Yoga - A Gift From Space Aliens - Alternative View

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Yoga - A Gift From Space Aliens - Alternative View
Yoga - A Gift From Space Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Yoga - A Gift From Space Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Yoga - A Gift From Space Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Psychic Abilities Everyone Can Unlock 2024, July

Yoga is a fashionable hobby these days. Each fitness center has an instructor for this unique wellness and self-improvement system. But people, performing the exercises prescribed for them, do not think much that they have touched a mysterious teaching, the roots of which are lost in the mists of time.

The oldest in the world

For an inexperienced person, yoga is just asana exercises that are beneficial to health. Beginners diligently take the poses of a warrior and a hero, feeling how muscles and ligaments stretch, without delving into who and why invented these asanas, which have been used for thousands of years. Yes, exactly thousands! Historians claim that yoga appeared in the X century BC, if not earlier …

One of the great and oldest monuments of Indian literature, the Rigveda ("Book of Hymns") treatise is dedicated to this teaching. Images and sculptures taken many centuries ago and found in India have captured people practicing yoga.

Theories are put forward that it appeared in the bowels of the ancient civilization of Arctida, which existed on the mainland, connecting America and Eurasia. After some kind of global catastrophe, the mainland disappeared, and with it a highly developed civilization went into oblivion. But part of the inhabitants of Arctida managed to escape and convey valuable information about yoga to the priests of other civilizations - Hittida, Pacifida, Atlantis, who also disappeared from the face of the Earth after many thousands of years. But during the collapse of these civilizations, people survived who brought the most ancient knowledge of yoga to India.

Shiva is an alien

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The most interesting thing is that, according to ancient Indian legends, the god Shiva himself created yoga and gave it to people. Meanwhile, science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev in his novel "The Faetes" stated: Shiva is an alien, his numerous hands are the manipulators of a spacesuit.

Although "The Faetes" is a fantasy novel, not only its author was convinced that the ancient gods were aliens from other planets.

Thousands of researchers, including the famous ufologists Erich von Daniken and Zacharia Sitchin, are inclined to the same opinion. The latter claims that the aliens, in fact, created a person using genetic engineering.

You can argue about this, or you can turn to the most ancient sources and find evidence of this incredible fact: in ancient times, the heroes of myths, the gods, owned high technologies. So, Shiva moved on a flying chariot. This is what is said about this vehicle in the book of Samarangana Sutradhara, which belongs to the ancient Indian folk epic. “His body must be strong and durable, made of light material, like a large flying bird. Inside should be placed a device with mercury and an iron heating device underneath.

Through the force that lurks in the mercury, which sets in motion a carrying vortex, a person inside this chariot can fly long distances across the sky in the most amazing way … The chariot develops the power of thunder thanks to mercury. And it immediately turns into a pearl in the sky."

There are thousands of such testimonies, and all of them indicate that the ancient gods came down from heaven.

However, back to yoga. If Shiva gave it to us, then he did it for a reason! After all, the ancient gods hid a lot of knowledge from people. For example, in the same treatise of Samarangana Sutradhara there are the following words: "We do not report how to make parts for the 'flying chariot' … in order to keep it a secret. The details of the device … recognized by everyone can serve evil."

But the very teaching of yoga Shiva recklessly presented to humanity, being sure that he serves good. But, unfortunately, this knowledge for a long time belonged to the elect, who decided to hide the great sacrament from the uninitiated. During this time, many secrets of the ancient teachings were lost, but, fortunately, in our time, yoga is again becoming available to everyone, because the code of happiness is encrypted in it.

The joy of harmony

Those who start practicing yoga soon notice with surprise that it benefits not only the body, but also the soul. Classes have a positive effect on the psyche: depression disappears, balance appears, a certain calmness. And even the meaning of existence is revealed. He is in life itself, in getting pleasure from the very process of being. No one will be happy if something hurts him, while yoga is aimed at curing all diseases, so that a person feels physical joy with every cell of his body. Naturally, it is impossible to immediately achieve such a state. Only long and persistent exercises to improve your body bring results.

So, maybe yoga is that ancient message to humanity, in which absolutely all the rules of life for the soul and body are encrypted, the whole program of happiness and harmonious existence of states and peoples? A true yogi is in balance not only with himself, but also with everyone around him, he finds something to his liking, he is happy every minute.

Yoga contains many steps and directions, covering and regulating all spheres of life, not only health, but also love, friendship, crafts, arts, science … It is infinite, like knowledge itself. There is not enough human life to perform and master a huge number of asanas, to learn the whole philosophy of yoga. Or is it enough?

It is believed that real yogis can live for as many years as they measured to themselves. Regular self-improvement activities slow down the aging process or even stop it altogether. There are rumors of sages who have lived in India for millennia. Sounds fantastic, but …

Looking to the East

Here is what the doctor who professes this teaching, Alexander Ochapovsky writes: “What caused such an interest in yoga? First of all, its enormous potential in terms of maintaining excellent health, prevention and treatment of many diseases. Yoga advice on breathing, nutrition, work, rest, exercise and hygiene is in line with the latest recommendations of modern physiology and medicine.

Followers of Hatha Yoga … even in old age have excellent health, excellent physical shape and high working capacity … Yogis claim that they can live as long as they want. 100 years is not uncommon for them."

It all sounds like fantasy. But not for the wise men from the East. Ivan Efremov in his famous novel "The Razor's Blade" wrote: “For thousands of years, the best minds in India have worked to understand man, his soul and body, and have achieved considerable success on this difficult path. Unfortunately, the West did not attach importance to the philosophical discoveries of India. Immersed in the concern for the manufacture of a great variety of things, going through the buildup of technical power to the detriment of human improvement, the Europeans found this research naive.

Our country is also oriented towards the West in its development. Or maybe it is worth paying attention to the East, where divine knowledge has been stored for many thousands of years, helping people to become happy, find balance and the meaning of life? After all, it is possible that this knowledge as a priceless gift was extended to us from the depths of space.