Moon - A Secret Alien Base? - Alternative View

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Moon - A Secret Alien Base? - Alternative View
Moon - A Secret Alien Base? - Alternative View

Video: Moon - A Secret Alien Base? - Alternative View

Video: Moon - A Secret Alien Base? - Alternative View
Video: NASA Explorers: Moon Girl 2024, July

In the 60-70s of the last century, mankind made the first successful attempts to conquer the moon. The "Soviet lunar tractor" plowed the surface of our planet's satellite, and American astronauts stained their space boots with moon dust.

And then both the USSR and the USA suddenly lost all interest in the Moon, freezing all their multimillion-dollar programs. They explained that it was, they say, too expensive a pleasure. But what prevented at that time the two superpowers from cooperating and creating a joint lunar project of the Soyuz-Apollo type? Why are programs for the development of distant Mars being developed, which are much more expensive, and the celestial body closest to Earth is still outside the attention of space departments? Who does not let earthlings go to the moon? There are many versions on this score, but there is no clear official explanation.

"Space Opera" "Apollo 11"

On July 20, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin landed on the lunar surface from the Apollo 11 spacecraft. The recording of their talks with the Mission Control Center in Houston was subsequently handed over to reporters by former NASA director Christopher Kraft.

Astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin reported from the moon:

- These are giant contraptions. No, no, no … This is not an optical illusion. There can be no doubt about that!

They asked from Earth:

Promotional video:

“What… what… what?” What the hell is going on there? What happened?

“I say there are other spaceships here. They stand in a straight line on the other side of the crater.

- Can you film something?

- I no longer have tape at hand. Three shots from the "plate", or whatever this thing is called, ruined the film.

- Regain control! Are they in front of you? Is there any UFO noise?

- They've landed here! They are here and they are watching us!

Impressive, isn't it? But in recent years, the question has been increasingly discussed: were there even American astronauts on the moon? Allegedly, their landing is a "space opera" filmed in the pavilions of Hollywood. And NASA began to declare the mysterious "disappearances" of either photographic negatives, or film strips, and then - of the entire reportage, which recorded the first in the history of mankind the exit of people to the moon. But it is possible that the agency itself spread rumors of falsification in order to hide from humanity the truth about what really happens on this celestial body and who are its true owners, who gave the uninvited guests a turn from the gate.

Moon cities

Since ancient times, a lot of documentary evidence has been recorded about unusual phenomena observed near and on the Moon itself. For example, a chronicle dated to 1064 speaks of a very bright star that appeared in the circle of the Moon a few days after it separated from the Sun. On May 3, 1715, observing a solar eclipse in Paris, the astronomer Louville noticed some flares near the western edge of the moon, which "were very short-lived and appeared in one place or another …". It can be assumed that meteors were observed against the background of the Earth's satellite, which burned up in the earth's atmosphere, if the same flares in the same region of the moon were not recorded by Halley, who observed them in the British Isles. In 1866, astronomers saw one of the largest lunar craters suddenly change its appearance. In 1874, the Czech astronomer Shafarik observed the movement of a luminous object along the lunar disk for some time, and then the object of observation flew into space. A year later, astronomer Schroeter saw a luminous object on the moon moving in a straight line from the Sea of Rains to the north, and then a second luminous object appeared in the south. The speed of their movement relative to the surface was 110 kilometers per hour.

Former NASA employee Richard Hoagland made a sensational statement in 2007 that he was able to get hold of photographs taken during flights over the lunar surface of the spacecraft Apollo 10 and Apollo 16. These images show a city under a transparent dome, located in the Sea of Crisis region, on the side of the lunar surface visible from Earth. On them you can distinguish a variety of structures in the form of towers, bridges, spiers and stairs going down to the bottom of the crater. The transparent dome is damaged in some places.

In 1979, American engineers Lester Hughes and Vito Saccheri found very interesting photographs of the lunar surface in the library of NASA's Houston department. The pictures showed a city with various structures, mechanisms and what looked like pipeline systems. There were even pyramids, very similar to the ancient Egyptian ones. In addition to the city, photographs I showed aircraft at launch sites or hovering over the city. The engineers reported everything they saw to the press.

A spaceship named Luna

Who built these cities and when? And what exactly is the moon? There are many versions on this score. One of them claims that the Moon is a raw material base for aliens, where they extract minerals. Moreover, the peak of activity of mysterious phenomena on our satellite comes at the moment of arrival of the next batch of spaceships for the export of raw materials. At the same time, the activation of UFOs on Earth begins. Supporters of this hypothesis believe that this is due to the arrival of new explorers of our planet.

Other researchers suggest that the Moon is a huge research space base for aliens, moreover, of artificial origin. The study of lunar rocks suggests that the Moon is older than the Earth and the entire solar system. At a time when the true age of the Earth is 4.54 billion years, the age of some lunar matter is estimated at 5.3 billion years. The age of the dust covering these rocks turned out to be even more - about 7.3 billion years. Perhaps this gigantic space station, while traveling in outer space, for some reason went out of order and found refuge next to our planet, becoming its satellite. It is possible that she was brought to Earth on purpose in order to control her inhabitants. This is evidenced by the paradoxical accuracy of the orbit, which has an ideal circle shape. The mathematically verified coordinates of the satellite's orbit in relation to the Earth, the strictly defined rotation speed and the correctness of the rotation trajectory itself do not seem to be random. It is thanks to this strange combination of values - the distance from the Earth to the satellite, the location of its orbit and the magnitude of its radius - that a phenomenon called a total solar eclipse can occur, when a small Moon completely covers the huge Sun. Could this be just a coincidence?when the small Moon completely covers the huge Sun. Could this be just a coincidence?when the small Moon completely covers the huge Sun. Could this be just a coincidence?

There is an opinion that 10-11 thousand years ago the Earth did not have its own satellite. If you believe the symbolic images found on the wall in the courtyard of Calasassia, near the city of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, there is a very accurate date of the entry of the Moon into its near-earth orbit. This happened approximately 11,500-13,000 years ago.

It is also possible that all those mechanisms and aircraft that were photographed are automatic machines operating in autonomous mode, and their owners have long since left the station.

In favor of the version of the artificial origin of the moon, its density speaks - 3.34 grams per cubic centimeter (for comparison: the density of our planet is 5.52 grams per cubic centimeter). This leads a number of scientists to the idea that the Moon is hollow inside, which cannot be characteristic of a natural satellite. In 1969, the crew of the Apollo-12 spacecraft threw a module onto the satellite, which, with its impact on the surface of the satellite, provoked a lunar earthquake. The noise could be picked up 40 miles from the impact site. For another hour, the ringing spread throughout the celestial body. The experiment was repeated by the Apollo 13 crew. By increasing the force of the impact, the astronauts witnessed prolonged vibrations of the moon - the effect lasted 3 hours and 20 minutes within a radius of 40 kilometers. After processing the information, the scientists concluded,that the lunar core is either extremely lightweight or absent altogether. It was also established that in the depths of the satellite there is a metal shell 70 kilometers thick. Computer analysis showed that it is composed of iron, nickel, beryllium, tungsten and other substances. This shell could only be formed artificially.

The visible and dark sides of the moon conceal many mysteries. They can be solved only as a result of many years of systematic research. But will the earthlings be allowed to?

Magazine: Secret Archives # 3, Mikhail Yuriev