Where In Crimea To Look For UFO Bases And What Eyewitnesses Tell About Them - Alternative View

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Where In Crimea To Look For UFO Bases And What Eyewitnesses Tell About Them - Alternative View
Where In Crimea To Look For UFO Bases And What Eyewitnesses Tell About Them - Alternative View

Video: Where In Crimea To Look For UFO Bases And What Eyewitnesses Tell About Them - Alternative View

Video: Where In Crimea To Look For UFO Bases And What Eyewitnesses Tell About Them - Alternative View
Video: Woman Witnesses Strange UFO Sighting In British Columbia | Alien Mysteries 2024, September

Crimean ufologists claim that UFOs regularly hover over the peninsula, talk about alien bases in the depths of the Crimean mountain ranges. One can condescendingly grin at their fervor - but what about the hundreds of eyewitness accounts?

The inhabitants of Crimea have long ceased to be surprised and scared when they see extraordinary luminous objects in the sky, strangely moving and hanging in one place for a long time. For some time now, not only unrecognized ufologists, but also more serious scientists have become interested in these phenomena. After a series of observations, there was no choice but to agree: yes, apparently, active activity of alien aliens was recorded in Crimea. Their alleged "bases" were even identified, that is, places where UFOs were most often seen: these are the Ai-Petri, Ayu-Dag, Chatyr-Dag mountains, as well as the Boyka mountain range and Cape Meganom.

Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain)

It is impossible to count how many eyewitnesses tell about the appearance of aliens near the famous Crimean mountain Ayu-Dag. It seems that this place is especially fond of aliens.


In the fall of 1976, the watchman of a ship sent in search of a missing military aircraft, passing by the mountain, saw an incomprehensible object moving towards him on the instrument screens. He went to the bridge and commanded: "Reverse!", Fearing a collision. In the haze hanging over the sea, he saw a disc-shaped flying object about 30 meters in diameter. At a height of 50 meters, the object literally "flew" into the Ayu-Dag mountain, about which the watchman made a corresponding entry in the logbook.

In August 1991, a campfire site for the concert was being prepared in Artek, located at the foot of Ayu-Dag. Suddenly there was a cry: “UFO! Save yourself! An unknown luminous object, a ball hovering over the rocks of Adalara, caused a general panic. The golden ball disappeared and reappeared, and then a second appeared next to it. Bright stars suddenly fell from one ball, and then gathered again into a ball. The air show was watched by enchanted children and adults.

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These and other high-profile cases made ufologists interested in Bear Mountain. Numerous expeditions have tried to find an entrance on the surface of the mountain, leading to the bases of aliens, but to no avail. I had to limit myself to the assumption: either the aliens carefully camouflage their bases from earthlings, or the entrance to them is deep under water and inaccessible to people.

Locals say that a low-frequency hum is often heard from inside the mountain at night, reminiscent of the sound of an industrial facility with many mechanisms. However, there are no factories or plants in this area. Meanwhile, Ayu-Dag has already acquired a bad reputation: they say that it is dangerous to spend the night on the mountain. There were cases: brave tourists, who went there with an overnight stay, suddenly jumped up in inexplicable horror and rushed straight to the cliffs, some were injured, falling from a height, and then they could not really explain what drove them out of a warm sleeping bag onto dangerous paths.

Boyka Mountain

The Boyka mountain range, which is part of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains, is also surrounded by mysterious rumors. Hovering UFOs are often seen here, which seem to be not very hiding. It is known that it was in these places that the NKVD officers tried to find the treasures of the "Golden Cradle" - a well-known treasure that has been hunted for many decades, including by agents of the Nazi occult organization "Ahnenerbe".


Boyka is called the Crimean Shambhala - various anomalous phenomena are often observed here. This mountain belongs to little-studied, it is spoken of as the most energetically powerful place in Crimea.

At an altitude of 1100 meters, you can admire the remains of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (VII century AD), on the ruins of which, according to tourists, sometimes they see the ghost of the White Monk. Strongly curved trunks of trees and bushes growing here also testify to the anomalous zone. Ufologists are convinced: inside the Boyka mountain is empty, there is a large base of aliens.

One of the eyewitnesses in the summer of 2009 said that he saw a cylindrical object approaching the mountain, casting a metallic sheen. Having flown up to the mountain, the object hovered, the surface of the mountain rippled and parted, a cylinder flew into the hole, and the mountain closed, leaving no traces of what had happened.

Cape Meganom

They say that it is here that the entrance to the underworld of Hades is located - that is, to the world of the dead. The ancient Greeks wrote about this, pointing exactly to Meganom. During the Soviet era, local residents saw with their own eyes how a huge flying saucer hovered over Meganom, which was soon shot down by a powerful salvo of air defense missiles. Some of these locals were immediately taken away by the special services, and no one else saw them.

Some managed to avoid this fate, and they still say that they had contact with aliens who were attacked by Soviet air defense services. These contactees later showed, they say, some supernatural abilities, they learned to heal people with the help of simple touch.


Sometimes, near Cape Meganom, light yellow ring-shaped stripes about half a meter wide appear, which after a while brighten and disappear. If people get into these stripes, they feel unwell, weaken. According to scientists, it's all about magnetic anomalies.

All these stories so far remain only rumors, not supported by anything serious, except for dubious photographs. However, keen people do not give up their attempts to get to the mysterious UFO bases located in the Crimea. Indeed, according to the convictions of ufologists, there are many of them here: aliens are fed with energy in the "places of power" that the peninsula is rich in.

