How Not To Play By The Rules Of Parasites - Alternative View

How Not To Play By The Rules Of Parasites - Alternative View
How Not To Play By The Rules Of Parasites - Alternative View

Video: How Not To Play By The Rules Of Parasites - Alternative View

Video: How Not To Play By The Rules Of Parasites - Alternative View
Video: The Alt-Right Playbook: How to Radicalize a Normie 2024, July

The very way of life of predators-consumers was provided for us by technocratic development, along the path of which the forces led mankind, seizing control over him and power on our planet. However, during the Vedic civilization of the "golden age" everything was different and people lived in harmony with nature. But at first, the parasitic satanic force created, with the help of genetic experiments, ideal slaves, already genetically imprisoned to fulfill the antihuman plan of the complete enslavement of mankind, and then, through these servants of its own, parasitic "values" were introduced into the minds of people, which turned most people into degraded slaves of the "golden calf "And the vicious pyramid of power.

And precisely in order to increase control over people and their dependence on the parasitic system, the servants of darkness tried to tear humanity away from the earth and drive it into megacities, whose inhabitants are no longer able to exist without the system itself and, in fact, are turned into hostages of the circumstances and will of their masters. However, living on earth, a person always possessed freedom from the system and could provide himself a certain level of life on his own. And the lower the level of "civilization", the higher the level of independence and freedom. Therefore, for example, the worldview of a resident of the Far North and Central Russia will differ significantly.

For example, what the Russian traveler and researcher of the culture and shamanic tradition of the peoples of the northeast of Siberia G. Tymnetagin writes in his book "Guardian of the North".:

And, nevertheless, the meaning of all these "games" that the parasites have imposed on most of humanity is quite obvious: the increasing enslavement and enslavement of people at the physical level, the achievement of control over their consciousness on the informational level, and the use of people's energy as "food" for infernal demonic entities that control the world parasitic "elite" - on the subtle energy. That is why humanity is constantly stuffed with information negative: these entities use the energies of fear, pain, hatred, anger, suffering as food, and the global “elite” that controls the world's leading media must regularly “feed” their masters.

For the same reason, wars, conflicts, revolutions, terrorist acts do not subside on our planet, for all these are just modern forms of mass bloody human sacrifices necessary to maintain the power of demonic beings. And as long as humanity continues to play in the "games" of parasites, following the prescribed "rules of the game", this entire world parasitic satanic system will continue to exist. But in fact, the power of parasites is not as strong as it sometimes seems to us and it is kept on the voluntary ignorance of people about what is really happening in our world. And as soon as people start to "send away" the parasitic system and stop following its "rules" prescribed for the mindless slave cattle, then this whole system will invariably crumble.

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