Ancient Egyptian Pressure Chamber! - Alternative View

Ancient Egyptian Pressure Chamber! - Alternative View
Ancient Egyptian Pressure Chamber! - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Egyptian Pressure Chamber! - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Egyptian Pressure Chamber! - Alternative View
Video: Magic and Demonology in Ancient Egypt 2024, July

This is a sarcophagus. True, until today, we considered it to be something like a coffin, but is it really so?

A sensational hypothesis was put forward by a group of American archaeologists, Pharaoh Tutankhamun was placed in a pyramid not for burial, the ancient structure was supposed to cure the young king like a pressure chamber (this is a hermetically sealed room in which low or high air pressure is created). Isn't this already possible? What were they trying to cure the young king from and how can the experience of the ancients help modern people?

He died very young; after thousands of years, scientists will establish the cause of his sudden death. Among the most likely: blood poisoning from trauma from a fall from a chariot or malaria. Both diagnoses have been confirmed by numerous studies.

But if the mystery of the death of the most famous Egyptian pharaoh has finally come to an end, then scientists only have to figure out the secrets of his burial, and there are really many questions.

It was after the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun that archaeologists came up with a hypothesis about the use of the pyramids as tombs of kings, but today a number of researchers refute this statement.

The first (topmost) shell of Tutankhamun's mummy
The first (topmost) shell of Tutankhamun's mummy

The first (topmost) shell of Tutankhamun's mummy.

If not a tomb, then what? This question haunted many archaeologists. It was possible to lift the veil of secrecy in 2006. Not far from Giza, at a depth of 40 meters, a group of scientists accidentally stumbled upon an amazing burial. In a cave completely lined with boulders rested 24 sarcophagi, each of them weighed at least 100 tons.

“These 'boxes' are made at the highest level of modern space technologies” - this was the conclusion of the leading engineers who examined the burial. All the sarcophagi were as if cut out with a laser using high-precision optical equipment, the ancient Egyptians simply could not have such a technique. It was this find that prompted the researchers to hypothesize that the ancient Egyptians copied someone's technologies, in other words, they tried to repeat what they saw in some other civilization.

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It is quite possible that the desire to cure Tutankhamun can be explained by copying foreign technologies, the young king was placed in a matryoshka from sarcophagi in the hope of a miracle, but the miracle did not happen, the shells alone were not enough.

Pressure chamber
Pressure chamber

Pressure chamber.

The pyramids also had a special purpose; according to geophysicists, they are capable of converting energy, creating microwaves of a special frequency.

Near the body of Tutankhamun, things were found to explain the origin of which, based on classical science, is also not possible. For example, in the tomb there were metal beads and a dagger made of an alloy of gold with a certain metal. In laboratory conditions, experts established the extraterrestrial origin of the artifacts, the unknown metal was clearly meteorite. How did he get to Pharaoh? Why was it so valuable?

Obviously, the young king believed in the magical properties of that metal, but he took the secret of its origin with him to the grave forever.