With wallpaper gloves we take something, and squeeze (twist), tear it apart.

The two-fingered method is when you connect two fingers of the middle and forefinger together and direct the energy.

The three-fingered method is when all three fingers, middle, index and thumb are connected together and throw out energy.

The wands mounted in gloves are called Svarog gloves. Winter is as usual. And spring, autumn - these are the first phalanges of the fingers, open. Gloves can be crafted from fine leather or suede. They should be 12 centimeters long from the beginning of the palm to the elbow. On the outer surface of inner gloves You can put the Svarog sign on the inner and outer sides of the gloves. But only without the swastika. The Slavic-Aryan swastika sign is desecrated and can no longer be used anywhere. This mark can be embossed or applied on gloves. Or you can put a sign of Svarog made of wood on the gloves. Carve a very flat sign out of wood, and then boil it for three hours in very salt water with the addition of herbs and spices. Then rinse the mark well and dry slowly. And attach on gloves, on the outside. And always remember about responsibility.

From the book: "The Healer's Guide. First Steps". Author: Valery Abdullovich Asadov
