Mystical Places Of Russia. Medveditskaya Ridge - Alternative View

Mystical Places Of Russia. Medveditskaya Ridge - Alternative View
Mystical Places Of Russia. Medveditskaya Ridge - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Places Of Russia. Medveditskaya Ridge - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Places Of Russia. Medveditskaya Ridge - Alternative View
Video: INCREDIBLE Strange Places in Russia 2024, July

This mystical place is well known in scientific and ufological circles. It should be noted that this place is no less interesting than the famous M-triangle. There are also many unexplained events happening here that academic scientists and UFO search teams cannot describe.

The zone is a chain of hills located in the Saratov and Volgograd regions. According to the stories of numerous eyewitnesses, UFOs are often found here, and lightning often strikes the same trees, leaving either charred stumps or piles of chips. Also, a lot of ball lightning was recorded here, which flew over the fields and frightened tourists.

Legends have been made about these hills for centuries. So there are legends about strange inhabitants of the forest, underground caves where robbers kept stolen treasures, about tunnels that have no end and springs that appear and disappear and at the same time have a very strong radioactive background.

Expeditions of academic scientists and ufologists have received amazing results in the zone. So among the scientific trophies there are clear pictures of UFOs, the places of landings or contact with the soil of ball lightning have been recorded, and burials of unusually tall and very small people have been discovered not far from the hills.

Also, the researchers found a hole in the ground no more than 10 cm wide and several tens of meters deep. No scientific explanation for the appearance of such a well has been obtained.

Another mystery of this place is the impossibility of carrying out geological work in this area. According to the testimony of geologists, any seismological exploration cannot give clear results. Ufologists claim that at a shallow depth there is something like a screen that hides some technological structures of aliens.

The fact that there really are huge voids underground is evidenced by the fact that during the Soviet era, an interesting case took place here. A large pond filled with water suddenly went underground almost instantly.

These places really keep many historical and archaeological mysteries. Perhaps underground voids in the form of tunnels were dug by people or another more advanced civilization. Foundations of ancient buildings were discovered on the ridge, which are supposed to be the remains of ancient temples. They immediately found a bronze rod, twisted into a spiral, which was varnished from a composition unknown to science.

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Those who often visited the zone talk about lights dancing over the fields, strange clouds, as well as time anomalies. Moreover, cars often sink into the ground in the zone. This clearly proves that there are voids underground. Academic science is restrained in its statements, explaining the anomalies in the zone by geological activity, while ufologists insist on the technogenic origin of the anomalies.