On The General Model Of Man - Alternative View

On The General Model Of Man - Alternative View
On The General Model Of Man - Alternative View

Video: On The General Model Of Man - Alternative View

Video: On The General Model Of Man - Alternative View
Video: Scripture Gems Ep. 29- Come Follow Me: D&C 81-83 2024, July

As much as fanatical dogmatists and retrogrades would like, advanced science does not stand still and new scientific research is invariably followed by scientific discoveries that change our understanding of the world around us under the pressure of more and more new facts, the "critical mass" of which, as a rule, leads to a change scientific paradigm, sweeping aside outdated and erroneous views imposed on humanity in the past.

This is exactly what happened now with the idea of a person, whom dogmatists-materialists for a long time considered only as a physical body, which invariably led to a distortion of universal human values and their substitution with the parasitic “values” of predators-consumers based on the cults of worship of the “golden calf”, physical body and purely material pleasures. What a disastrous state of our planet and mankind itself this has led in the end to, is now perfectly visible, as well as the fallacy of a purely technocratic path of development without the development of the spiritual aspect.


Meanwhile, since the time of the Vedic civilizations of the "golden age" that existed before the global cataclysm, a more complete and harmonious idea of man as a unity of body, soul and spirit has come down to us. And surprisingly, modern advanced science based on real scientific research. And not on blind faith in materialistic dogmas, she again came close to exactly the same view. For example, what you can read about this in the book of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor K. Korotkov entitled "The Energy of Our Thoughts":

As you can see, the modern scientific view of the true nature of man as a trinity of the physical body, soul and spirit is almost completely identical to the esoteric knowledge and ideas of the distant past, which came to us as the legacy of highly developed antediluvian civilizations, the very existence of which parasitic forces tried to erase from the memory of mankind. slipping him a completely falsified version of the story as "official". Recently, however, this whole false version, built on pseudo-historical fantasies and frankly invented myths of several generations of history falsifiers, as well as a false interpretation of a few real historical events, is “bursting at the seams”, more and more revealing its true essence.

And more and more people are beginning to understand that not only our history, but also the reality around us, differs from what is written for us by the servants of parasites in school and university textbooks. Therefore, in order to get to the bottom of the truth in the sea of information lies that surround us, it is necessary to move from blind faith in dubious dogmas and unfounded statements of "authorities" serving the parasitic system, to independent comprehension and analysis of the vast information at our disposal, including information from insiders and independent researchers.

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