The Deceased In Fellow Travelers - Alternative View

The Deceased In Fellow Travelers - Alternative View
The Deceased In Fellow Travelers - Alternative View

Video: The Deceased In Fellow Travelers - Alternative View

Video: The Deceased In Fellow Travelers - Alternative View
Video: Dear Fellow Traveler//Tallstar & Jake PMV (Warriors) 2024, June

This strange incident allegedly happened in Krasnoyarsk in 1993 and is circulating on the Internet like an urban legend and a local horror story. Some are sure that all the below described real incident actually took place.

A KamAZ car was moving along the Yenisei tract. He was approaching the small village of Badalyk. There were no more than three or four kilometers to the city, and the time was approaching midnight. The driver of "KamAZ" Yuri S. suddenly saw a figure on the road. She seemed to have grown out of the ground five meters from the front bumper of the car.

The driver slammed on the brake, but it was too late. Having crushed the figure, the KamAZ with screeching brakes drove along the road for at least ten meters before it stopped. “I just killed a man,” Yuri thought with horror.

He was going to jump out of the cockpit to the ground in order to go and look at the body of the victim. But then a woman appeared next to the car. She was dressed in a dark skirt and a fitted jacket, with her hair down, looking about 40 years old.

Opening the door leading to the cockpit, the stranger asked:

“Please give me a ride to the city cemetery.

Yuri remembered exactly that he did not want to give her a lift, but suddenly lost consciousness. And when he woke up, the woman was already sitting silently next to him in the cockpit. The car drove slowly along the road. For some reason, the motor barely pulled. Yuri recalls that he was drunk in those minutes and was afraid to look at his unexpected passenger. According to him, there was something special, unnatural, eerie in her.

Finally, in a vague foreboding of trouble, the driver turned his head to the right with considerable difficulty. The woman stared at him. She had a huge fresh wound in her forehead, from which blood oozed onto her calm face. Broken brains were visible in the wound.

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Yuri could not move. He felt like he was tied to the back of the driver's seat. A lump stuck in my throat. Our chauffeur drove his car through the night without making out the road. Everything that was happening seemed to him a nightmare, delirium, hallucination.

"KamAZ" suddenly stopped. He did it by himself, without the help of the driver. What happened next, Yuri remembers vaguely. He remembers through the clouds of fog that partially eclipsed his consciousness. Coming out of the cab, the woman with a wound in her forehead briefly said:

- Help me!

With an obedient robot step, Yuri followed her to the body of the dump truck.

“Get it,” the woman ordered, and gestured toward the body.

Yuri obeyed without question. He climbed into the back and found a coffin in it, no one knows how it got there. A minute later, it turned out that the dump truck had stopped on the side of the road next to the cemetery. A woman with a wound on her forehead and Yuri with a coffin on his shoulders went to the freshly dug grave.

The woman silently lay down in the coffin, and the driver, acting like a machine gun, pushed the coffin into the grave. He fell into her sideways, and the female body fell out of him, leaned against the clay wall of the pit. Yuri threw down the coffin lid. The lid fell, hitting the woman. A shovel was lying near the grave. Continuing to act as a machine gun, Yuri took it and somehow threw earth at the grave.

Then the consciousness of the driver of "KamAZ" suddenly cleared up. He looked around in a daze, screamed with fear and rushed from the cemetery to his dump truck with all his might.

Yuri did not make a secret of what happened that night. The story received publicity in Krasnoyarsk and its environs.

A few days later, a large group of people, consumed by curiosity and led by Yuri, arrived at the same cemetery. With the help of the KamAZ driver, the arrivals quickly enough found the grave that interested them.

The cemetery was not very large, and Yuri, when he ran away from it, involuntarily remembered the direction in which he was moving. Now, walking in the opposite direction, he led a group of curious people to a place on the churchyard, where, according to his expectations, there should be a rectangular pit, and in it - a half-turned coffin with a lid open and a woman's body, barely covered with earth. However, there was no hole in that place! There was a grave mound.

The ground on it looked freshly dug. And on a marble slab, lying obliquely on top, shifted to the side, it was written: “Kostenko Tamara Grigorievna. 14.01.1951 - 01.09.1990.

And a photograph of a beautiful fair-haired woman on a slab. Barely glancing at her, Yuri recognized in the photograph a lady with a hole in her forehead, who had involved him in a nightmare night adventure.

It quickly became clear that the husband of the late Igor Igorevich Kostenko is still alive and feels great. Amateur detectives who visited the cemetery tracked him down in the most elementary way - through the information desk of the Krasnoyarsk address bureau.

Igor Igorevich was enraged by their story that someone outraged the grave of his deceased wife - at least he simply dug up the ground on it, moved a marble slab aside. He hurriedly went to the cemetery in order to verify the truth of the message.

And with horror I discovered there something worse than I expected to see: the slab was split in half and thrown into the grave, which was dug up to a depth of half a meter. Therefore, after the visit of a group of curious townspeople, someone else came here and, so to speak, aggravated the situation.

Returning home from the cemetery, Igor Igorevich Kostenko immediately turned to the police. There he, firstly, told about the sacrilegious trick of unknown hooligans in the cemetery. And secondly, he made a passing, extremely temperamental statement.

He said: he, they say, became aware that ugly rumors, based on the story of the driver Yuri S., had spread across Krasnoyarsk. Irresponsible talkers spread vile gossip. They assure everyone that his late wife Tamara Kostenko is a natural witch. He climbs out, they say, from his grave and walks along the roads at night. Throws it under the cars. Forces drivers to drag around cemeteries with coffins on their shoulders … Igor Igorevich called these rumors a delusional and impudent invention and demanded that the police call their distributors to account.