Playground Of Dead Children - Alternative View

Playground Of Dead Children - Alternative View
Playground Of Dead Children - Alternative View

Video: Playground Of Dead Children - Alternative View

Video: Playground Of Dead Children - Alternative View

Among a sparse grove of old beech trees near Maple Hill Cemetery in Hill Park Maple in Huntsville, Alabama, is a very small and unsightly playground.

On it is a frame with several swings and a slide with ladders. Officially, this site is called "Drost Park", but the locals, as one call it "Dead Children's Playground").

Maple Hill Cemetery is a historic landmark in itself, it is the state's largest and oldest cemetery, dating back to 1822. The cemetery and the surrounding park are famous for many dark legends, including ghosts, and therefore it is one of the most "ghostly" places in the United States.

As for the playground, although modern equipment was recently installed on it, local children practically do not come here to play (except for teenagers who have read urban legends).

The fact is that with the onset of dusk, something paranormal begins on this site. Here they hear the disembodied voices of children, screams, whispers, cheerful laughter.

Sometimes local residents, who found themselves here at nightfall, even saw indistinct semi-blurred silhouettes and heard the stamping of running children's feet. They also say that along with this you can hear a distant female voice, which seems to be calling her child from the playground. However, this voice comes from the direction of the cemetery.


Most often, paranormal activity occurs here between 10 pm and 3 am.

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Opinions are divided as to what kind of ghost children are playing here. Some researchers are sure that these are ghosts of children who are buried in the cemetery. Others say that cemetery ghosts are generally calm, while active ghosts are ghosts of people who have died a violent death. In the cemetery, ordinary citizens were buried, who more often died of old age or disease.

In this regard, it is remembered that in the 1960s, several children disappeared in these places, whose torn bodies were later found in the park area. Someone killed children with bestial cruelty, but this serial maniac was never caught.


The ghosts of these tortured children have come to play on the playground ever since. It is possible that this version is true, since until the 60s the local playground was not famous for anything paranormal.

According to rumors, this maniac lived in an abandoned mine, and in fact there was some vagrant living there in those years, but no charges were brought against him.