Tales In Line To The Fortune Teller - Alternative View

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Tales In Line To The Fortune Teller - Alternative View
Tales In Line To The Fortune Teller - Alternative View

Video: Tales In Line To The Fortune Teller - Alternative View

Video: Tales In Line To The Fortune Teller - Alternative View
Video: The Fortune Teller | World Folk Tales in English | MagicBox Animation 2024, October

Once my sister asked me to take her to a fortune-teller and psychic who is very famous in certain circles. This fortune-teller was known far beyond the borders of our city, and there were even rumors that great officials from neighboring countries visited her. There were many miracles, according to eyewitnesses. It was said that one day she was able to get the hijackers to return an expensive car. In general, after a short persuasion, my sister and I went in search of adventure.

The fortune teller's house was large and well maintained. It cannot be said that it resembled a modern mansion, but rather the house of a strong wealthy peasant. The number of people employed in housework was immediately striking. Two women were busy in the summer kitchen, two more and a man worked in the garden, and there were at least three in the house. There was a real full house on the street. Although the fence had several long benches, they could not accommodate all of them, so the visitors either sat on the grass or waited for the session in their cars with wide open doors.

My sister and I cheated a little, it turned out that our friends were in line. And they kindly confirmed that we borrowed behind them. Fortunately, one person took about ten minutes. Although my sister and I were in the car, we didn't want to sit in the stuffy cabin, and we decided to sit on the grass. So we struck up a conversation with those present. After talking about this and that, our interlocutors moved on to discussing the topic of fortune-tellers and psychics.

As a result, we witnessed several stories.

Got rid of someone else's curse

The first to tell her story was a pleasant woman of about thirty. She said that she and her husband moved to a new apartment, her husband was a sailor and had not been home for months. But after the move, everything changed.

They stopped inviting him on flights, at home a monetary deficit and mutual reproaches began. As a result, scandals began at home, and the family was on the verge of divorce. Once they decided that since the husband was at home, they could make repairs on their own. When they began to tear off the baseboards and the old linoleum, in different parts of the apartment they found pieces of paper with needles wrapped in them and spells for poverty and misery.

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This is the third time they come to this fortuneteller. After the first visit, she helped them a lot, made her husband quickly go on a good flight, the second time she cleaned the apartment, and the third time she had to put up a defense. The woman was sure that the fortune-teller had completely changed their lives.

Retaliation for an insidious friend

The second story of her appearance with this fortune teller was told by a woman of about fifty. Several months ago, she was diagnosed with a serious illness. Always by her side was her faithful friend, with whom they had been friends for almost thirty years. The woman had a wonderful family and successful caring children. A friend's life did not work out, and she believed that this woman had replaced her family.

Once the two of them went to some fortune-teller to somehow help our heroine overcome the disease. During the ritual, the friend became very ill. And so bad that they called an ambulance. That fortuneteller said that it was her friend who was to blame for all her illnesses. Of course, a scandal broke out and the friends stopped communicating, but the disease did not recede. And only after visiting this fortune teller, improvements were outlined, and the second friend, guilty of this curse, was diagnosed with schizophrenia and placed in a madhouse.


The third in our casual company was an older man. He worked as a taxi driver. His son started drinking a few years ago when his wife left him. What the poor parents did not do, but they could not tear their son off the bottle. Once my son had delirium tremens, after a hard binge he did not drink for several days and, naturally, his psyche did not cope.

During an attack, he dreamed of a girl, according to him, she was like an angel. He spoke to her as if she were alive. Accordingly, he immediately went to the hospital. But immediately after being discharged, he got drunk again, or rather drank himself first, and then abruptly quit. It turned out that he deliberately caused an attack of delirium tremens in order to see this girl again. He ended up doing this about four times. His parents brought him to our fortune teller. She said that a demon appears in the image of a girl, which feeds on his life energy. Already after the third session, the guy felt better and for this period the drinking stopped.

Exasperated the sorceress

The fourth was a young couple. Immediately after the wedding, the relatives of the young people began to fall ill, and on both sides. In one year, the families lost five. Moreover, four died after rapidly progressing diseases.

According to the guys, the fortune-teller said that the curse lies on the wedding rings, which the grandmother of the bride gave. It turned out that the grandmother took a dislike to the groom and decided to take him to the grave. And even the fact that the granddaughter would suffer from this did not stop her.

As a result, our fortune-teller performed a ceremony to clean the rings. On this day, my grandmother suffered a stroke. The fortune-teller ordered to come home and put rings under the pillow of the sick grandmother. Three days later, she died in agony and, according to the fortune-tellers, took the curse with her. Now the guys have come to get protection and secure success. By the way, right after the death of the grandmother, the girl was able to get pregnant, although before that there were problems.