Very Strange UFOs Over Arizona And Over Alaska - Alternative View

Very Strange UFOs Over Arizona And Over Alaska - Alternative View
Very Strange UFOs Over Arizona And Over Alaska - Alternative View

Video: Very Strange UFOs Over Arizona And Over Alaska - Alternative View

Video: Very Strange UFOs Over Arizona And Over Alaska - Alternative View
Video: Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY 2024, July

On March 18, 2019, a very strange object was filmed over the United States (Prescott Valley, Arizona), which did not fit into any known UFO classification and looked rather like a black meteorite frozen in time and space with a black plume:

UFO Sightings Daily, where the video clip was published, and on the forums where this phenomenon was discussed was intensively wondered about this object. However, no one had any interesting ideas on this score, since no one had seen such objects before.

However, today another piece of news reached the media - a video with a similar object, filmed last Tuesday in the sky over the city of Anchorage, Alaska:

We are not talking about a fake, since in the social networks of Alaska there are messages about this object on behalf of local residents, and several of its photos taken from different angles and from different distances. Moreover, even the military stationed in Alaska became interested in the object, who deny any involvement in this phenomenon.

Well, since even people who serve on the radars of the early warning system of a missile attack cannot clearly say what this is, we will not even try to guess about this. Nevertheless, we draw the attention of our readers to the fact that the next UFOs of some new design have appeared in the sky. Most likely, their appearance is associated with some extraordinary events impending on the planet, which, judging by all other signs, are definitely coming.
