Where Is The Mysterious Land Of Punt, Revered By The Ancient Egyptians - Alternative View

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Where Is The Mysterious Land Of Punt, Revered By The Ancient Egyptians - Alternative View
Where Is The Mysterious Land Of Punt, Revered By The Ancient Egyptians - Alternative View

Video: Where Is The Mysterious Land Of Punt, Revered By The Ancient Egyptians - Alternative View

Video: Where Is The Mysterious Land Of Punt, Revered By The Ancient Egyptians - Alternative View
Video: Mysterious Land of Punt and baboons. History of Ancient Egypt. 2024, July

For centuries, the Land of Punt has been ranked among the myths, but more and more research makes it clear that this is a real place that is still waiting to be found.

Extant paintings and writings of the ancient Egyptians show details in many aspects of life. Wars, creeds and rulers are all recorded. There are documents about trade expeditions, including to the land of Punt. Unfortunately, there are no records of where this is located, and the mysterious country has not yet been discovered.

According to information found by archaeologists, the land of Punt was a great source of wealth, exotic spices and wild animals. The surviving descriptions portray it as a peaceful and prosperous country with huge reserves of valuable goods for trade. The discovery of such a place would be a tremendous achievement for scientists. The only problem is nobody knows where it is.

What are the facts about the land of Punt

Significant evidence of the country of Punt comes from a temple dedicated to a woman, Pharaoh Hatshepsut, who ruled for over 20 years in about 1465 BC. The large relief on the walls of the palace depicts the trade mission of the Queen of Egypt to Punt.


The reign of Hatshepsut was one of the most prosperous in Egyptian history, and the ruler considered her expedition to Punt "the main achievement of the reign." Upon her return, she ordered to build a magnificent temple, similar to the one she saw on the "divine land."

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Hatshepsut's journey to Punt by sea and then overland was most likely from Thebes to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. According to the surviving frescoes and relief images, the people of the country of Punt, unlike the ancient Egyptians, had long hair and little facial hair. They lived in round houses built on stilts, probably to avoid flood damage. Even the names of the rulers are known: King Parahu and Queen Ati. But the Egyptians either forgot to point out specific directions to their palaces, or the records have not yet been found.

Scientists' versions of the location of the mysterious country

The mysterious land of Punt - it was sometimes called the "Land of the Gods" and was spoken of with respect. Archaeologists have found no evidence demonstrating a civilization that equates to a wonderful land. It is believed that she was in the area of the Atbara River (Ethiopia). It was a kingdom south of Nubia, possibly between the Blue Nile and the Red Sea.

There are various hints. For example, the animals that lived in Punta, according to Egyptian paintings, lived mainly in the Red Sea region of the Arabian Peninsula. Some scholars, referring to the region of origin of certain goods, suggest the location of the lands south of Ancient Egypt.

One theory is that the land of Punt is in Palestine. The Bible often refers to King Solomon's interest in exotic animals and plants. There is also a version that the Egyptians called Phenicia so.


Scientist John A. Wilson admits that Somalia is the very “divine land”. In his opinion, Punt could not be in Arabia, because the Egyptians regularly traded with this region, and could not be Nubia, since they knew this country well and did not call it "mysterious." The best contender for Punta after Somalia, Wilson considers the region located in Eritrea.

There is another point of view. On one of the reliefs one can see exotic animals baboons. In 2010, scientists examined wool samples from 3,000-year-old mummified baboons (pharaoh's pets) found in the tombs of the Valley of the Kings.

Ancient hair samples have been compared to those of modern individuals living in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Uganda and Mozambique. The researchers decided that the animals were brought from Eastern Ethiopia and Eritrea. This discovery adds weight to the evidence that Punt was located somewhere in Africa and not on the Arabian Peninsula.

The exact location of the Land of Punt is still disputed by historians, scientists and archaeologists. Perhaps one day they will solve this puzzle.