Facts About Ancient Egypt That Scientists Cannot Explain - Alternative View

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Facts About Ancient Egypt That Scientists Cannot Explain - Alternative View
Facts About Ancient Egypt That Scientists Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Video: Facts About Ancient Egypt That Scientists Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Video: Facts About Ancient Egypt That Scientists Cannot Explain - Alternative View
Video: Things About Ancient Egypt That Still Can't Be Explained 2024, July

Ancient Egypt is a mysterious civilization, all the secrets of which have not been revealed to this day. Yes, science was able to explain a lot, but it is not omnipotent, and some things are still argued about to this day. Perhaps the day will come when humanity will find the answers to all questions, but so far these facts about Ancient Egypt remain unsolved.

Is Tutankhamun a child of incest?

Many people know about this pharaoh, we can say that he is the most famous ruler of Ancient Egypt, even though he died very young.


Unfortunately, there is no mention of the cause of his death in the annals, but scientists put forward several assumptions:

  • In 2013, British scientists released the documentary Tutankhamun: The Mystery of Burnt Mummy. The information was based on X-rays taken in 1968 and modern computed tomography. Extensive chest injuries and a broken leg were found. The researchers concluded that he died from being hit by a chariot.
  • National Geographic claims that the young pharaoh died from a horse hit or a hippopotamus attack (then they were not yet extinct in Egypt).
  • The third version of Professor Albert Zink is the most interesting. He believed that Tutankhamun's parents were siblings. As a result of incest, a child with very poor health was born. He could not stand on his own, and with age, numerous vices began to take their toll.

His Majesty the Sphinx

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Everyone, even those who have never been to Egypt, knows about the existence of the Sphinx. However, the world knew practically nothing about him until 1817. Only thanks to the efforts of the archaeologist Mark Lenner, the world saw this attraction in all its glory. According to reports, the Sphinx was built by Pharaoh Khafr. A block of limestone was used as a material. One hundred slaves worked on the monument for 3-4 years.


For today, this is all information about the Sphinx. There is still no explanation as to what the ancient Egyptians called it, because this is a Greek term that did not yet exist at that time.

Who needs a shoe?

In 2004, archaeologist Angelo Sesana published information about a 2000-year-old find found in Egypt in the journal "Memnonia". It was a jar found between the walls of the Luxor Temple. There were seven pairs of shoes inside. What are these shoes, for what purpose they were placed there and what happened to the owners is still not known. There is only an assumption, which at one time was put forward by Andre Veldmeyer, that these shoes were very expensive and rare. It was a kind of sacrifice to the gods, and those who put such shoes on were probably in leadership positions.

Screaming mummies

Actually, this is not such news - many people know about mummies with open mouths. By the way, they are not really screaming. In ancient times, a special ceremony was held in which mummies were specially opened their mouths before burial, so that it would be easier for souls to eat, drink and breathe in the afterlife.


However, there is still one mummy that did scream in agony. She was discovered in 1886 and named "the unknown man E." There are many theories about how he died, but none of them have been fully confirmed. Someone believes that he was poisoned, and someone assures that he was buried alive. There is an assumption that the screaming mummy was the prince, the son of Ramses III. He wanted to kill his father, so he was mummified alive.

Mysterious disappearance

In addition to Cleopatra, another famous queen, Nefertiti, ruled in Egypt. Together with Pharaoh Akhenaten, they reigned for many years, until one day she disappeared. After 1336 BC. e. there was not a single mention of what could have happened to her. Likewise, no mummy or grave remained.

There is a version that she could change her name when she became a full-fledged pharaoh (after the death of Akhenaten). By the way, she would have to disguise herself as a man in that case. True, these are only assumptions.

Great Pyramid of Giza

She is the pyramid of Cheops, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, which has survived to this day. For some time it seemed that everything was already known about her: every corner was examined and every inscription studied. However, more recently, several more burial chambers have been discovered.


In 2016, researchers discovered two more rooms inside the pyramid, and behind them a corridor goes deep into the dungeon. Drones have been exploring underground passages for years, the information received proves that the pyramid under the ground resembles a real rabbit hole. True, some moves are too small to be of any value. However, among this multitude of tunnels, many more rooms may be hidden than previously thought.

Egyptian El Dorado - Kingdom of Yam

More than 4000 years ago on the territory of Ancient Egypt there was a mysterious kingdom called Yam. It was a very rich and fertile land. The records of the Egyptian treasurer Kharkhuf mention how he traveled to Yam and returned far from empty-handed: “Three hundred donkeys carried grain, incense, ebony, Geken spirits, leopard skins, elephant tusks, baked goods and many other valuable things” … Unfortunately, now there is practically no information about this kingdom, to the extent that it is not even known exactly where it was. If you believe the records of Kharkhuf, then in one direction he had to drive 1,500 km.

Unknown woman

In 1908, British archaeologist Flinders Petrie discovered a royal burial ground that had never been seen before. In addition, even the title of those buried is unknown.

As the National Museum of Scotland (which currently houses the sarcophagi) explained, Petrie's team was excavating on the outskirts of Upper Egypt when they came across two ornate tombs. It is believed that these coffins belong to the XVII and XVIII dynasties, and this is at least 250 years before the reign of Tutankhamun.


One mummy turned out to be a young woman, the other a child, presumably hers. Both mummies were adorned with jewelry made of gold and ivory, which indicates a noble origin. Unfortunately, the inscription, which could have clarified the situation, was badly damaged. All that we managed to decipher was the “great wife of the king”. But why she was buried separately from the royal tomb and together with the child is unknown. History again turns into guesswork and speculation.

Another Stonehenge

The world famous circle of mysterious rocks is not the only one of its kind - Southern Egypt also has one. Nabta Playa is an archaeological site that sits on the site of a dry lake in the Nubian Desert. It is a collection of flat rocks, with taller stones in the center. A group of archaeologists found this amazing find in 1974.


It is much smaller than the real Stonehenge, but it was probably created with the same purpose. However, no one knows for sure. For example, astrophysicist Dr. Thomas Brophy suggests that the circle connects humanity with space. But until all the stones are excavated, and the researchers do not see the full picture of what they are, it will be impossible to say for what purpose this Stonehenge was built.

Light of Dendera

Even by ancient Egyptian standards, this symbol found on the bas-reliefs in an Egyptian temple is meaningless. This is a drawing of a man with a flower stem under his feet. The flower itself rises to the level of the knees, it is open and radiates light. It is not known for certain what this means. There is a suggestion that light is a symbol of hope. Some pseudoscientists believe it to be a giant battery or electric tube. But the ancient Egyptians did not even have an idea of electricity, although this does not prevent humanity from asserting the opposite.

Author: Irina Bukach