But This Is ZHU ZHU For A Reason - Alternative View

But This Is ZHU ZHU For A Reason - Alternative View
But This Is ZHU ZHU For A Reason - Alternative View

As he said, the greatest poet and philosopher bear Winnie the Pooh is ZHU ZHU for a reason. Let's look at some of the events that have taken place in the world from a slightly different angle. 91 years old, the USSR collapsed, the former social. countries in Europe screeched to the West. The West is euphoric, of course, the victory in the Cold War. Russia is immersed in its own problems - privatization, "the Russians understand" and so on. The former Soviet republics are vying with each other to shout about the "Russian occupation". Well, in general, the fun is in full swing. While one-sixth of the land is immersed in its own problems, the West is tearing apart Yugoslavia, raking up former socialist countries into NATO. camp. And all this time with a smile he watches as the Russian bear is about to die. They have already planned "peacekeeping" operations in Russia. To exclude the hypothetical possibility of restoring the Union, they are strenuously tearing Ukraine apart. In 1999, the “One Vision 2010” plan was adopted. What is this plan? In short:

1- deployment of a strategic aerospace group;

2- deployment of layered missile defense

3- active construction of new submarines, the construction of which was stopped after the collapse of the USSR, mainly - killers of submarines of the "Seawulf" type (sea wolf);

4- modernization of existing SSBNs with the replacement of ballistic missiles with cruise missiles;

5- deployment of high-precision weapons, primarily cruise missiles in the amount of over 100,000 units of sea, air and ground mobile basing;

6- creation (for equipping high-precision weapons) nuclear warheads of ultra-low power of deep penetration to destroy command posts and missile silos;

7- adoption of various types of “non-lethal” weapons, including psychotropic ones;

Promotional video:

8- Deployment of B-2 stealth bombers.

9- the appearance of the NATO armored forces is also actively changing. Heavy tanks are decreasing in number, and the main emphasis is on wheeled lighter vehicles.

Why 2010? Yes, very simply, 2010 is the year when Russia's nuclear missile power had to reach a minimum. And then all these points of the plan are quite clear. Paragraphs 1,4,5,6,8 - the stake is placed on a sudden, massive air-missile strike, mainly by non-nuclear weapons. Point 3 - the hunters destroy the missile boats of Russia that remained by that time. Point 2 - those rare Russian missiles that have time to take off will be intercepted by NATO missile defense. Point 7 is to try to preserve the infrastructure of Russia, which they will then use themselves. Point 9 - when, after all the strikes, the country is paralyzed and the personnel units are destroyed, then only partisan groups or the remnants of regular units can threaten the “peacekeepers”. And to fight them, heavy tanks are not needed, on the contrary, light, highly mobile groups are needed. And voila- Russia is defeated and- “There are only oil towers and a striped flag all around. And the inscription in English - "Ivan you were a fool."

But something went wrong. Russia began to recover from its dive, and began to snap back. It turns out that Russia has an army, and there are enough good weapons. And interests seem to be present. Which Russia also manages to defend. And in the West they began to scratch their heads, but what can be done? If all such wonderful plans go down the drain. And here let's fantasize, I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth. But all the same - And if …….?

NATO breaks into Afghanistan. The NATO contingent has been there since 2001, and the number of terrorist groups is growing by leaps and bounds. Some kind of strange war on terrorism. And during the NATO presence, the acreage of opium crops in Afghanistan increased a hundred times, and the production of heroin - forty times. Where is this wave of drug trafficking headed then? What do you think? Probably it seemed that this is very similar to how England in its time flooded China with opium (who is interested in looking at the Internet-Opium Wars).

American agronomists help Afghan farmers
American agronomists help Afghan farmers

American agronomists help Afghan farmers.

And here are the words of the leader of the "National Congress of Afghanistan" party, Dr. Latif Pedram;

American agronomist in Afghanistan
American agronomist in Afghanistan

American agronomist in Afghanistan.

We put the first tick - Afghanistan, from where drug trafficking rushes under US control, and militants are accumulating, who can be thrown into Central Asia at any moment, into the “soft underbelly” of Russia.

