What Do The Dead And The Spirits Want To Tell Us In A Dream? - Alternative View

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What Do The Dead And The Spirits Want To Tell Us In A Dream? - Alternative View
What Do The Dead And The Spirits Want To Tell Us In A Dream? - Alternative View

Video: What Do The Dead And The Spirits Want To Tell Us In A Dream? - Alternative View

Video: What Do The Dead And The Spirits Want To Tell Us In A Dream? - Alternative View
Video: 5 Signs Spirit are wanting to talk to you!!! www.shanegadd.com 2024, July

All human history is filled with testimonies and statements about the meeting with the ghosts of the dead. On this occasion, a huge variety of various questions have always arisen. Why do they come to our world? What do they want to say, or perhaps warn us about something? And does the human soul exist?

Encounters with the dead and ghosts in dreams

You should not immediately get scared or start leafing through various kinds of esoteric literature if in a dream you suddenly dreamed of a person who had died long ago. First, let's try to figure out what is the reason for this phenomenon that the dead are trying to tell us by this act. Also, depending on the peculiarities of sleep, you can try to determine how the soul of a particular person feels in the other world.

So, why do we dream of people with whom we made acquaintance during our lifetime or even were in a family relationship? It should be understood that the relationship with each individual person does not necessarily end immediately after his death. After all, we do not cease to experience some feelings and emotions in relation to the deceased, the process of forgetting stretches for many years, and some memories remain with us for life. The relationship does not end, even after death there is a certain spiritual connection that allows you to feel and imagine painfully familiar features. It is this connection, unfinished business, unfulfilled obligations - all this keeps the soul of the dead in our world, allowing you to postpone the process of final farewell.

So why do they come to us? It is much easier to explain this in relation to women, since they have always been the keepers of the family and home, which means that they had the closest connection with past generations. In this case, the souls of the dead can come to you for a certain energetic recharge, or simply in search of help, for example, providing some information that is very meaningful to them.

Why exactly in a dream? In a normal state, a person is too busy with everyday affairs and worries and not too susceptible to various kinds of mental vibrations. In a dream, all the main thought and life processes slow down, we plunge into a sedentary state, very similar to death, and, accordingly, it becomes much easier for the dead to get in touch and transmit their messages.

Most often, souls come in dreams to their closest relatives, to whom they were strongly attached during life. The most likely contact is in the first few months after death, when the departed person is still attached to his body, home, favorite places and retains his special habits.

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As mentioned above, the dead come mainly to ask us for help. In the first time after death, the soul still experiences some needs, for example, it knows feelings of hunger and thirst, emotions, attachment to certain things and favorite activities. But since the physical body no longer exists, she herself is not able to satisfy all this, and it is you who, perhaps, can help her in this. If in a dream the deceased asks you to feed him, read your favorite book, or warm him, do not be afraid. When waking up, be sure to say this, making it clear that the wish was heard, and do all the necessary actions in order to fulfill it as much as possible. This will allow the soul to calm down and find the long-awaited peace.

How to determine the state of mind of a dead person?

The dead can appear in our dreams in front of us in completely different states and guises, which can tell us a lot with sufficient attention to detail. What should you pay him to in the first place?

First of all, take a closer look at how and what the deceased is wearing, good and tidy clothes indicate a favorable state of mind.

Also determine at what specific age the dreamed person is. Youth and beauty are good signs, while decrepitude and sickly appearance indicate some serious problems.

Try to smell the deceased person. If it is pleasant enough, then this means that the soul is most likely in a pleasant place, while sulfuric fumes and stench clearly mean suffering and pain, and possibly hellish torment.

Note that you can also draw certain conclusions based on what and how the soul talks to you. For example, the dead can quite transparently hint at certain inconveniences and negative feelings experienced.

Your overall emotional state after waking up is very important. If only positive feelings remain, then the dead person is content and feels good enough in the afterlife. In the opposite situation, you should think about how you can alleviate his fate and help him find eternal peace.

What is the right way to help the deceased find peace?

To help the soul of a loved one or someone you know well, you need to follow a few simple guidelines. To begin with, it should be remembered that the most important time that can ensure the departure of the soul to a happy and calm world is the first 40 days after death. During this period, it is necessary to collect as many wishes and blessing words from the closest people as possible.

The food used at the commemoration plays a very important role, it is best to cook from organic products and limit alcohol consumption. You should not be the first to try the main dishes - the right to taste does not belong to you.

In order for the dead to be able to appreciate the meal prepared for him, it is necessary to put a very small amount of food and put it in front of the altar or image along with cutlery. It will not be superfluous to say a memorial prayer, if such prayers exist in your religion …

Everything described above should have clarified some of the points associated with the arrival of the dead in your dreams. If you remember some recommendations for yourself, then they will allow you to better understand the causes and nature of your dreams and the appearance of the souls of dead people in them.
