7 Most Terrible Places In Ukraine, Which Not All Tourists Dare To Visit - Alternative View

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7 Most Terrible Places In Ukraine, Which Not All Tourists Dare To Visit - Alternative View
7 Most Terrible Places In Ukraine, Which Not All Tourists Dare To Visit - Alternative View

Video: 7 Most Terrible Places In Ukraine, Which Not All Tourists Dare To Visit - Alternative View

Video: 7 Most Terrible Places In Ukraine, Which Not All Tourists Dare To Visit - Alternative View
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Ukraine is one of the largest countries in Europe, which keeps many ancient secrets and mysterious stories. Some locations from the Soviet era, as well as old castles, evoke a sense of real fear, which attracts thrill-seekers. What places in Ukraine local residents avoid visiting, but extreme tourists from all over the world welcomed - further in the review.

1. Chernobyl exclusion zone and the city of Pripyat (Kiev region)

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986 radically changed the lives of millions of Soviet people, as well as the fate of the surrounding villages.

The Chernobyl radiation contamination zone still attracts thrill-seekers. | Photo: novayagazeta.ru
The Chernobyl radiation contamination zone still attracts thrill-seekers. | Photo: novayagazeta.ru

The Chernobyl radiation contamination zone still attracts thrill-seekers. | Photo: novayagazeta.ru

Not long before the disaster, the city of Pripyat was inhabited by 47 thousand people, but now no one lives here. After the accident, people were evacuated, and city blocks fell into desolation, overgrown with trees and collapsed. Many people have seen photos from Pripyat, and this place is deservedly considered the most creepy in Ukraine. Fans of extreme sports independently enter the Exclusion Zone to see the famous amusement park with a Ferris wheel, the Energetik recreation center, the Polesie hotel.

Ferris wheel in Pripyat. | Photo: news.bcm.ru
Ferris wheel in Pripyat. | Photo: news.bcm.ru

Ferris wheel in Pripyat. | Photo: news.bcm.ru

The interior of a crumbling building in Pripyat. | Photo: pravmir.ru
The interior of a crumbling building in Pripyat. | Photo: pravmir.ru

The interior of a crumbling building in Pripyat. | Photo: pravmir.ru

Promotional video:

"Autodrome" attraction in Pripyat. Photo: viaescarlate.com
"Autodrome" attraction in Pripyat. Photo: viaescarlate.com

"Autodrome" attraction in Pripyat. Photo: viaescarlate.com

2. Bugai triangle (Sumy region)

In the vicinity of the village of Malaya Bugayka, Sumy region, there is an anomalous zone, where unusual phenomena have been taking place for many years. Locals, who know this desert area like the back of their hand, get lost moving between villages. A distance of a couple of kilometers can be covered for several hours. In the Bugai Triangle, clocks often stop and instruments stop working, and villagers hear groans and knocks at home.

It is very easy to get lost in the Bugai Triangle. | Photo: ufodos.org.ua
It is very easy to get lost in the Bugai Triangle. | Photo: ufodos.org.ua

It is very easy to get lost in the Bugai Triangle. | Photo: ufodos.org.ua

3. Building of the Town Hall (Lviv)

About 400 years ago, a ghost began to appear in the Lviv City Hall. It arose at midnight and looked like a black coffin flying with terrible screams along the corridors. The guards and residents of nearby houses, hearing terrible sounds, crossed themselves.

The building of the Lviv City Hall. Lozinsky V., 1620. | Photo: photo-lviv.in.ua
The building of the Lviv City Hall. Lozinsky V., 1620. | Photo: photo-lviv.in.ua

The building of the Lviv City Hall. Lozinsky V., 1620. | Photo: photo-lviv.in.ua

One of the shopkeepers (criminal judges) managed to solve the mystery of the phenomenon. It turns out that an innocent man was sentenced to death by the college of shopkeepers. Later, the real criminal was found, but too late: the unfortunate convict had already been executed.

Lviv City Hall. | Photo: arttutorials.livejournal.com
Lviv City Hall. | Photo: arttutorials.livejournal.com

Lviv City Hall. | Photo: arttutorials.livejournal.com

In memory of the next generations, on the cover of the court book, they brought out in large letters "Remember the Trun, which went through the halls of the Town Hall" ("Remember the coffin that walked the stairs and the halls of the Town Hall"). Since then, the judges of Lviv, when they took the book in hand, thought well before sending anyone to death.

