About Parasites Of Consciousness - Alternative View

About Parasites Of Consciousness - Alternative View
About Parasites Of Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: About Parasites Of Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: About Parasites Of Consciousness - Alternative View
Video: Паразиты 2024, June

Very little is known about such strange entities as "parasites of consciousness". K. Castaneda mentioned them in his books, calling them “flyers”. In his opinion, they feed on our awareness and this is what prevents our perception from going beyond the illusory three-dimensional picture of the description of the world imposed on us. This is a significant brake on our evolution of consciousness, keeping us at the level of a semi-animal predator-consumer, concerned about a range of personal interests and momentary benefits in the artificial and mechanical, soulless world of biorobots.

But in many ways we ourselves are to blame for feeding our energy and our awareness of parasitic entities. Often they can be presented as "representatives of alien civilizations" or "messengers of God", etc., in order to establish contact with human consciousness.

Here is what, for example, a resident of Moscow N. Zimin wrote about them in his letter to Soyuzufotsentr in June 1995:

Thus, it is not only possible, but also necessary to fight against the influence of "parasites of consciousness", and also not to allow them to seize control first over your mood and behavior, and then over consciousness. This is quite possible, and even despite the fact that the servants of the parasites diligently unleash a flurry of negative information on us and diligently create all sorts of difficulties and problems in everyday life. But we can quite change our mood with the help of our consciousness. We can control our behavior by "waking up" from the "confusion" imposed on our consciousness. We can more calmly and positively react to the same situations, including negative ones, and transform negative feelings and emotions into positive ones. And that is what makes us "tasteless food" for parasites.

The main thing is to know that all these situations are just another "trick" of the so-called. "Parasites of consciousness" to gain control over us. And many of these situations are created artificially, through the servants controlled by the parasites, most of whom belong to the so-called. "Elites" and those who serve them faithfully. And, as a rule, the higher the status, the higher the control over their consciousness. But even among ordinary people there are those who are completely controlled by the "parasites of consciousness." As a rule, these are very down-to-earth people, whose range of interests is limited to purely material "goods" and "values." Therefore, they do not hesitate to accept all the rules of the "game" imposed on humanity by the world parasitic satanic system. But one can completely get rid of the power of parasites and their servants only by sending away the imposed behavioral attitudes and ideological stereotypes of predators-consumers or religious fanatics that lock our consciousness in a three-dimensional virtual Matrix of the world of biorobots.

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