Recent Powerful Earthquakes Have "presented" California With A Whole Network Of New Dangerous Faults - Alternative View

Recent Powerful Earthquakes Have "presented" California With A Whole Network Of New Dangerous Faults - Alternative View
Recent Powerful Earthquakes Have "presented" California With A Whole Network Of New Dangerous Faults - Alternative View

Video: Recent Powerful Earthquakes Have "presented" California With A Whole Network Of New Dangerous Faults - Alternative View

Video: Recent Powerful Earthquakes Have
Video: Earthquakes in Southern California: A View from Space - Perspectives on Ocean Science 2024, July

On July 4 and 5, 2019, the US state of California was rocked by two of the most powerful earthquakes in the past 20 years. The first was rated at 6.4 points and its epicenter was 196 km from Los Angeles. The second turned out to be even more powerful and was rated at 7.1 points.

According to Live Science, only now the real consequences of these shocks have become clear, they have "presented" California, which has long been famous for its seismological instability, another new network of faults. Because of this, the seismological situation in the region has become even more dangerous.

Most of all, scientists were scared that two very powerful earthquakes occurred with a difference of only a day. According to their assumptions, the chance of such a thing was only 5 percent, but it did happen.


The previous earthquake in California was 11 times weaker than the last.

Off the coast of California is the junction of the Pacific and North American tectonic plates. This is why California shakes so often.


The most famous local fault is the San Andreas Fault, which stretches for 1300 km, and it is also considered the most dangerous. Coupled with the new faults, this whole place becomes a real powder keg, which can explode at any moment.

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The new fault network occurs at very great depths and at different angles. According to geologists, the first earthquake caused the displacement of rocks along two perpendicular faults at once, which is very unusual.