4. Vinnytsia psychoneurological hospital (Vinnytsia)

Mental hospitals have been notorious at all times. The image of “yellow houses”, in which people are kept and tortured, has developed in many cities. In Vinnitsa, there is one of these institutions, where patients have long been treated by far from the most humane methods: they put leeches, did bloodletting, tied them with belts and even put them in shackles. In Soviet times, people who were disagreeable to the regime were admitted to the hospital, on whom experiments were often carried out using psychotropic substances - the so-called. punitive medicine.

Psychiatric hospital in Vinnitsa. The Russian Empire. | Photo: humus.livejournal.com
Psychiatric hospital in Vinnitsa. The Russian Empire. | Photo: humus.livejournal.com

Psychiatric hospital in Vinnitsa. The Russian Empire. | Photo: humus.livejournal.com

Vinnytsia psychiatric hospital named after academician Yushchenko today. | Photo: commons.wikimedia.org
Vinnytsia psychiatric hospital named after academician Yushchenko today. | Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Vinnytsia psychiatric hospital named after academician Yushchenko today. | Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

5. Haunted house (Ternopil)

There is a house in the private sector of the Druzhba microdistrict of Ternopil, which local residents bypass the tenth road. The gloomy three-story building of red brick, thickly entwined with grapes, has long been a source of speculation and stories. People say that the house was erected on the site of a cemetery, and during the construction, evil spirits started up in it. When there was no one there, there was a howl and screams, a light shone. The owners left their homes as furniture and objects literally flew around the house. Today, many years later, the building is inhabited again. The woman who settled there, as they say, "knows how to negotiate with the spirits."

Haunted house in Ternopil. | Photo: press-centr.com
Haunted house in Ternopil. | Photo: press-centr.com

Haunted house in Ternopil. | Photo: press-centr.com

Ternopil haunted house. | Photo: press-centr.com
Ternopil haunted house. | Photo: press-centr.com

Ternopil haunted house. | Photo: press-centr.com

6. Green Theater (Kiev)

The abandoned Green Theater has been standing in Askold's Grave Park in Kiev for many years. This place resembles a military bunker with underground tunnels, as it was built on the site of the Kiev fortress from the times of imperial Russia. The area has been considered the communications center of ancient Kiev since the 12th century. Local diggers believe that the tunnels and catacombs are located here at 9 levels deep underground.

Open Green Theater in Kiev. | Photo: drive2.ru
Open Green Theater in Kiev. | Photo: drive2.ru

Open Green Theater in Kiev. | Photo: drive2.ru

Thanks to the metropolitan press, the theater under the sky gained a bad reputation. In Soviet times, there was a cemetery nearby for early deaths of children and suicides, and criminals left the corpses of their victims in the forest.

In the dungeons of the Green Theater. | Photo: alexfoto.com.ua
In the dungeons of the Green Theater. | Photo: alexfoto.com.ua

In the dungeons of the Green Theater. | Photo: alexfoto.com.ua

7. Hitler's headquarters "Werewolf" (Vinnytsia region)

During the Great Patriotic War, a whole fortified complex was built for Adolf Hitler on the territory of Vinnitsa region, which included 81 structures and several bunkers. They were built by 4086 Soviet prisoners of war, who were then shot. The German engineers who were in charge of the construction were also killed: their plane exploded in the air.

Ruins of Hitler's headquarters "Werewolf". | Photo: ru.wikipedia.org
Ruins of Hitler's headquarters "Werewolf". | Photo: ru.wikipedia.org

Ruins of Hitler's headquarters "Werewolf". | Photo: ru.wikipedia.org

The leader of Nazi Germany was here three times to address military strategy issues, and historians are still puzzling over why Adolf Hitler chose this place. Magicians, psychics and astrologers claim that here, eight kilometers from Vinnitsa, is the energy center of Europe, in which the Fuhrer intended to build the Third Reich. And geologists say that due to the peculiarities of the terrain in the Werewolf area, the radiation level in some places exceeded five hundred times.

Remains of Hitler's bunker near Vinnitsa. | Photo: ezoterik-page.com
Remains of Hitler's bunker near Vinnitsa. | Photo: ezoterik-page.com

Remains of Hitler's bunker near Vinnitsa. | Photo: ezoterik-page.com

With the approach of Soviet troops, the Germans blew up the complex, and now it is not possible to find out what was hidden on the lower levels of the reinforced concrete bunkers. Research carried out in the USSR is still in secret archives.