Amazonian Bep-Kororoti - A Guest From Space? - Alternative View

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Amazonian Bep-Kororoti - A Guest From Space? - Alternative View
Amazonian Bep-Kororoti - A Guest From Space? - Alternative View

Video: Amazonian Bep-Kororoti - A Guest From Space? - Alternative View

Video: Amazonian Bep-Kororoti - A Guest From Space? - Alternative View
Video: El Ser Extraterrestre que Vivió Durante Años Con una Tribu indígena (Bep-Kororoti) 2024, July

In the upper reaches of the Amazon, there is a very small tribe of the Kayapo Indians. Strange rituals and ceremonies of this tribe prove that once upon a time mysterious gods from outer space visited these places with deadly weapons in their hands …

Heavenly teacher

In the late 60s - early 70s of the last century, Eric von Daniken, the famous ideologist of the theory of paleocontacts, traveled a lot around the world. He was looking for evidence that representatives of advanced civilizations have visited our planet in ancient times. And I found many of them - not only material, but also oral, preserved in the myths of different peoples.


Daniken also visited South America, where he set off on a long journey along the upper reaches of the Amazon. He was visiting a small tribe of the Kayapo Indians. In this tribe, there is an important holiday dedicated to Bep-Kororoti - the heavenly teacher of the Indians.

The researcher began to find out through his guide the details about Bep-Kororoti and heard amazing things. This is what the Indians told about their god …

… Once in the mountains of Poukato-Ti there was suddenly a terrible roar, and then the mysterious Bep-Kororoti came from there. He was wearing strange clothes that covered him from head to toe. In his hand he held a "cop" - a terrible weapon that strikes with lightning. All the villagers hid in fear in the forest.

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But then the men of the tribe nevertheless gathered their courage and came out of hiding. They tried to protect women and children and drive away the terrible stranger. But their spears and arrows broke, falling into the very strong clothes of the stranger.

Then Bep-Kororoti directed his weapon alternately at wood and stone and destroyed them without a trace. After such a demonstration of strength, the Indians realized that they could not do anything, and put up with a strange stranger. The tribe recognized Bep-Kororoti as their ruler. Moreover, it soon became clear that the new leader is very smart and fair.

Bep-Kororoti taught people to build houses, to heal, showed new ways of hunting, and people began to consider him a god - strong and powerful. He even built a special house - a school where he taught children. Until now, there are such schools in the villages of the tribe - there, adult children teach children all the wisdom of hunting and much more.

Interestingly, according to the myths of the Indians, if the children did not want to go to study, then Bep-Kororothi made them obey - he had the ability to cause paralysis in people and suppress their will. The leader also knew how to kill animals without inflicting wounds on them, but he himself never ate meat, giving all the spoils to the Kayapo.

Flying house

The most beautiful girl of the tribe soon fell in love with Bep-Kororoti, and they got married. They had many boys and one girl, Nio-Pooty. The children of the god differed from the rest of the people in the tribe in intelligence and beauty. They later married and married other Kayapos, and the whole tribe became better than it was.

But one unfortunate day for the tribe, Bep-Kororoti suddenly decided to leave the village. He took his terrible cop weapon, cut a clearing for himself in the forest and went into the mountains. The natives crept behind him and saw how the god sat down in a huge house, a fire immediately lit up, a terrible thunder was heard, and the house rose and flew into the sky.

The consequences of this fire were terrible - all the trees in the area were burnt out by the fire, and all the animals went to other places. The tribe began to starve.

Then Bep-Kororothi's daughter Nio-Poti told her husband that she knew how to find food for the whole village. They went to the mountains, where they were looking for some special tree for a long time. When they found him, the girl climbed into him, and suddenly there was an explosion again, and Nio-Poti flew away with the tree into the sky.

And then the tree suddenly came back, Nio-Poti and Bep-Kororoti came out of it. They brought a basket with delicious food. Then Bep-Kororothi sat down again in a flying tree and disappeared.

Nio-Pouti and her husband returned to the village and brought with them a lot of incredible food. In addition, Nio-Pouty brought many seeds of different plants and told how to plant and care for them. So the Indians got many new plants, including the cassava tubers, which is still the main food in Brazil.

Bast spacesuit

Bep-Kororoti disappeared, but his image remained in the rituals of the Kayapo Indians. When celebrating a holiday dedicated to their heavenly teacher, the Indians make a space alien costume. They rip wide strips of bast from the trees and weave strange clothes out of them. This "suit" is completely closed with no openings for eyes, mouth or nose. This is how, according to the Indians, their heavenly teacher looked like. During the holiday in honor of the heavenly teacher, the Indians put on such costumes, take a stick in their hand, symbolizing the weapon "cop" and begin ritual dances.


When Daniken saw these dances and the strange ritual clothes of the Indians, he was shocked - this suit most of all resembles a spacesuit!

It is possible that a mysterious representative of a developed civilization once visited these places, which left an indelible mark on the life of the Kayapo Indians.

Daniken described this Indian rituals and their strange rituals in his books and showed them in a documentary, after which many people began to become interested in the topic of strange anthropological rituals in many parts of the Earth. And many of them began to find the same strange traces of the gods of the past.

In 1980, the German explorer Wolfgang Siebenhar set off on a trip to Polynesia. He was shocked when he saw at the aborigines a costume woven from straw for ritual dances, which was crowned with a cap, very similar to a helmet. This outfit was very similar to the costume of the god Bep-Kororoti of the Kayapo Indians. Moreover, the Polynesians had the same ritual rod, symbolizing the thunderous weapon of their deity named Maui. Maui knew how to do many interesting and mysterious things, gave people fire and taught them everything that they can.

This similarity in costumes and mythology of peoples living so far from each other may prove that Bep-Kororothi and Maui are one and the same deity who could move across the sky and teach the aborigines what could make their life easier …

Strange disks

Interestingly, while writing this article, I accidentally came across a photograph of a little-explored Wauya tribe living near the Kayapo Indians.

Notice how strange this tribe's costumes are - neatly woven straw discs! None of the researchers of paleocontacts has yet become interested in the question - why the Indians weave such mysterious figures, and what exactly they symbolize …


Natalia Trubinovskaya