Do Latvians Live In Earth's Largest Anomaly? - Alternative View

Do Latvians Live In Earth's Largest Anomaly? - Alternative View
Do Latvians Live In Earth's Largest Anomaly? - Alternative View

Video: Do Latvians Live In Earth's Largest Anomaly? - Alternative View

Video: Do Latvians Live In Earth's Largest Anomaly? - Alternative View
Video: 11th Baltic Sea and Latvian Tourism Forum | Viesturs Celmiņš 2024, June

Every year, scientists increasingly come across on our planet with phenomena, the secret of which cannot be revealed.

Researchers studying mysterious places on Earth believe that anomalous zones exist not only on our planet, but also in space. Moreover, in their opinion, our solar system is a continuous anomaly. If in other stellar systems the principle “the larger the planet, the closer it is to its star” operates, then in our solar system the opposite is true.

The smallest planets are located closest to the Sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, and the giant planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune - are on the periphery. According to a number of scientists, the existence of such an anomaly can be explained only by the fact that our solar system was created artificially.

For example, Jupiter seems to be specially positioned to serve as a kind of cosmic shield for the Earth. If it were not for this giant, which surpasses the Earth by 1321 times in volume and 318 times in mass, then in July 1994 the fragments of the Shoemaker comet could lead to a global catastrophe on our planet - akin to the one after which the dinosaurs became extinct.

The fall of only one fragment of a comet on Jupiter, and there were more than 20 of them, led to the release of energy equal to 6 million megatons in TNT equivalent. This is 750 times more than all the nuclear potential accumulated on Earth.

And not so long ago, an international group of astronomers published even more sensational research results. According to them, about 70,000 years ago, our planet was illuminated by two suns at once.

Anomalies on Earth also present scientists with many surprises. In the USA, not far from the city of Santa Cruz in the state of California, there is one of the most mysterious places on our planet - the Preizer zone, which occupies only a few hundred square meters. It was opened in 1940. The laws of physics do not work in the zone, and the compass arrows in the immediate vicinity of the ground begin to change their direction by 180 degrees.

Here, in the zone, people of the same height standing on an absolutely flat surface will appear one higher and the other lower. People cannot stay in the Preizer zone for a long time; after 40 minutes of staying here, their health deteriorates so much that a heart attack can begin.

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Everyone knows about another terrestrial anomaly - the Bermuda Triangle, located in the Atlantic Ocean between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda, where ships and planes are supposedly mysteriously disappearing.

As the chronicles testify, even Columbus, once in the local waters, noted inexplicable phenomena: the compass behaved strangely, the sea emitted an incomprehensible light, and the sailors for no apparent reason fell into a real panic.

But the saddest glory of Bermuda was created by ghost ships, from which people mysteriously disappeared. The first such ship was discovered in 1840. It was the ship Rosalia, on which there was not a single person, only a canary in a cage. In 1850, on the deserted ship "Sveabord", dinner had not yet cooled down in the kitchen, and people were greeted by the only living creature - the ship's dog. In 1872, only a cat was found on the empty brigantine "Maria Celeste".

After Bermuda, in the list of terrestrial anomalies, there is the Devil's Sea, which is located in the Pacific Ocean - between Japan, the Philippine Islands and the island of Guam. For a long time, local fishermen have noticed unusual phenomena in the area. The color of the water changed, water domes appeared over the surface of the ocean, and violent storms suddenly appeared.

In 1955, after 9 large ocean vessels disappeared in the Devil's Sea for 5 years, the Japanese authorities equipped the research vessel "Kayo-Maru", which was supposed to deal with the "cursed place", Alas, the expedition ended in failure - "Cayo Maru" exploded in front of numerous eyewitnesses 6 km from the coast. Bermuda and the Sea of the Devil keep their secrets to this day.

In the town of Resof in Syria, among the sands, in the ruins of the ancient city, four empty wells have been preserved. They are called Silver. There has been no water in them for a long time, and no one knows the exact depth of these wells, although it is known that the stone flies to the bottom of the well for about 15 seconds. But if you take a bucket of dirty water and lower it into a well overnight, then by morning this water will become crystal clear. Locals claim that the water from the Silver Wells heals any ailment.

In the northern part of Vilnius there is a town called Bruzale, which is a glade measuring 40 meters by 200. Two “spots” are considered abnormal here, each with a diameter of about 3 meters.

The upland in the Volgograd region, the so-called Blue Mountain, not only attracts thunderclouds and lightning strikes, but also affects the well-being of people and the behavior of animals, and engines passing through there and helicopters sometimes stall.

And there are dozens of such places on Earth.

Is Latvia the largest Earth anomaly?

Some researchers claim that Latvia is the largest anomalous zone on Earth. The version is expressed that in such places of Latvia as Vaidava, Araishi, Pokaine, It is believed that Riga itself is located in the anomalous zone. The center of the capital falls on the zone of a powerful magnetic field, but the greatest magnetic disturbance is felt in the area of Zolitude and Sarkandaugava.

they often have nervous breakdowns, heart diseases. However, it has been established that in areas of strong magnetic anomalies in people, mental activity is activated. Maybe that's why Riga has become the brain center of Latvia.

It is located in an ordinary forest and represents a kind of funnel that sucks out all the forces from the people nearby. This strange site contains huge boulders and 30 hills. For some reason, the foliage on the trees here grows only on one side.

They learned about the Pokain forest in 1996 - after researcher Ivar Viks told Latvian journalists about the local strange meteorological phenomena and the mysterious properties of stones. Shortly thereafter, Weeks died of an unknown illness. There is a legend that the earth's axis once passed through the Pokayne tract.

To get acquainted with another famous Latvian anomaly - the Devil's Lake - you need to go towards Aglona.

It often smells like chlorine here. People have never lived near this picturesque lake with crystal clear water, and it is not recommended to swim in it. The surface of the lake may suddenly change color. A person who has been on the shore of a lake for a long time begins to experience a feeling of inexplicable fear.

In the Daugavpils region, the anomalous zones are Nauienė, Lotsiki, Zalyumi and Vishki. These places have not been explored, and, perhaps, amazing discoveries await us in the future!