Riddles Of The Power Of Sight - Alternative View

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Riddles Of The Power Of Sight - Alternative View
Riddles Of The Power Of Sight - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Power Of Sight - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Power Of Sight - Alternative View
Video: 7 Riddles That Will Test Your Brain Power 2024, June

History knows a case when a boss in an insulting manner publicly reprimanded a subordinate. He bore the insult in silence, only stared at the offender. And then suddenly the boss fell and wheezed. An ambulance diagnosed cardiac arrest. The investigator in charge of this case did not believe in the version of the murderous look. But in vain. The gaze has many more possibilities than it seems.

On the edge

If science cannot yet explain some phenomena, this does not mean that they do not exist. Not so long ago, one of the Canadian newspapers published the story of the hunter Steve Kellan. When a grizzly bear attacked him, he realized that there was no chance of salvation. Steve knew that looking into the eyes of a beast could trigger an attack of aggression, but he looked and looked as if mesmerized. The animal stopped two steps from the man and was numb. And after a couple of minutes, the bear roared and collapsed dead. Some researchers believe that the gaze of a person on the brink of death can emit a powerful impulse that destroys the nerve cells of the brain of the person he is looking at. Perhaps that is why those sentenced to death are blindfolded.

Burning eyes

Probably, each of us at least once in our life felt how someone else's gaze "presses" on the back of the head. At the University of Queens, they decided to use an experiment to check whether this is really so. Each of the group of volunteers took turns sitting on a chair in the center of the room, while another person looked at the back of his head for a long time. 95% of the subjects felt the pressure of someone else's gaze. Some are more, some are less. Scientists have concluded that the gaze really emits energy, the nature of which is not known for sure.

Sometimes the impact of the gaze becomes quite material. For example, in Bishkek, a first-grade student took paints from his classmate. The girl stared at his hand until he let out a cry and dropped them. A blister appeared on the boy's hand, as if from a burn. He assured the teacher that the girl burned him with her eyes.

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In 1925, the Englishman C. Ross suggested that the eyes are capable of emitting electromagnetic waves. Since then, scientists have been trying to figure out the mechanism of this radiation. Around the same time, Soviet physicist B. Kazhinsky proposed his hypothesis. He believed that there are certain "rays of sight", which are beams of bioradiation radiation from the brain. In this case, the rods of the retina are a kind of conductor to the brain. It is through them that radiation goes. To deal with this scientific problem, Kazhinsky was prompted by his acquaintance with the trainer V. Durov. He more than once observed how animals under his gaze execute commands that are not spoken aloud, or freeze in place. Our contemporary professor Yu. Simakov suggested that retinal rods sometimes play the role of a biolaser, which works in short flashes. Maybe,therefore, the boy from Bishkek had burns on his arm.

Source of thought

V. Durov, communicating with animals, was more than once convinced that the gaze has a certain power, that it is a kind of conductor of thought. Moreover, suggestion through a glance can be quite difficult. To prove this to skeptical scientists, he conducted an experiment in November 1922, in which Kazhinsky was also present. The trainer's task was to get the dog to perform a series of sequential actions. Go to the bedside table on which there was a telephone set, take the phone book lying there with your teeth and carry it to another room. Human-animal eye contact lasted only half a minute, but that was enough for the dog to complete all tasks accurately. By the way, besides the telephone, there were other books on the nightstand. The trainer was waiting for the dog in another room. Durov conducted more than a thousand similar experiments,and most of them met his expectations. Moreover, the order to the animal could not be given by him, but by his assistants, who knew his methodology. It consisted in the fact that during eye contact, a person imagined not a word, but an action. For example, he did not think "go", but mentally imagined how the dog should do it. Many researchers disagree with the fact that gaze radiation is of an electromagnetic nature. It is believed that these are some form-fields of hollow structures. Their pioneer was the entomologist from Novosibirsk V. Grebennikov. He found them above the honeycomb. The scientist said that they felt like a faint breath of wind, flashes in the eyes and a metallic taste. This only confirms the conclusions of Kazhinsky, because the retinal rods also create a cellular structure, and they can form the same wave field. Where the gaze is directedthe radiation of this field is directed there.

Valid as desired

The fact that the brain through the eyes not only receives, but also transmits information outside, proves such a phenomenon as psychophotography.

In the 1960s, American sailor Ted Serios discovered in himself the ability to mentally light up photographic film and transmit his mental images to it. Which he did for the amusement of the public. This phenomenon was studied by scientists in Denver for 4 years, they themselves "ordered" a picture projected onto a film. About 800 experiments were carried out, which completely ruled out Ted's fraud. A little later, our Ninel Kulagina demonstrated similar abilities to scientists.

In the 1970s, Perm psychiatrist G. Krokhalev decided to empirically confirm the hypothesis that images that appear in the brain can be transmitted into space through the retina. He invented a special device with which he succeeded. When the doctor photographed the radiation, the patients described their visions in detail aloud. The images obtained on the film almost always matched the descriptions. Even if the film was in an opaque envelope. Based on this, Professor A. Chernetsky concluded: "Radiation from the eyes is formed not only in the visible wavelength range, but also in some other, in which the black paper of the package is transparent." Recent studies in this area have practically proven that the human eye in certain situations can emit weak X-rays and laser beams. True,Such developments and experiments are not advertised, but recently it became known that in Japan they have already invented a screen on which mental images of a person looking at it with concentration appear.

Night guests

In the 19th century, French artist Pierre Boucher took photographs in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication. All night, devils appeared to him in nightmares, and when he woke up and went to develop photos, it turned out that they captured his night "guests". And quite clearly. This case aroused interest among scientists of that time. At the beginning of the last century, even several monographs with illustrations devoted to "psychophotography" appeared.

Eyes wide open

During the experiment, psychologists asked a group of subjects to choose from two photographs of the same girl the one where she looks better. Everyone chose a photo where the model's pupils were slightly enlarged using Photoshop. Although at first glance no one noticed the difference, so they failed to explain their choice. It has long been believed that the size of the pupil indicates vitality. In healthy people, full of energy, they are large, and during illness and with age they decrease. Of course, the former look more attractive.

In addition, a person who is trying to get more external information has dilated pupils, as, for example, in childhood or at the time of making an important decision. And for those who have lost interest in life, who want to isolate themselves from the outside world, they narrow. There is another reason for the constriction of the pupils - the depletion of the body's energy supply.

The pupils also dilate when sexual desire arises. Perhaps that is why, during the experiment, a photograph was chosen where the pupils are larger, because this is a kind of appeal for a partner. The pupils here serve as a kind of channel that conveys desire. It is no coincidence that women, in order to become more attractive, instilled the juice of belladonna in their eyes, which dilates the pupils. Even at the cost of losing sight. However, it is unclear why the pupils enlarge at the time of death. According to one of the hypotheses, this happens because a person tries in this way to see the "subtle" world, where he goes.

Magazine: All the riddles of the world №10, Galina Minnikova