Move on. Iraq was destroyed, where ISIS (a terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation) grows on the ruins. Syria is set on fire, Tunisia and Egypt are destabilized. The prosperous state of Libya is being torn to shreds. What for? Well, what is on the surface is control over resources, the destruction of Russia's allies in the Middle East, maybe even the construction of a gas pipeline from Qatar to Europe, which would kick Gazprom out of the European market. But there is one more layer, which we will dream about further. In the meantime, tick number two, and especially on the fact that the wave of refugees rushed to Europe.

A war of three eights is provoked. They thought that Russia was occupying all of Georgia and then in the eyes of the whole world Russia was an aggressor and occupier. And so, the fact that Russia, having occupied Georgia, would have to pull this "suitcase without a handle." Didn't work out

Maidan is launched in Ukraine, in the hope that Russia will be fully involved in a civil war. But Russia does it its own way. Of course, the West grieved that Crimea had left. But in the end they gave up - he left and left. The rest of the Ukraine remained. No, not in order to turn investments into a showcase of "European peremogy", no, this is what the blocky couch analysts can fantasize about. They need Ukraine for other purposes.

Okay, let's move on to Europe. At first glance in Europe, confusion, protests, the refugees are the very same outrages, and the authorities let them get away with everything. In general, there is no that cozy, law-abiding little world that was recently. Why all this? Now let's fantasize … …..

So the society of Europe after the Second World War was similar to the society of France after the First World War. "Better to be conquered than the horrors of Verdun again." Even NATO strategists admitted that in the event of a war with the Warsaw Pact, Russian tanks would reach the English Channel within two weeks.

The French gendarmes * show fierce resistance * to the Wehrmacht
The French gendarmes * show fierce resistance * to the Wehrmacht

The French gendarmes * show fierce resistance * to the Wehrmacht.

And now the Western strategists realized that the Russian bear changed his mind about dying. What should they do? They understand that today's tolerant democratic Western society is unwilling to fight. And here someone clever decided to pull out of the grave a system that, in its own way, would unite Western society, and a system that had already fought with the Russians. Yes, yes, you are right, Nazism.


Remember when I said tick the refugee box? So, the huge number of refugees is unlimited in Europe, the authorities turn a blind eye to this. The local population quietly begins to hate both the newcomers and the authorities. As a result, the popularity of right-wing parties, including neo-Nazis, is growing. Even in Poland, which constantly screams that it was the first to suffer from the Nazis, torchlight processions are held. In Ukraine, no matter what they say about the "sane" Ukrainians, a Nazi state has already been created. In the Baltics, the SS legionaries have long been considered national heroes, and the entire "civilized" society is silent. And how do you like the recent UN vote on a resolution condemning the glorification of Nazism?

Here, admire who is for, who is against, and who abstained:


121 states voted for this project, 55 countries abstained, and two exceptional countries, as always, see nothing wrong with this glorification.

Is it clear? I think yes.

Now let's summarize. Let's list the facts:

1- the USA accumulates militants in Afghanistan (creating a threat to Russia from the south)

2- The Middle East is blazing, which has brought many disadvantaged and embittered people to the camp of militants. (if we surrendered Syria, where would they be thrown next?)

3- Refugees in Europe. They embarrass the local population and push them towards Nazism. And by the way, most of the refugees are young men, and if they can be put into operation and not really regretted, they will be suitable for "lubrication" for the tracks of Russian tanks.

4- Nationalist-minded society in Ukraine, which sees Russia as a fierce enemy

5- Rise of nationalism in European countries

6- Growth of anti-Russian propaganda in the West

7- The growth of nationalism among young people in Belarus (yes, they are already shouting "Who does not jump …")

8- Shock pace of reconstruction of bridges and roads in Eastern Europe going to the borders of Russia

9- Deployment of US missile defense facilities in Eastern Europe (well, try to figure out what kind of missiles there are. Anti-missiles or strike missiles?)

10- Transfer of rear structures of NATO tank units to Eastern Europe and the Baltic states for rapid deployment.

11- B-52 bombers are practicing strikes against Kaliningrad and Crimea (by the way, this is a carrier of nuclear weapons)

12- US deployed additional bombers to Britain.

Everyone can draw conclusions himself. Just remember that all alliances, coalitions in Europe have always been created AGAINST Russia.